June 29, 2014
Dear Terry, I got in some trouble this afternoon. BIG trouble. Mom was really mad at me. Penny Cat was in the basement window watching birdies. I know because I was sitting on the floor watching her. Mom came down to see Penny and she came out to see Mom. That's where things went wrong. I was so excited I started barking and chased her and she got scared. We knocked a few things over. Mom yelled ENOUGH! Oh boy was I in trouble! I slid to a stop and sat down. Penny went into hiding. Mom made me go upstairs. She wouldn't even talk to me or look at me. I put my head down and tried to follow her around hoping she would talk to me. It was awful. Mom always talks to me. I finally laid down at her feet and whined so maybe she would at last say something. She sighed. Then she gave me a pet! Whew! I thought she would never stop being mad at me. I'm going to try really hard not to chase Penny Cat. I don't want to be in the Dog House again!!
Trying to be a good dog, FredDog.
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

June 28, 2014
Dear Terry, Sad news. Juneau Cat isn't coming back, he was just too sick. Mom said he was your friend too. I've never seen Mom and Dad so sad before. I tried my best to cheer them up. I think they miss him a whole lot. He was old as dirt and knew all kinds of stuff. Mom, Dad and him were the best of friends. They had an idea though. Mom calls it Operation Good Dog. I didn't know what that was at first. Mom says that it means no more gate, that me and Penny Cat can be full time friends now. But for that to happen I have to be GOOD. Like better than better. Gooder than good. GOOD. Penny keeps hiding from me though. Mom says maybe that's because I'm not being good enough. I'm not allowed to chase her or bark like a wild dog. I have to be calm so she doesn't get scared. I think it is working. She keeps peeking out at me and then I lose her! She's pretty smart at outsmarting me. She must like me because she lets me eat all the leftover food in her bowl and drink her water. Mom says that has to stop. Sigh. This being GOOD is hard! I can tell Penny misses Juneau Cat because she keeps checking his bed and the sofa. Mom said that it is up to me to help her not be sad and be her friend. So I will be GOOD!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. I don't know WHAT Mom and Dad are thinking letting FredDog loose in the house. All I want is my friend Juneau Cat to come back. Instead, FredDog is running amok everywhere now. He eats all my food, drinks my water. Mom said she will fix that so he can't do it anymore. He sat on my blanket!! I wish he would calm down a bit so I can tell him we can be friends but there are some RULES he has to learn. Like I'm first in this house. But he is kindof fun to be around. And I like to tell him stuff. Maybe this isn't so bad after all. I miss Juneau.
Meow Meow, Penny Cat
Dear Terry, Sad news. Juneau Cat isn't coming back, he was just too sick. Mom said he was your friend too. I've never seen Mom and Dad so sad before. I tried my best to cheer them up. I think they miss him a whole lot. He was old as dirt and knew all kinds of stuff. Mom, Dad and him were the best of friends. They had an idea though. Mom calls it Operation Good Dog. I didn't know what that was at first. Mom says that it means no more gate, that me and Penny Cat can be full time friends now. But for that to happen I have to be GOOD. Like better than better. Gooder than good. GOOD. Penny keeps hiding from me though. Mom says maybe that's because I'm not being good enough. I'm not allowed to chase her or bark like a wild dog. I have to be calm so she doesn't get scared. I think it is working. She keeps peeking out at me and then I lose her! She's pretty smart at outsmarting me. She must like me because she lets me eat all the leftover food in her bowl and drink her water. Mom says that has to stop. Sigh. This being GOOD is hard! I can tell Penny misses Juneau Cat because she keeps checking his bed and the sofa. Mom said that it is up to me to help her not be sad and be her friend. So I will be GOOD!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. I don't know WHAT Mom and Dad are thinking letting FredDog loose in the house. All I want is my friend Juneau Cat to come back. Instead, FredDog is running amok everywhere now. He eats all my food, drinks my water. Mom said she will fix that so he can't do it anymore. He sat on my blanket!! I wish he would calm down a bit so I can tell him we can be friends but there are some RULES he has to learn. Like I'm first in this house. But he is kindof fun to be around. And I like to tell him stuff. Maybe this isn't so bad after all. I miss Juneau.
Meow Meow, Penny Cat
June 26, 2014
Dear Terry, I bet you have been wondering what Mom has been up to! SCRATCHING that's what!! Like she has fleas or something. Mom says it is poison ivy. Arms and Legs and Hands! She puts stinky stuff on it every day. Dad says the calamine lotion is her new perfume. All I know is that it smells weird. Even Juneau Cat wrinkles his nose at the smell. Last year I pooped in poison ivy and Mom didn't clean up my poop that time. So Mom is smelly and itchy!! But we still go for walks. Mom keeps an eye out for poison. I keep an eye out for critters!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
June 24, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom's been pretty busy still. She was real worried about Juneau Cat again and he had to go to the VET. But he came back! He's kindof walking slow and trips but he came back! It was so good to see him. I thought for sure he was going to go to his forever home in the sky. One time me and Mom watched All Dogs go to Heaven. It was almost as good as watching Snow Dogs! Today after Mom made sure Juneau Cat was ok, me and Mom and Dad went for a walk in the park. Dad was going to read. But when we got there, he said LET'S WALK! So we walked all over the place in the park! No frogs. Plenty of birds though! We even went into the little cottage and Dad signed his name for us. And guess what!? Dad walked 1/2 a mile!! He sure did! His feet must be feeling good! It's the longest he has walked in a long time. Afterwards Mom took us to the Burger Palace for breakfast sandwiches. I accidentally drooled all over Dad. Ooops. I like bacon and sausage. A Lot.
Love FredDog!
Dear Terry, Mom's been pretty busy still. She was real worried about Juneau Cat again and he had to go to the VET. But he came back! He's kindof walking slow and trips but he came back! It was so good to see him. I thought for sure he was going to go to his forever home in the sky. One time me and Mom watched All Dogs go to Heaven. It was almost as good as watching Snow Dogs! Today after Mom made sure Juneau Cat was ok, me and Mom and Dad went for a walk in the park. Dad was going to read. But when we got there, he said LET'S WALK! So we walked all over the place in the park! No frogs. Plenty of birds though! We even went into the little cottage and Dad signed his name for us. And guess what!? Dad walked 1/2 a mile!! He sure did! His feet must be feeling good! It's the longest he has walked in a long time. Afterwards Mom took us to the Burger Palace for breakfast sandwiches. I accidentally drooled all over Dad. Ooops. I like bacon and sausage. A Lot.
Love FredDog!
June 21, 2014
Dear Terry, I had the best afternoon! Me and Mom went shopping and for a walk! First we went into town so Mom could put gas in the car. I sat real good in the car while she did that. I didn't even slobber on the window. Then we went for a walk in the Nature Park. What a great place. We started jogging up the big hill. I stopped dead. Something was behind us making all kinds of noise. It was a TURKEY. How did we run past him?? He must have been hiding pretty good for me not to smell or see him! He sounded mad too. THEN he started coming towards us and I started barking but he didn't stop. He should have listened to me. I gave him a warning. I lowered my head and all my fur stood up and I showed him all my teeth and growled and snarled at him and charged him until I hit the end of the leash. He backed off real quick then! After all that excitement we did a loop of the park then came back down off the hill and went to see if there were any frogs at the pond. I wasn't even scared of all the people fishing. I was brave enough to scare off a turkey I can go to the pond with fishermen! Me and Mom picked a place next to this lady fishing. She was real nice but I kept an eye on that pole. After the park, we went to the Tractor Supply Store. It has to be the best store ever! We walked through all the aisles. I like the horse aisles. All kinds of good smells there. The cashier ladies love me. One had treats and I did some of my tricks like sit and shake paws and spin and then I waved Bye-Byes and everyone cheered!! Boy did I get the treats after that one! Mom bought me a pig ear that I picked out and she got a root beer. It was the best afternoon!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, I had the best afternoon! Me and Mom went shopping and for a walk! First we went into town so Mom could put gas in the car. I sat real good in the car while she did that. I didn't even slobber on the window. Then we went for a walk in the Nature Park. What a great place. We started jogging up the big hill. I stopped dead. Something was behind us making all kinds of noise. It was a TURKEY. How did we run past him?? He must have been hiding pretty good for me not to smell or see him! He sounded mad too. THEN he started coming towards us and I started barking but he didn't stop. He should have listened to me. I gave him a warning. I lowered my head and all my fur stood up and I showed him all my teeth and growled and snarled at him and charged him until I hit the end of the leash. He backed off real quick then! After all that excitement we did a loop of the park then came back down off the hill and went to see if there were any frogs at the pond. I wasn't even scared of all the people fishing. I was brave enough to scare off a turkey I can go to the pond with fishermen! Me and Mom picked a place next to this lady fishing. She was real nice but I kept an eye on that pole. After the park, we went to the Tractor Supply Store. It has to be the best store ever! We walked through all the aisles. I like the horse aisles. All kinds of good smells there. The cashier ladies love me. One had treats and I did some of my tricks like sit and shake paws and spin and then I waved Bye-Byes and everyone cheered!! Boy did I get the treats after that one! Mom bought me a pig ear that I picked out and she got a root beer. It was the best afternoon!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
June 19, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom's been busy lately so I haven't been able to get her to write for me. She's been working early and late! Don't worry, Dad takes care of me and the cats though. I was by myself yesterday for the big storms. I didn't pee or poop or throw up or dig any holes in the carpet. But when Mom came home I was so excited to see her I shoved her so hard she almost fell over. I didn't mean for that to happen. She dropped all her stuff too. She sat right down on the floor with me and gave me a big hug and I knew everything was going to be OK. When Dad came home from Pap's it was a big relief! Everything was right in the house again. I ran and told Penny Cat. She gave me lots of Meow Meows. Now I'm going to help Dad pack Mom's lunch. I always get some ham and cheese for helping!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Mom's been busy lately so I haven't been able to get her to write for me. She's been working early and late! Don't worry, Dad takes care of me and the cats though. I was by myself yesterday for the big storms. I didn't pee or poop or throw up or dig any holes in the carpet. But when Mom came home I was so excited to see her I shoved her so hard she almost fell over. I didn't mean for that to happen. She dropped all her stuff too. She sat right down on the floor with me and gave me a big hug and I knew everything was going to be OK. When Dad came home from Pap's it was a big relief! Everything was right in the house again. I ran and told Penny Cat. She gave me lots of Meow Meows. Now I'm going to help Dad pack Mom's lunch. I always get some ham and cheese for helping!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
June 15, 2014
Dear Terry, What a day! Me and Mom and Dad went for a car ride today. And guess where we went!? We went to Pap's House! You know why? Because it was Father's Dad! I said a quick hello to Gram and went looking for Pap as soon as we got to their house. He was in my favorite room of all. The Sun Room. Lots of windows that come almost all the way to the ground so I can see out and see all the squirrels running around. Pap gave me big pets and slapped me on the side. He pretended to shoot his finger at me but I'm onto that trick! So I barked at him! I got to sit on the couch with him and Dad. Dad and Pap fell asleep at the same time. They even went to the basement but I stayed at the top of the steps and barked at all of them down there. When we got home me and Dad were POOPED OUT. We took a big nap. Dad is still pretty pooped. But I helped Mom on the deck some before laying back down. Whew!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, What a day! Me and Mom and Dad went for a car ride today. And guess where we went!? We went to Pap's House! You know why? Because it was Father's Dad! I said a quick hello to Gram and went looking for Pap as soon as we got to their house. He was in my favorite room of all. The Sun Room. Lots of windows that come almost all the way to the ground so I can see out and see all the squirrels running around. Pap gave me big pets and slapped me on the side. He pretended to shoot his finger at me but I'm onto that trick! So I barked at him! I got to sit on the couch with him and Dad. Dad and Pap fell asleep at the same time. They even went to the basement but I stayed at the top of the steps and barked at all of them down there. When we got home me and Dad were POOPED OUT. We took a big nap. Dad is still pretty pooped. But I helped Mom on the deck some before laying back down. Whew!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
June 12, 2014
Dear Terry, Have you heard the storms?? I don't like them so much. Yesterday Dad came up with a great idea though. He ordered PIZZA! He said Fred, nothing cures being scared more than PIZZA! YAY!! I love pizza parties! This time Dad got sausage on the pizza instead of our usual pepperoni. How great is that! We both burped a lot. That's ok, Mom wasn't home to hear.
Juneau Cat is doing much better. I bet Mom is making the diabetes go away. He was feeling so good he came up to the gate and hissed right in my face. I am still hoping when he gets better he won't be so mean to me. At least he seems to be much happier. Mom gives him smooshie food twice a day. You know why it's called smooshie food? Because you SMOOSH it on the plate then eat it! Only I don't get to smoosh it, I get to lick the cat food spoon, Juneau Cat and Penny Cat get the plates with the smooshie food. They never seem to leave any on the plates for me. But I get pizza and they don't! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Have you heard the storms?? I don't like them so much. Yesterday Dad came up with a great idea though. He ordered PIZZA! He said Fred, nothing cures being scared more than PIZZA! YAY!! I love pizza parties! This time Dad got sausage on the pizza instead of our usual pepperoni. How great is that! We both burped a lot. That's ok, Mom wasn't home to hear.
Juneau Cat is doing much better. I bet Mom is making the diabetes go away. He was feeling so good he came up to the gate and hissed right in my face. I am still hoping when he gets better he won't be so mean to me. At least he seems to be much happier. Mom gives him smooshie food twice a day. You know why it's called smooshie food? Because you SMOOSH it on the plate then eat it! Only I don't get to smoosh it, I get to lick the cat food spoon, Juneau Cat and Penny Cat get the plates with the smooshie food. They never seem to leave any on the plates for me. But I get pizza and they don't! Woof!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 10, 2014
Dear Terry, Today got even more exciting! I was out on the deck with Mom and we heard quite a ruckus in the woods across the creek and I could hear Jimmy, the neighbor dog, barking and barking. he had gotten lose again! I think he was barking at the rabbit family. He was making all kinds of noise and then his head would pop up and we could see him. I barked so he would know I was there. Mom ran in the house to get a leash and some treats. Jimmy likes treats. He came up on the deck once to visit. Pretty soon though we heard JIMMMYYYY and he took off for home. Mom gave me the treats instead! How great was that!
Mom and Dad had Juneau Cat to the vet yesterday. Mom said he hasn't been feeling good lately. Turns out he has diabetes. I don't know what that is. But I was thinking, if he got better he wouldn't be so mean to me. He could maybe be nice like Penny Cat and give me kisses and some head butts. I don't know though, he is old as dirt and maybe doesn't want to change. Mom says he is 17 years old. I'm not allowed to be near him because I knock him over and kindof hurt him once. I hope he gets better. Things wouldn't be the same without me getting a good hiss in the face!! And who would warn me about the dangers of the vacuum!??
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today got even more exciting! I was out on the deck with Mom and we heard quite a ruckus in the woods across the creek and I could hear Jimmy, the neighbor dog, barking and barking. he had gotten lose again! I think he was barking at the rabbit family. He was making all kinds of noise and then his head would pop up and we could see him. I barked so he would know I was there. Mom ran in the house to get a leash and some treats. Jimmy likes treats. He came up on the deck once to visit. Pretty soon though we heard JIMMMYYYY and he took off for home. Mom gave me the treats instead! How great was that!
Mom and Dad had Juneau Cat to the vet yesterday. Mom said he hasn't been feeling good lately. Turns out he has diabetes. I don't know what that is. But I was thinking, if he got better he wouldn't be so mean to me. He could maybe be nice like Penny Cat and give me kisses and some head butts. I don't know though, he is old as dirt and maybe doesn't want to change. Mom says he is 17 years old. I'm not allowed to be near him because I knock him over and kindof hurt him once. I hope he gets better. Things wouldn't be the same without me getting a good hiss in the face!! And who would warn me about the dangers of the vacuum!??
Love and Woofs, FredDog
June 10, 2014
Dear Terry, What a day already! I woke Mom early, even though she worked late. I couldn't help it ! So much going on in the yard! The dog walkers were going by, the rabbit family was close to the house and there was a deer in the backyard!!! I kept barking until Mom woke up to see it all! We went outside but everyone had gone. That's OK because I got to see everyone from my window in the bedroom. Mom keeps a trunk there so I can stand on it to see out. I'm short you know. And she keeps the drapes tied back so I don't accidentally pull them down trying to see out. That's happened before and Mom isn't happy when that happens! Dad laughs but Mom doesn't. Woof!! Hope the rest of the day is this great!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, What a day already! I woke Mom early, even though she worked late. I couldn't help it ! So much going on in the yard! The dog walkers were going by, the rabbit family was close to the house and there was a deer in the backyard!!! I kept barking until Mom woke up to see it all! We went outside but everyone had gone. That's OK because I got to see everyone from my window in the bedroom. Mom keeps a trunk there so I can stand on it to see out. I'm short you know. And she keeps the drapes tied back so I don't accidentally pull them down trying to see out. That's happened before and Mom isn't happy when that happens! Dad laughs but Mom doesn't. Woof!! Hope the rest of the day is this great!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
June 7, 2014
Dear Terry, Last night we had a big scary! Mom came home and she wanted to watch a movie. I like Movie Nights. We eat popcorn and all sit together on the couch. Mom said the movie was called House on Haunted Hill. It was in black and white. I like those kind. Dad was getting stuff ready in the kitchen and Mom got the movie going. She said it was a scary movie. We got into our spots on the couch and OH MY GOSH. Some lady SCREEAMMMMMMEEEEDDDD. I barked and growled, Mom jumped up, the remote went flying and Dad ran into the room thinking it was Mom. Mom couldn't stop laughing. It was the start of the movie!!! and the sound was really loud!!! Dad yelled I thought it was YOU!!! Mom kept laughing and turned the sound down. After all that, the movie wasn't so scary!
This morning me and Dad went out on the deck to do some stuff. But first we sat in the sun together and before you know it we fell asleep! We slept for a long time. What a good time! Me and Mom are going for a walk later on today. I hope I get to see the park ladies again!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Last night we had a big scary! Mom came home and she wanted to watch a movie. I like Movie Nights. We eat popcorn and all sit together on the couch. Mom said the movie was called House on Haunted Hill. It was in black and white. I like those kind. Dad was getting stuff ready in the kitchen and Mom got the movie going. She said it was a scary movie. We got into our spots on the couch and OH MY GOSH. Some lady SCREEAMMMMMMEEEEDDDD. I barked and growled, Mom jumped up, the remote went flying and Dad ran into the room thinking it was Mom. Mom couldn't stop laughing. It was the start of the movie!!! and the sound was really loud!!! Dad yelled I thought it was YOU!!! Mom kept laughing and turned the sound down. After all that, the movie wasn't so scary!
This morning me and Dad went out on the deck to do some stuff. But first we sat in the sun together and before you know it we fell asleep! We slept for a long time. What a good time! Me and Mom are going for a walk later on today. I hope I get to see the park ladies again!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
June 4, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom went to the Nature Park this morning! AND we saw the Park Ladies! They gave me lots of pets and told me how great I was! They took my picture again. Mom talked to them about the birdies in the park that we see all over the place. Then we went walking all around the trails. We went on one trail got muddy, I jumped the mud and stayed pretty clean. Mom jumped the mud and didn't stay so clean. Mom needs to jump better. And we walked around the ponds but no frogs today. But what a great time! Dad gave me some ham when we got home. YUMMY!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom went to the Nature Park this morning! AND we saw the Park Ladies! They gave me lots of pets and told me how great I was! They took my picture again. Mom talked to them about the birdies in the park that we see all over the place. Then we went walking all around the trails. We went on one trail got muddy, I jumped the mud and stayed pretty clean. Mom jumped the mud and didn't stay so clean. Mom needs to jump better. And we walked around the ponds but no frogs today. But what a great time! Dad gave me some ham when we got home. YUMMY!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
June 3, 2014
Dear Terry, I thought today was going to be a bust. It was raining this morning. Mom said don't worry it will go away and it did! We went for a walk this morning in the park. We like the park. We saw geese and blue birds. The blue birds were sitting on their blue bird boxes singing away. No one was on the trails. We walked up the big hill again and walked all around the top of the hill. We had to go slow coming down though because of all the mud. Mom picked some ticks off of me too. I don't like ticks. When we got home Dad gave me ham and some cheese! I don't think this day could get any better! I'm going to go lay out on the deck now since the sun is out! A good place for a nap.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, I thought today was going to be a bust. It was raining this morning. Mom said don't worry it will go away and it did! We went for a walk this morning in the park. We like the park. We saw geese and blue birds. The blue birds were sitting on their blue bird boxes singing away. No one was on the trails. We walked up the big hill again and walked all around the top of the hill. We had to go slow coming down though because of all the mud. Mom picked some ticks off of me too. I don't like ticks. When we got home Dad gave me ham and some cheese! I don't think this day could get any better! I'm going to go lay out on the deck now since the sun is out! A good place for a nap.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
June 2, 2014
Dear Terry, Yesterday was jammed pack with stuff for me to do! I helped Mom on the deck plant more plants. She even let me dig a little dirt. Just a little. We played let's find Dad outside again!! That is too much fun! We walked all through the yard to pick up sticks. I saw more toads and frogs by the creek. I was outside all day long. I fell asleep in the sunshine. Mom gave me a puppy pop to cool off and a big bucket of ice water on the deck. Lots of fire trucks went by all at once. Usually I bark at them. This time I put my nose to the sky and howled and howled. The people across the street said WHAT is that??? It's me silly! Mom said it sounded like the call of the wild so I must have gotten the howl down just right! WOOO WOOO WOOOOOOOOOOO.
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Yesterday was jammed pack with stuff for me to do! I helped Mom on the deck plant more plants. She even let me dig a little dirt. Just a little. We played let's find Dad outside again!! That is too much fun! We walked all through the yard to pick up sticks. I saw more toads and frogs by the creek. I was outside all day long. I fell asleep in the sunshine. Mom gave me a puppy pop to cool off and a big bucket of ice water on the deck. Lots of fire trucks went by all at once. Usually I bark at them. This time I put my nose to the sky and howled and howled. The people across the street said WHAT is that??? It's me silly! Mom said it sounded like the call of the wild so I must have gotten the howl down just right! WOOO WOOO WOOOOOOOOOOO.
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
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