September 28, 2014
Dear Terry, What a day! First me and Mom took a walk in the morning all around the yard! I found where Mr. Skunk has been spending his nights! Right by the willow tree. I peed on the smell. Mom reminded me that we never want to meet Mr. Skunk because he will make us all smelly like him. Then I helped Mom change the sheets on the bed. What fun! She makes the sheet fly high in the air and it floats down around me. I bark and run around on the bed until I can catch an end and then I roll all up in the bed! Then Mom unrolls me real fast and we start the game again!! Oh and then we went to the park for a walk. There were a bunch of dogs there this time. One was barking at me as soon as I got out of the car. He was really small and full of barks. I barked in his face and he stopped barking at and yapping at me! Then we met a great big brown dog. He likes the water. He barked at me but he was friendly. I told him I don't float so I don't swim. We both barked at that! I saw some toads too. OH and best of all. I found a groundhog hole. Stuck my head right on in and boy was Mr, Groundhog upset about that! All kinds of squeals came out of the hole. It was very exciting! Mom said OOOOOO we had better go Fred! He's mad! So I trotted away with Mom. But I kept looking back. I've never seen a groundhog up close and thought I might be missing something! Mom said maybe we should add Mr. Groundhog to the don't meet list like Mr. Skunk.
Hope you had sheet chasing, skunk smelling, groundhog squeal kindof a day too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

September 27, 2014
Dear Terry, The bestest thing ever happened this week! Dad came home! It was super exciting. I saw him in the car with Mom and I scratched at the window! Then I ran barking to tell Penny Cat, Then I ran all around the house barking and barking until he got in the door and I threw myself down at his feet for tummy rubs!! I jumped back up and ran and ran and ran around a lot. Dad sat down and I was right in his lap. I smelled him all over to make sure he was OK. Dad is back!!! I scared Penny Cat because we didn't see her for hours. I didn't mean to. So I ran around some more looking for her to tell her about Dad. Then I ran back to check on Dad again and again and again. We finally flopped down for a nap! It's so good to have Dad home!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, The bestest thing ever happened this week! Dad came home! It was super exciting. I saw him in the car with Mom and I scratched at the window! Then I ran barking to tell Penny Cat, Then I ran all around the house barking and barking until he got in the door and I threw myself down at his feet for tummy rubs!! I jumped back up and ran and ran and ran around a lot. Dad sat down and I was right in his lap. I smelled him all over to make sure he was OK. Dad is back!!! I scared Penny Cat because we didn't see her for hours. I didn't mean to. So I ran around some more looking for her to tell her about Dad. Then I ran back to check on Dad again and again and again. We finally flopped down for a nap! It's so good to have Dad home!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
September 23, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had lots to do tonight. When Mom got home, I ran to the door because I wanted to go for a walk. It seems like FOREVER since we've gone on a walk. Mom hurried up and did a few things and away we went! It was almost dark so we didn't walk for long. But it was great! THEN we went to run errands. We ran to a couple of different places that Mom had planned out. All of them had drive up windows like the Burger Palace. At one, the nice lady gave me a treat! How great is that! Just for coming to her window I got a treat! We came home to watch some baseball. Penny Cat might be mad at me. I made her all fluffy because I was so excited to be home I barked right in her face. I'm not supposed to make her fluffy. I helped Mom clean too. Oh and we put together dinner for tomorrow too. WHEW! I am so tired! Mom put the baseball game on and we sat down together to watch it. I think I might be ready for a nap!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. Fred is a loon. I thought walks were supposed to tucker him out. No such luck today. That crazy dog ran in the house and right in my face. I yowled at him and bonked him on the nose. He knew he was in trouble because he sat down and looked all sad at Mom. She yelled at him for scaring me. He's watching baseball now. But I'm not coming out until that looney FredDog is sound asleep. Meow Meow... PennyCat
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had lots to do tonight. When Mom got home, I ran to the door because I wanted to go for a walk. It seems like FOREVER since we've gone on a walk. Mom hurried up and did a few things and away we went! It was almost dark so we didn't walk for long. But it was great! THEN we went to run errands. We ran to a couple of different places that Mom had planned out. All of them had drive up windows like the Burger Palace. At one, the nice lady gave me a treat! How great is that! Just for coming to her window I got a treat! We came home to watch some baseball. Penny Cat might be mad at me. I made her all fluffy because I was so excited to be home I barked right in her face. I'm not supposed to make her fluffy. I helped Mom clean too. Oh and we put together dinner for tomorrow too. WHEW! I am so tired! Mom put the baseball game on and we sat down together to watch it. I think I might be ready for a nap!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. Fred is a loon. I thought walks were supposed to tucker him out. No such luck today. That crazy dog ran in the house and right in my face. I yowled at him and bonked him on the nose. He knew he was in trouble because he sat down and looked all sad at Mom. She yelled at him for scaring me. He's watching baseball now. But I'm not coming out until that looney FredDog is sound asleep. Meow Meow... PennyCat
September 20, 2014
Dear Terry, I've been down in the dumps. Still no Dad. I don't know what to do so I chew on my feet and think about Dad. Mom got a phone call tonight and she sounded pretty happy talking. She turned to me and said, It's your DAD! But I didn't believe her. THEN it was MAGIC. I heard DAD!!!! I ran through the house looking for him! He was calling my name but I couldn't find him! I ran back to his voice and it was in the phone! How could that be??? My tail was wagging really really hard. It was so good to hear DAD! I pawed at the phone. I wanted him to be here! I tugged at Mom's arm too but no Dad came out, only his voice. So I flopped down next to Mom and I put my ear to the phone so I could hear every word he said. That made Mom laugh! I listened to everything Dad said. I even woofed back at him! Maybe Mom could make that phone work tomorrow too. Dad sounded pretty tired but I think we had a good talk!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
Dear Terry, I've been down in the dumps. Still no Dad. I don't know what to do so I chew on my feet and think about Dad. Mom got a phone call tonight and she sounded pretty happy talking. She turned to me and said, It's your DAD! But I didn't believe her. THEN it was MAGIC. I heard DAD!!!! I ran through the house looking for him! He was calling my name but I couldn't find him! I ran back to his voice and it was in the phone! How could that be??? My tail was wagging really really hard. It was so good to hear DAD! I pawed at the phone. I wanted him to be here! I tugged at Mom's arm too but no Dad came out, only his voice. So I flopped down next to Mom and I put my ear to the phone so I could hear every word he said. That made Mom laugh! I listened to everything Dad said. I even woofed back at him! Maybe Mom could make that phone work tomorrow too. Dad sounded pretty tired but I think we had a good talk!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
September 19, 2014
Dear Terry, Still no Dad. I don't know where he is. I keep sleeping in his spot on the couch. I know he is going to come home. Mom said so. I still miss him. Penny Cat does too. She told me. I did get to see Grammy today! She and Mom went to see Dad. Mom didn't bring Dad home. When Mom came home, she let me out on the deck. I fell asleep. This business of watching the house when Dad isn't here is hard work! Even Penny Cat said so. While I was asleep I heard a bzzzzzz. I know what that is! the angry bees are back!! I ran inside barking and barking and got Mom right away. She came to see what all the noise was about and I showed her the bees! I went inside like she said to and watched from the door. She killed some of them with spray. She said she will kill them all tonight when they are in the nest. Mom said they aren't really bees but mean and angry yellow jackets. I don't care what they are called, all I know is that I don't want to be stung on the mouth again. Mom said Don't worry Fred, I will make sure they are really gone this time! I think she meant it too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Still no Dad. I don't know where he is. I keep sleeping in his spot on the couch. I know he is going to come home. Mom said so. I still miss him. Penny Cat does too. She told me. I did get to see Grammy today! She and Mom went to see Dad. Mom didn't bring Dad home. When Mom came home, she let me out on the deck. I fell asleep. This business of watching the house when Dad isn't here is hard work! Even Penny Cat said so. While I was asleep I heard a bzzzzzz. I know what that is! the angry bees are back!! I ran inside barking and barking and got Mom right away. She came to see what all the noise was about and I showed her the bees! I went inside like she said to and watched from the door. She killed some of them with spray. She said she will kill them all tonight when they are in the nest. Mom said they aren't really bees but mean and angry yellow jackets. I don't care what they are called, all I know is that I don't want to be stung on the mouth again. Mom said Don't worry Fred, I will make sure they are really gone this time! I think she meant it too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
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I was really pooped out! |
September 16, 2014
Dear Terry, Something is going on here. I don't know what! But something is. Mom is packing stuff. But my special bag isn't out and Penny Cat's special bag isn't out. Mom is only packing Dad's stuff. Dad must be going somewhere. Dad is nervous. I can tell. I'm good at telling stuff. Only I don't know where he could be going. Dad is always here. Always. I know because I keep him company. Mom said he's going away for a few days because he needs to get better. Well, he can get better here if you ask me. No one ever does ask me though, probably because I'm a dog. When he gets back I'll take care of him. Mom made Dad smile because she went to the Cheeseburger Palace like he asked her too! I hope Dad comes back smiling.
Worried, FredDog
Dear Terry, Something is going on here. I don't know what! But something is. Mom is packing stuff. But my special bag isn't out and Penny Cat's special bag isn't out. Mom is only packing Dad's stuff. Dad must be going somewhere. Dad is nervous. I can tell. I'm good at telling stuff. Only I don't know where he could be going. Dad is always here. Always. I know because I keep him company. Mom said he's going away for a few days because he needs to get better. Well, he can get better here if you ask me. No one ever does ask me though, probably because I'm a dog. When he gets back I'll take care of him. Mom made Dad smile because she went to the Cheeseburger Palace like he asked her too! I hope Dad comes back smiling.
Worried, FredDog
September 16, 2014
Dear Terry, OOOO Mom and Dad had a fight! Over a corn cob! Dad gave me the whole corn after he was done eating. What a great treat. All kinds of buttery goodness left over on there. Mom said HEY! No way should he have a corn cob! And it's making a mess all over the place! Dad said let him have it! I agreed with Dad on this one even though we know it's Mom that is always right. I took the corn and ran! Dad found me though and took the corn away. Not before I ate a bunch of corn and butter off of there! YUMMY!
Love and Woofs FredDog!
Dear Terry, OOOO Mom and Dad had a fight! Over a corn cob! Dad gave me the whole corn after he was done eating. What a great treat. All kinds of buttery goodness left over on there. Mom said HEY! No way should he have a corn cob! And it's making a mess all over the place! Dad said let him have it! I agreed with Dad on this one even though we know it's Mom that is always right. I took the corn and ran! Dad found me though and took the corn away. Not before I ate a bunch of corn and butter off of there! YUMMY!
Love and Woofs FredDog!
September 14, 2014
Dear Terry, Whew! I am pooped out! First I had to take care of Dad today. He was sleeping so I had to keep watch over him and I didn't sleep. Then me and Mom took a really long walk in the woods. We saw lots of stuff in the woods and we walked slow so we didn't miss anything at all. And if that wasn't enough excitement, when we got home Dad fired up the Cheeseburger Machine to make Burgers! And if you think the excitement was over with that, think again! Dad made me a Mutt Burger all of my own! It had cheese and everything on it! Mom put it on my snack plate so I could eat at the same time they ate. YUMMY! What a great Day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Whew! I am pooped out! First I had to take care of Dad today. He was sleeping so I had to keep watch over him and I didn't sleep. Then me and Mom took a really long walk in the woods. We saw lots of stuff in the woods and we walked slow so we didn't miss anything at all. And if that wasn't enough excitement, when we got home Dad fired up the Cheeseburger Machine to make Burgers! And if you think the excitement was over with that, think again! Dad made me a Mutt Burger all of my own! It had cheese and everything on it! Mom put it on my snack plate so I could eat at the same time they ate. YUMMY! What a great Day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 13, 2014
Dear Terry, Today, Mom brought home the best gift EVER and it was for ME! All for ME! Know what it was? Nope not a new cat. Not a new collar either. Nope not another dog. Not a Moozle either. It was a smoked bone from the BUTCHER. Mom said she picked it out special for me! You should smell it. All kinds of meaty goodness. It has lots of meat on it. I've never had one before. Mom said there were all kinds of bones there in a big box called "Dog Bones." Bones as big as my head even! There were even whole pigs feet. Mom said those were too gross to touch. Mom got me ribs. She said that they had the most smoked meat on them. She was right! Mom says I have to be careful eating them. I haven't even gotten through all the meat yet. YUMMY. I am real careful when I chew on my chew sticks. Every single bit gets totally chewed up and gummy before I swallow it down. I'm doing the same with my Butcher Bone. Mom says he makes them special for people like Mom who have dogs. Can you imagine? A whole box of bones just for dogs! I cannot describe what a good day this is!
Hope you have a good day too!
Love, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today, Mom brought home the best gift EVER and it was for ME! All for ME! Know what it was? Nope not a new cat. Not a new collar either. Nope not another dog. Not a Moozle either. It was a smoked bone from the BUTCHER. Mom said she picked it out special for me! You should smell it. All kinds of meaty goodness. It has lots of meat on it. I've never had one before. Mom said there were all kinds of bones there in a big box called "Dog Bones." Bones as big as my head even! There were even whole pigs feet. Mom said those were too gross to touch. Mom got me ribs. She said that they had the most smoked meat on them. She was right! Mom says I have to be careful eating them. I haven't even gotten through all the meat yet. YUMMY. I am real careful when I chew on my chew sticks. Every single bit gets totally chewed up and gummy before I swallow it down. I'm doing the same with my Butcher Bone. Mom says he makes them special for people like Mom who have dogs. Can you imagine? A whole box of bones just for dogs! I cannot describe what a good day this is!
Hope you have a good day too!
Love, FredDog
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Me and my Butcher Bone! |
September 11, 2014
Dear Terry, Today didn't start out so good. Me and Mom woke up and went outside and it poured rain and I got all wet. Mom had to wipe me off a little bit when we got back in the house. Penny Cat won't come near me when I'm all wet. But things got a lot better when Pap showed up to take Dad somewhere! I was so excited to see my Pap that I ran and ran and spinned and spinned and barked and barked! Then when they came back Pap came in again! What a great day this was because I got to see Pap twice!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 9, 2014
Dear Terry, Sorry we haven't written. Me and Mom have been busy. We went for a walk the other day. It was almost nighttime when we went to the park and we saw quite a few critters. Me and Mom chased a bunny. I kindof forgot Mom was attached to the leash and I RAN as soon as that bunny flew out under my nose. But he ran into the ground. I dug at the hole and Mom yelled at me to stop. Then we saw a deer so I barked. And I found a toad by the water so I gave him a nudge into the water and he went SPLOOSH! Oh and I helped Mom make sauce. I like sauce. Mom does all the work but I lay at her feet in case maybe some sauce comes my way. Plus Mom talks to me when she cooks. Penny Cat has been very meowy lately. She tells me all kinds of stuff. Stay off my blanket Fred! Don't eat my food Fred! Mom's going to vacuum Fred! I've been keeping her company though. I don't make her all fluffy scared anymore. Mostly. She gave me a kiss the other morning and I was so excited I peed a little. Just a little. Mom cleaned it right up. Tonight Mom made us all a pizza. Pepperoni! What a surprise! I watched it bake right in the oven. It has a window! How cool is THAT? It's not often Mom makes us a Pizza Party. I got pepperoni from Mom and Dad! It's a good night for a party for sure! I'm going to watch baseball with Dad now. He keeps falling asleep but I keep him company anyways.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 4, 2014
Dear Terry, Yesterday me and Dad had some excitement! His sister came Kathy came over! I barked and barked and ran around! Dad was very happy to see her. But then they left and I didn't know what to do. I sat in the window for a long time waiting. Before I knew it Mom came home! But no Dad. Me and Mom walked around outside for awhile. Still no Dad when we got back inside. I sat in the window some more and waited. Mom said he would be home. Mom watched baseball. I waited almost an entire baseball game and then a car pulled in the driveway and it was DAD! I ran and pawed at the door and barked a whole lot! Mom tried to calm me down and finally gave up and we went outside to see Dad get out of the car!! Whew! I thought he would never get home!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday me and Dad had some excitement! His sister came Kathy came over! I barked and barked and ran around! Dad was very happy to see her. But then they left and I didn't know what to do. I sat in the window for a long time waiting. Before I knew it Mom came home! But no Dad. Me and Mom walked around outside for awhile. Still no Dad when we got back inside. I sat in the window some more and waited. Mom said he would be home. Mom watched baseball. I waited almost an entire baseball game and then a car pulled in the driveway and it was DAD! I ran and pawed at the door and barked a whole lot! Mom tried to calm me down and finally gave up and we went outside to see Dad get out of the car!! Whew! I thought he would never get home!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
September 1, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom was really busy today. She did a bunch of cleaning and I helped. We got the stuff out for Fall too. That was fun. We brought up all kinds of stuff from the basement. I helped by watching Penny Cat. She was helping too. Things were going well until Mom brought out that spooky cat cookie jar. It's always looking at me and it's head COMES OFF. I barked and barked at it. Mom laughed and put it away again. WHEW! And you know what else Mom did? She put out Candy Corn in the ghost dish. I like Candy Corn. Mom wasn't looking and I might have snitched some. Mom turned around and said FRED!!! I took off running. When she caught up to me all the corn was gone so I couldn't get in trouble. I had to learn again about leaving the Candy Corn alone. Sure was good though! I bet Dad will give me some later on!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom was really busy today. She did a bunch of cleaning and I helped. We got the stuff out for Fall too. That was fun. We brought up all kinds of stuff from the basement. I helped by watching Penny Cat. She was helping too. Things were going well until Mom brought out that spooky cat cookie jar. It's always looking at me and it's head COMES OFF. I barked and barked at it. Mom laughed and put it away again. WHEW! And you know what else Mom did? She put out Candy Corn in the ghost dish. I like Candy Corn. Mom wasn't looking and I might have snitched some. Mom turned around and said FRED!!! I took off running. When she caught up to me all the corn was gone so I couldn't get in trouble. I had to learn again about leaving the Candy Corn alone. Sure was good though! I bet Dad will give me some later on!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
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