July 29, 2014
Dear Terry, what a great few days! I got to see Grammy yesterday! I talked, she listened. I had a lot to say ! She gave me good pets too. Dad and Gram went somewhere and when Dad came back, I could tell he had been at the Hot Dog Palace without me again. Hmphh. He knows how much I like them. To make it up to me, he gave me a piece of watermelon. Good grief that's good stuff! No seeds because I don't know how to spit. Oh and today me and Mom took another big walk when she got home and we even took a drive around town. When Mom drives I like to put my head on her sholder and she pets me. It's dark almost so Mom says let's watch some baseball! We sit together or with Dad and we have snacks. What a fun night!
Barks and wags, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat starting to like me again. I'm pretty good at not barking at her now. I'm still working on trying not to chase her. Mom says work harder on that Freddie!
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

July 26, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had a scary this morning! Mom let me out on the deck and I heard a humming sound coming from under the glider. I couldn't figure it out. Mom came to see. She pulled the cover out from underneath and all these mad bees came out! I got stung, Mom screamed because one flew up her shirt sleeve and stung her bad. We ran back inside as fast as we could! Dad was really worried. The bees were all crazy and Dad shut the big door. I found the one that was in Mom's shirt. It was on the inside of the window! Mom smashed it silly. Dad made a salve to put on Mom's arm because it hurt her so bad. Mom and Dad made me sit down so Mom could check my face. I kept licking and scratching my mouth. It hurt. Mom thought maybe I ate one and she opened up my mouth to check. I didn't eat one but the corner of my mouth got a little puffy. Mom said the bees were yellow jackets and they are always mad and mean. Mom said she's going to get rid of them tonight so we don't get hurt again. I got a treat to help me feel better and I sat down with Dad until we fell asleep.
Here's hoping you don't ever get stung!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had a scary this morning! Mom let me out on the deck and I heard a humming sound coming from under the glider. I couldn't figure it out. Mom came to see. She pulled the cover out from underneath and all these mad bees came out! I got stung, Mom screamed because one flew up her shirt sleeve and stung her bad. We ran back inside as fast as we could! Dad was really worried. The bees were all crazy and Dad shut the big door. I found the one that was in Mom's shirt. It was on the inside of the window! Mom smashed it silly. Dad made a salve to put on Mom's arm because it hurt her so bad. Mom and Dad made me sit down so Mom could check my face. I kept licking and scratching my mouth. It hurt. Mom thought maybe I ate one and she opened up my mouth to check. I didn't eat one but the corner of my mouth got a little puffy. Mom said the bees were yellow jackets and they are always mad and mean. Mom said she's going to get rid of them tonight so we don't get hurt again. I got a treat to help me feel better and I sat down with Dad until we fell asleep.
Here's hoping you don't ever get stung!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 26, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom's been pretty busy lately so I haven't been able to write to you! Yesterday we had some good excitement here at the house. Dad had to go to the Doctor's office and Auny Krissy came to pick him up! She came in the house and everything. Oh my gosh I couldn't stop barking and barking that's how exciting it was! It wasn't so exciting though when Dad left. Then Mom left. Me and Penny Cat had to be good by ourselves. It seemed like a long time before Dad came back but Aunt Krissy came in again with him! I couldn't take all the fun so I barked and barked some more!! Dad was feeling pretty tired so we took a nap together. Dad naps and I keep watch. That's what I do. What Dad does is SNORE. A Lot. Today looks like a good day for a walk in the park. Mom already said we are going later on this afternoon. Sometimes she surprises me and we pick a different place to go for the walk. Wonder where we might go today!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom's been pretty busy lately so I haven't been able to write to you! Yesterday we had some good excitement here at the house. Dad had to go to the Doctor's office and Auny Krissy came to pick him up! She came in the house and everything. Oh my gosh I couldn't stop barking and barking that's how exciting it was! It wasn't so exciting though when Dad left. Then Mom left. Me and Penny Cat had to be good by ourselves. It seemed like a long time before Dad came back but Aunt Krissy came in again with him! I couldn't take all the fun so I barked and barked some more!! Dad was feeling pretty tired so we took a nap together. Dad naps and I keep watch. That's what I do. What Dad does is SNORE. A Lot. Today looks like a good day for a walk in the park. Mom already said we are going later on this afternoon. Sometimes she surprises me and we pick a different place to go for the walk. Wonder where we might go today!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 22, 2014
Dear Terry, This morning, I got to play outside on the deck before Mom went to work. All kindsof stuff goes on in the morning out there. I help Mom water all the plants. It was hot, so I went back inside with Dad. Me and Dad took a big nap today. But when Mom got home, I wanted to go for a walk. Mom said we had to wait a bit until it wasn't so hot. We went when it was almost dark. We were down by the water looking for frogs and toads. This little girl and boy came running over to us! They were very excited about something. OOOO they had a tadpole in a jar that they had caught and were telling me and Mom all about it. They caught it all by themselves right in the water! I barked to let them know it was a good catch! Their Mom was laughing too because she was so happy they had caught it. What a great time. I didn't know what a tadpole was but they let me see in the jar. It's almost a frog and almost a fish! I have never seen one before so this was really big excitement at the park!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, This morning, I got to play outside on the deck before Mom went to work. All kindsof stuff goes on in the morning out there. I help Mom water all the plants. It was hot, so I went back inside with Dad. Me and Dad took a big nap today. But when Mom got home, I wanted to go for a walk. Mom said we had to wait a bit until it wasn't so hot. We went when it was almost dark. We were down by the water looking for frogs and toads. This little girl and boy came running over to us! They were very excited about something. OOOO they had a tadpole in a jar that they had caught and were telling me and Mom all about it. They caught it all by themselves right in the water! I barked to let them know it was a good catch! Their Mom was laughing too because she was so happy they had caught it. What a great time. I didn't know what a tadpole was but they let me see in the jar. It's almost a frog and almost a fish! I have never seen one before so this was really big excitement at the park!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
July 19, 2014
Dear Terry, Oh my Gosh! Mom went out this morning and you won't believe who she brought back! She brought back Santa!! I didn't know what to do! She brought him right into the house! He's almost as tall as Mom! Oh my gosh SANTA! Mom said she found him in the store and thought maybe I should meet him. The only things I could think of were all the bad things I might have done so far this year! He doesn't say much. He only speaks when Mom is around. But he said, FRED NO CHASING PENNY. How did he know??? I barked a whole lot and ran around in a circle and barked at him some more!! I was trying to tell him I only chase her because she runs! That's not too bad right??? I ran downstairs to find Penny to tell her to hurry up and come see Santa. She said, Does he know I chase cats??? Oh my GOSH!! I ran back upstairs right to Santa and barked at him some more. Mom and Dad kept laughing. Mom took Santa to the basement. I bet he is going to check out the best place to come into the house at Christmastime!
Still trying to be Good,
Barks and Wags,
Dear Terry, Oh my Gosh! Mom went out this morning and you won't believe who she brought back! She brought back Santa!! I didn't know what to do! She brought him right into the house! He's almost as tall as Mom! Oh my gosh SANTA! Mom said she found him in the store and thought maybe I should meet him. The only things I could think of were all the bad things I might have done so far this year! He doesn't say much. He only speaks when Mom is around. But he said, FRED NO CHASING PENNY. How did he know??? I barked a whole lot and ran around in a circle and barked at him some more!! I was trying to tell him I only chase her because she runs! That's not too bad right??? I ran downstairs to find Penny to tell her to hurry up and come see Santa. She said, Does he know I chase cats??? Oh my GOSH!! I ran back upstairs right to Santa and barked at him some more. Mom and Dad kept laughing. Mom took Santa to the basement. I bet he is going to check out the best place to come into the house at Christmastime!
Still trying to be Good,
Barks and Wags,
July 19, 2014
Dear Terry, Today is all rainy so me and Mom didn't go for our morning walk. Rainy days can be fun days! Today, I am planning on helping Penny Cat be my friend. I've been working hard at that. I now go down the steps slowly instead of really fast so I don't scare her. I almost walk slow when I try and find her. And I have almost stopped barking in her face. That only happens because I get so excited to see her! Yesterday was great because she kept trying to come and see me upstairs. She would run up the steps and stay for a minute or two, then run back down the steps. Penny did stay up a long time the one time. I sat really quiet on the back of the sofa and she almost came in the same room as me!! It was very exciting. I didn't bark at her. Mom says I'm getting closer to being her friend. OH! almost forgot! Mom entered my picture in a contest. If she wins I get a peanut butter sandwich all of my own! We wont know for awhile if she wins or not. I sure hope I get my sandwich! Maybe Mom could put a banana on it for me like Dad does when he makes me an Elvis Sandwich. Better go! I hear Penny Cat meow meowing!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Today is all rainy so me and Mom didn't go for our morning walk. Rainy days can be fun days! Today, I am planning on helping Penny Cat be my friend. I've been working hard at that. I now go down the steps slowly instead of really fast so I don't scare her. I almost walk slow when I try and find her. And I have almost stopped barking in her face. That only happens because I get so excited to see her! Yesterday was great because she kept trying to come and see me upstairs. She would run up the steps and stay for a minute or two, then run back down the steps. Penny did stay up a long time the one time. I sat really quiet on the back of the sofa and she almost came in the same room as me!! It was very exciting. I didn't bark at her. Mom says I'm getting closer to being her friend. OH! almost forgot! Mom entered my picture in a contest. If she wins I get a peanut butter sandwich all of my own! We wont know for awhile if she wins or not. I sure hope I get my sandwich! Maybe Mom could put a banana on it for me like Dad does when he makes me an Elvis Sandwich. Better go! I hear Penny Cat meow meowing!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
July 15, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess what I did! Mom got home and we went for a walk around the yard. I found a big pile of deer poop and rolled in it!! Mom wasn't paying attention so to me she wasn't saying No Fred....Well, after I did it she said OH FREDDDDDD. It was too much fun!! Then I rolled around in the clover. Most of the poop comes off that way. Mom called me Stink Butt. I think it is her way of complimenting me on a good poop roll! WOOF! Hope you had a roll in poop kindof a day too! What fun!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. Fred is nuts. Now he is nuts and smelly. I hope Mom gives him a Bath. I still hide from him. I have found that if I hide up high above his head, he is busy for hours trying to find me lower to the ground. I sit and watch him. I'm not coming out until he stops eating my food, drinking my water and laying on MY blanket. HUMPH. Stinky Dog.
Meow Meow, Penny Cat
Dear Terry, Guess what I did! Mom got home and we went for a walk around the yard. I found a big pile of deer poop and rolled in it!! Mom wasn't paying attention so to me she wasn't saying No Fred....Well, after I did it she said OH FREDDDDDD. It was too much fun!! Then I rolled around in the clover. Most of the poop comes off that way. Mom called me Stink Butt. I think it is her way of complimenting me on a good poop roll! WOOF! Hope you had a roll in poop kindof a day too! What fun!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. Fred is nuts. Now he is nuts and smelly. I hope Mom gives him a Bath. I still hide from him. I have found that if I hide up high above his head, he is busy for hours trying to find me lower to the ground. I sit and watch him. I'm not coming out until he stops eating my food, drinking my water and laying on MY blanket. HUMPH. Stinky Dog.
Meow Meow, Penny Cat
July 11, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess What! Me and Mom AND Dad went to the park tonight. What fun! Dad sat swinging on the swings. I don't swing on them. But it was fun to watch Dad. Then me and Mom went walking, but not too far because I don't usually let Dad out of my sight when we go places. Me and Mom walked through all the big ferns and trees by the ponds. We could hear the frogs. Lots of those! We kept on walking for awhile BUT then I stopped I couldn't see or hear Dad!!! I turned around in a panic. How could I let that happen?? I put my nose in the air. SNIFF SNIFF. Where was DAD?! What if something was wrong! Then Mom made me hold still and look at her for a minute until I could think again. And she put the leash down quietly and said WHERE'S your DAD??? and I took off running!! I knew how to find him! I used my nose! I have a good nose you know. I smelled and smelled as I ran and I found him!! He was by the ferns!! It was very good to find Dad. I got big pets from him and Mom finally caught up and gave me big pets too! Mom said she was real proud of me being able to find Dad in the woods.
Oh and then this man came with a machine in his hands and he stopped to talk to me and Mom and Dad. Guess what he did? He used the machine to blow all the green stuff off the ponds!! It was really loud but I stayed right by Dad's leg in case he was scared. Green foam was blowing all around in the pond. We walked back to the car after all that excitement!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess What! Me and Mom AND Dad went to the park tonight. What fun! Dad sat swinging on the swings. I don't swing on them. But it was fun to watch Dad. Then me and Mom went walking, but not too far because I don't usually let Dad out of my sight when we go places. Me and Mom walked through all the big ferns and trees by the ponds. We could hear the frogs. Lots of those! We kept on walking for awhile BUT then I stopped I couldn't see or hear Dad!!! I turned around in a panic. How could I let that happen?? I put my nose in the air. SNIFF SNIFF. Where was DAD?! What if something was wrong! Then Mom made me hold still and look at her for a minute until I could think again. And she put the leash down quietly and said WHERE'S your DAD??? and I took off running!! I knew how to find him! I used my nose! I have a good nose you know. I smelled and smelled as I ran and I found him!! He was by the ferns!! It was very good to find Dad. I got big pets from him and Mom finally caught up and gave me big pets too! Mom said she was real proud of me being able to find Dad in the woods.
Oh and then this man came with a machine in his hands and he stopped to talk to me and Mom and Dad. Guess what he did? He used the machine to blow all the green stuff off the ponds!! It was really loud but I stayed right by Dad's leg in case he was scared. Green foam was blowing all around in the pond. We walked back to the car after all that excitement!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
July 10, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom headed to the park when she got home. Boy did we have some fun! We walked all around and through the trees and the woods. We saw a purple bird and it flew right up over my head! I must have scared it by accident. Oh and I made some fun of my own. Mom thinks I'm weird. But it's fun to play the Bathroom Game! I heard someone in the outdoor bathroom. Just so happens we were walking by and I slowed down. Mom said DON'T. I didn't listen. She tried to tug me to go another way. DON'T FRED. I didn't budge. She said DON'T. Mom knew what I was going to do. FREDDIE NO. As soon as that lady opened the door i WOO WOO'D as loud as I could! Oh that lady jumped at least 10 feet straight up!! The bathroom game is the best game ever!! Everyone always jumps and looks so surprsied! Even when I'm not close. This time I was kindof behind the bathroom so I really surprised her! My tail was wagging so hard Mom thought it would fly off and I was dancing all around on the end of the leash. Mom was laughing like I knew she would and she did try and say Sorry to the lady. I don't think that lady found it as funny as we did! The best bathrooms are the cement ones. You can stick your head in there and bark and it echoes! I do that for fun even when no one is in there.
Love and Woofs! FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom headed to the park when she got home. Boy did we have some fun! We walked all around and through the trees and the woods. We saw a purple bird and it flew right up over my head! I must have scared it by accident. Oh and I made some fun of my own. Mom thinks I'm weird. But it's fun to play the Bathroom Game! I heard someone in the outdoor bathroom. Just so happens we were walking by and I slowed down. Mom said DON'T. I didn't listen. She tried to tug me to go another way. DON'T FRED. I didn't budge. She said DON'T. Mom knew what I was going to do. FREDDIE NO. As soon as that lady opened the door i WOO WOO'D as loud as I could! Oh that lady jumped at least 10 feet straight up!! The bathroom game is the best game ever!! Everyone always jumps and looks so surprsied! Even when I'm not close. This time I was kindof behind the bathroom so I really surprised her! My tail was wagging so hard Mom thought it would fly off and I was dancing all around on the end of the leash. Mom was laughing like I knew she would and she did try and say Sorry to the lady. I don't think that lady found it as funny as we did! The best bathrooms are the cement ones. You can stick your head in there and bark and it echoes! I do that for fun even when no one is in there.
Love and Woofs! FredDog
July 9, 2014
Dear Terry, Today started off kindof boring. But this afternoon things got much more exciting. Dad took out the vacuum. I tried to remember all the things Juneau Cat warned me about. It's the Dog Eliminator, it will eat me alive and spit me out as a clump of fur. He even told me once that I would get sucked in, never to be seen again. It was all too much!! I started barking and barking at Dad. He wouldn't stop, I wouldn't stop barking. Then I ran all through the house. I stopped to see Penny Cat and she told me Dad had the Dog Eliminator out because I was a bad dog for chasing her. Oh my gosh!!! I took off running and landed on the couch face first! Mom said WHAT on earth are you doing??? She sat with me for a minute, I couldn't stop barking and was all out of breath trying to tell her everything. Mom understood though and she grabbed the leash and we went outside until Dad was done. WHEW! Thank goodness Mom was there this time!!
REALLY trying to be good now,
Love FredDog
Dear Terry, Today started off kindof boring. But this afternoon things got much more exciting. Dad took out the vacuum. I tried to remember all the things Juneau Cat warned me about. It's the Dog Eliminator, it will eat me alive and spit me out as a clump of fur. He even told me once that I would get sucked in, never to be seen again. It was all too much!! I started barking and barking at Dad. He wouldn't stop, I wouldn't stop barking. Then I ran all through the house. I stopped to see Penny Cat and she told me Dad had the Dog Eliminator out because I was a bad dog for chasing her. Oh my gosh!!! I took off running and landed on the couch face first! Mom said WHAT on earth are you doing??? She sat with me for a minute, I couldn't stop barking and was all out of breath trying to tell her everything. Mom understood though and she grabbed the leash and we went outside until Dad was done. WHEW! Thank goodness Mom was there this time!!
REALLY trying to be good now,
Love FredDog
July 7, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom got up and went to the Nature Park today. What a great time! We saw lots of birdies and butterflies. Tons of bull frogs there! Good breeze going with lots of smells. And what did Mom do to me??? She said HEY! Looks like the water pump might be working Fred! We went over to see and Mom made the handle go and all of a sudden WATER EVERYWHERE! I started barking and Mom started laughing. We got all wet!! It really came out fast! It felt good though since it's hot outside! Mom was busy taking pictures as we walked. She even took one of me! That's me on the bridge. I was looking at all the toads on the spillway. Hope you have a great day like me!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Me and Mom got up and went to the Nature Park today. What a great time! We saw lots of birdies and butterflies. Tons of bull frogs there! Good breeze going with lots of smells. And what did Mom do to me??? She said HEY! Looks like the water pump might be working Fred! We went over to see and Mom made the handle go and all of a sudden WATER EVERYWHERE! I started barking and Mom started laughing. We got all wet!! It really came out fast! It felt good though since it's hot outside! Mom was busy taking pictures as we walked. She even took one of me! That's me on the bridge. I was looking at all the toads on the spillway. Hope you have a great day like me!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
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Frog Watching! |
July 6, 2014
Dear Terry, What a scary few days it's been! Just aweful. All the scary fireworks going off in the neighborhood. They scare me silly. Mom and Dad tried to help but sometimes I was too scared to even set foot out the door to do my business. I didn't have any accidents though. Mom watched the fireworks on TV without the sound because that scared me too. I had my special shirt on for days it seemed. Even Penny Cat was scared because the noise was so loud and scary. Mom tried to put cotton in my ears to help but I kindof freaked out so she took it out. I'm so glad the holiday is over. It really wasn't fun at all.
I have still been trying to play with Penny Cat. If I sit still long enough she pokes her head out. And then I mess up and go trotting over to see her right away. I bark hello but then she runs and hides from me. And I sit some more and wait. I just know one day she will come over to me on her own. I wish I could sit still forever so that she wouldn't get scared. But I have problems sitting still for very long. I keep trying though. I won't give up on her being my pal!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, What a scary few days it's been! Just aweful. All the scary fireworks going off in the neighborhood. They scare me silly. Mom and Dad tried to help but sometimes I was too scared to even set foot out the door to do my business. I didn't have any accidents though. Mom watched the fireworks on TV without the sound because that scared me too. I had my special shirt on for days it seemed. Even Penny Cat was scared because the noise was so loud and scary. Mom tried to put cotton in my ears to help but I kindof freaked out so she took it out. I'm so glad the holiday is over. It really wasn't fun at all.
I have still been trying to play with Penny Cat. If I sit still long enough she pokes her head out. And then I mess up and go trotting over to see her right away. I bark hello but then she runs and hides from me. And I sit some more and wait. I just know one day she will come over to me on her own. I wish I could sit still forever so that she wouldn't get scared. But I have problems sitting still for very long. I keep trying though. I won't give up on her being my pal!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 3, 2014
Dear Terry, We had a really big scary a few days ago. Dad fell really bad on the steps in the basement again. It was so loud and he was so hurt. I ran to Mom right away. Mom was already on her way to him. And Mom had to take him to the ER, which is like a fancy Vet, you know. He has a big lump on his head. But he came home! He didn't have to stay there. Mom says he was really lucky. Dad's still really sore and he isn't moving so fast. He must have gotten his feet mixed up again. Sometimes that happens. I'm so glad he came home. I've been helping him too. When he is having a hard time standing up, I give his hand a nudge to keep him trying. If he gets wobbly, I nudge his hand then too, so he has to stop to see what I want. When he lays down, I lick the bump on his head to make it go away. I'm not having much luck with that part yet but I keep trying. When he goes to sleep I lay right by his face and stare at him. I have to watch to make sure he is OK. And that way, as soon as he wakes up he knows I'm there to help some more! Oh! And I helped him make some snacks today. I like ham and cheese. Mom says I'm doing a good job too because Dad starting to feel better already!
Penny Cat is still avoiding me. But I have been trying hard to be as good as I can. One day she is not going to hide from me and I won't do things that scare her silly. Mom says she hopes that day comes soon!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, We had a really big scary a few days ago. Dad fell really bad on the steps in the basement again. It was so loud and he was so hurt. I ran to Mom right away. Mom was already on her way to him. And Mom had to take him to the ER, which is like a fancy Vet, you know. He has a big lump on his head. But he came home! He didn't have to stay there. Mom says he was really lucky. Dad's still really sore and he isn't moving so fast. He must have gotten his feet mixed up again. Sometimes that happens. I'm so glad he came home. I've been helping him too. When he is having a hard time standing up, I give his hand a nudge to keep him trying. If he gets wobbly, I nudge his hand then too, so he has to stop to see what I want. When he lays down, I lick the bump on his head to make it go away. I'm not having much luck with that part yet but I keep trying. When he goes to sleep I lay right by his face and stare at him. I have to watch to make sure he is OK. And that way, as soon as he wakes up he knows I'm there to help some more! Oh! And I helped him make some snacks today. I like ham and cheese. Mom says I'm doing a good job too because Dad starting to feel better already!
Penny Cat is still avoiding me. But I have been trying hard to be as good as I can. One day she is not going to hide from me and I won't do things that scare her silly. Mom says she hopes that day comes soon!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
July 1, 2014
Dear Terry, We had quite the excitement here last night! I helped Mom put dishes in the Leftover Machine. I'm not supposed to lick anything going in there. I don't always listen to that rule. Anyway! then we went outside to walk around the yard before bedtime. When we got back in I heard a Fizzy sound! What was that! Penny doesn't Fiz. She Meows. I ran to the kitchen. BUBBLES!! EVERYWHERE!! Oh my Gosh it was too exciting! A big pile of 'em! And more was coming out of the Leftover Machine!! Mom turned it off real quick, opened up the door and even MORE bubbles came out!!!! This was too much fun!! I didn't know it doubled as a Bubble Machine! Mom did something on the front then started it back up again and MORE bubbles!! I started to bark but Mom went SHHHHHHH Don't tell your Dad!!! We had a ton of fun cleaning up all the bubbles the second time. Mom even scooped them out of the inside for me! Mom had to do that 3 or 4 times until all the bubbles went away. Mom finally did tell Dad but only because there was a pretty wet spot on the floor from all the bubbles! Dad just looked at Mom and said, So you used the wrong soap????? Mom was awfully tired last night....
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, We had quite the excitement here last night! I helped Mom put dishes in the Leftover Machine. I'm not supposed to lick anything going in there. I don't always listen to that rule. Anyway! then we went outside to walk around the yard before bedtime. When we got back in I heard a Fizzy sound! What was that! Penny doesn't Fiz. She Meows. I ran to the kitchen. BUBBLES!! EVERYWHERE!! Oh my Gosh it was too exciting! A big pile of 'em! And more was coming out of the Leftover Machine!! Mom turned it off real quick, opened up the door and even MORE bubbles came out!!!! This was too much fun!! I didn't know it doubled as a Bubble Machine! Mom did something on the front then started it back up again and MORE bubbles!! I started to bark but Mom went SHHHHHHH Don't tell your Dad!!! We had a ton of fun cleaning up all the bubbles the second time. Mom even scooped them out of the inside for me! Mom had to do that 3 or 4 times until all the bubbles went away. Mom finally did tell Dad but only because there was a pretty wet spot on the floor from all the bubbles! Dad just looked at Mom and said, So you used the wrong soap????? Mom was awfully tired last night....
Love and Woofs, FredDog
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