May 31, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had such a fun day today! First I was a good helper dog. I helped water plants, check the yard, helped clean the kitchen. Then Dad went outside to do stuff and me and Mom played Find Dad outside! Me and Mom ran to the garage but no Dad. I stopped smelled the air, and knew where Dad was! We trotted down the sidewalk but I couldn't see him. I could smell him but couldn't see him. Mom helped me a little bit, she took me around the garbage cans so I could see and there was DAD!!! I was barking and Dad was laughing! I found him I found him!!After all that exctiment, me and Mom went to the nature park for a walk. No one else was in the park at all. We went all over the place. Down by the water we kept hearing plunk, plunk, plunk in the water. Lots of plunks. Turns out I was looking for frogs and toads to nudge into the water and that was all the plunking sounds. Frogs EVERYWHERE on the banks. I didn't even have to nudge them, they went plunk on their own! What a great day this was!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

May 28, 2014
Dear Terry, Scary storms yesterday. Mom put my shirt on for me when she got home. Dad slept through all of them!! I chewed my foot a whole lot. Mom said that's not so good so we played my games until I was running around barking like normal again. Last night after Mom fell asleep, I heard Dad in the kitchen. I went to see what he could be doing. Sometimes we have snacks at night and sure enough! that's what Dad was doing. He gave me a piece of hot dog. I was so excited, I grabbed it and ran to Mom and woke her right up and plopped it right on her chest. She broke it in half and gave me half and then gave me the other half too! I love hot dogs! What a great treat that was last night!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Scary storms yesterday. Mom put my shirt on for me when she got home. Dad slept through all of them!! I chewed my foot a whole lot. Mom said that's not so good so we played my games until I was running around barking like normal again. Last night after Mom fell asleep, I heard Dad in the kitchen. I went to see what he could be doing. Sometimes we have snacks at night and sure enough! that's what Dad was doing. He gave me a piece of hot dog. I was so excited, I grabbed it and ran to Mom and woke her right up and plopped it right on her chest. She broke it in half and gave me half and then gave me the other half too! I love hot dogs! What a great treat that was last night!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
May 26, 2014
Dear Steve, Mom says I get to write you a special letter today because you are a Vietnam Veteran. I don't know what that is, but Mom says that means that you had an important job to do and you did it really well. And it's important to remember that. So Happy Memorial Day! I don't know how to salute but I can wave pretty good now. I hope you get to eat lots of burgers. Dad is firing up the burger machine today so I will eat a burger for you in case you don't get one! Me and Mom took a walk already this morning in the big park. We went up the big ridge all the way to the top and back down again. Then we went by the reservoir and saw geese so I barked at them. They honked back at me. Silly birds! I'm going out now to help Mom on the deck get things ready so that Dad can make a good dinner. I bet we get hot dogs too!

Love and Woofs, FredDog!
May 24, 2014
Dear Terry, What a day! I am pooped out! First, I was out on the deck all morning long in the sunshine. I watched over the Robin Family in their nest. Then I watched Mom do some weed wacking on the hill. Later on Mom took a nap outside on the deck so I stayed outside with her to watch over things. When she woke up we went to the nature park for a walk. I was going to go the way we always go but Mom said no today we are doing everything backwards! So we started where we usually end, and ended where we usually start! I had lots of fun. We met people on the trail and they gave me lots of pets because I'm so cute. Then we saw the Park Ranger lady that took my picture last year. Oh! and the little house was open and I was allowed inside and we got to see everything in there. Mom signed the park book for us. I can't write yet, plus it was up on the counter and I was too short anyways to reach it. After that we went down by the water and there were some people fishing. I did ok. I was afraid but not too afraid. And Mom made me go across the little bridge where someone was fishing on the bridge. I closed my eyes so I couldn't see him and walked across the bridge that way. I only opened my eyes when my feet hit the grass. Mom was laughing, she said Fred, you almost walked over the side of the bridge silly! Keep your eyes open! We got back to the car and we both took a big drink of water. Whew! I haven't slept all day long and I'm taking Spot to my bed to sleep!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, What a day! I am pooped out! First, I was out on the deck all morning long in the sunshine. I watched over the Robin Family in their nest. Then I watched Mom do some weed wacking on the hill. Later on Mom took a nap outside on the deck so I stayed outside with her to watch over things. When she woke up we went to the nature park for a walk. I was going to go the way we always go but Mom said no today we are doing everything backwards! So we started where we usually end, and ended where we usually start! I had lots of fun. We met people on the trail and they gave me lots of pets because I'm so cute. Then we saw the Park Ranger lady that took my picture last year. Oh! and the little house was open and I was allowed inside and we got to see everything in there. Mom signed the park book for us. I can't write yet, plus it was up on the counter and I was too short anyways to reach it. After that we went down by the water and there were some people fishing. I did ok. I was afraid but not too afraid. And Mom made me go across the little bridge where someone was fishing on the bridge. I closed my eyes so I couldn't see him and walked across the bridge that way. I only opened my eyes when my feet hit the grass. Mom was laughing, she said Fred, you almost walked over the side of the bridge silly! Keep your eyes open! We got back to the car and we both took a big drink of water. Whew! I haven't slept all day long and I'm taking Spot to my bed to sleep!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
May 23, 2014
Dear Terry, Today I got a big surprise! Mom came home early!!! I couldn't stand the excitement. I ran and barked at Dad, ran all through the house barking. I couldn't stop! all I could think of was MOM MOM MOM MOM MOM MOM. And then she came in the door and I got so excited I shoved her and took off running and barking! And I ran back to her and bonked right into her legs, so I barked and ran around some more! Mom doesn't come home early very often and this was a big surprise!! Mom said it was because of the holiday coming up. I don't care why, only that she came home early! She had to sit on the ground for a minute and pet me until I could stop barking. She said Dad was going to fire up the Hot Dog machine and make me some hot dogs this weekend. And she is going to make me a batch of Puppy Pops too. Yummy Good frozen peanut butter treats for me!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
Dear Terry, Today I got a big surprise! Mom came home early!!! I couldn't stand the excitement. I ran and barked at Dad, ran all through the house barking. I couldn't stop! all I could think of was MOM MOM MOM MOM MOM MOM. And then she came in the door and I got so excited I shoved her and took off running and barking! And I ran back to her and bonked right into her legs, so I barked and ran around some more! Mom doesn't come home early very often and this was a big surprise!! Mom said it was because of the holiday coming up. I don't care why, only that she came home early! She had to sit on the ground for a minute and pet me until I could stop barking. She said Dad was going to fire up the Hot Dog machine and make me some hot dogs this weekend. And she is going to make me a batch of Puppy Pops too. Yummy Good frozen peanut butter treats for me!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
May 22, 2014
Dear Terry, Today something scary happened and Dad missed it all! Me and Mom put up the umbrella this morning on the deck. Well, all was good until it got windy and Mom wasn't home! I heard it creaking and making a noise and I ran into the kitchen in time to see out the door and saw the umbrella go up in the air! And then it flew away and I saw it hit the tree and fall down. I ran and got Dad but he couldn't underdstand what I was trying to tell him. He looked out the backdoor with me but he didn't see anything. That was what I was trying to tell him!! I wish Dad could bark it would be so much easier for him to understand me! Mom came home later on and she saw the umbrella right away. And when we went outside she said OH FRED! How did this happen! And I told her all about it. We put it back up on the deck. Dad laughed he had no idea that the umbrella was gone! Oh Dad! But Mr. Robin's nest wasn't hurt or anything. Whew!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Today something scary happened and Dad missed it all! Me and Mom put up the umbrella this morning on the deck. Well, all was good until it got windy and Mom wasn't home! I heard it creaking and making a noise and I ran into the kitchen in time to see out the door and saw the umbrella go up in the air! And then it flew away and I saw it hit the tree and fall down. I ran and got Dad but he couldn't underdstand what I was trying to tell him. He looked out the backdoor with me but he didn't see anything. That was what I was trying to tell him!! I wish Dad could bark it would be so much easier for him to understand me! Mom came home later on and she saw the umbrella right away. And when we went outside she said OH FRED! How did this happen! And I told her all about it. We put it back up on the deck. Dad laughed he had no idea that the umbrella was gone! Oh Dad! But Mr. Robin's nest wasn't hurt or anything. Whew!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
May 19, 2014
Dear Terry, Dad locked Mom out of the house again by accident. Mom always says "lock the screen door", so Dad does. Only this time when Mom came home Dad was ASLEEP! You know what that means. He sleeps like he is dead. Sometimes I bark in his face to make sure he is still alive. Mom tried calling the phone. No Dad. She tried yelling in the door. No Dad. But don't worry, I was there to help out! Mom said Fred, Go get your Dad! I know what that means. That's when we play hide n seek and I have to find Dad in the house! I knew what to do to help! I ran and jumped on the bed and barked and barked until Dad opened his eyes. Then I ran back real quick to Mom to tell her I found him! And I ran back to Dad but his eyes were closed again, so I had to bark some more! And I ran and told Mom, then ran back to Dad and barked some more just because! We went together to the front door and let Mom in. Mom said it was like we were in a Lassie episode! I like Lassie only Dad wasn't in a well, only the bedroom. The End!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Dad locked Mom out of the house again by accident. Mom always says "lock the screen door", so Dad does. Only this time when Mom came home Dad was ASLEEP! You know what that means. He sleeps like he is dead. Sometimes I bark in his face to make sure he is still alive. Mom tried calling the phone. No Dad. She tried yelling in the door. No Dad. But don't worry, I was there to help out! Mom said Fred, Go get your Dad! I know what that means. That's when we play hide n seek and I have to find Dad in the house! I knew what to do to help! I ran and jumped on the bed and barked and barked until Dad opened his eyes. Then I ran back real quick to Mom to tell her I found him! And I ran back to Dad but his eyes were closed again, so I had to bark some more! And I ran and told Mom, then ran back to Dad and barked some more just because! We went together to the front door and let Mom in. Mom said it was like we were in a Lassie episode! I like Lassie only Dad wasn't in a well, only the bedroom. The End!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
May 18, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess what Mom bought? A fishing pole! I'm scared silly of them so I can't imagine what on earth she was thinking bringing one into the house. I barked at it. Then I stood all the way across the room from it. Mom called me over. I didn't go. She called me over again and I walked over but not too close. And then she called again. I went over and she held it for me to sniff. Smelled like a fishing pole. I smelled the whole thing top to bottom. Then I pushed it with my nose. That was enough. Stupid fishing pole. I walked away. Mom said that was pretty good but I still have to get used to them. I don't know why I do but Mom says so. Maybe that was all she wanted me to do - smell it and be done with it. Dad laughed and said we can practice fishing off the back of the deck. Not me. And fish are scary. Like sea monsters. I bark at them too. Hope Mom puts it away and forgets about it.
Love FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what Mom bought? A fishing pole! I'm scared silly of them so I can't imagine what on earth she was thinking bringing one into the house. I barked at it. Then I stood all the way across the room from it. Mom called me over. I didn't go. She called me over again and I walked over but not too close. And then she called again. I went over and she held it for me to sniff. Smelled like a fishing pole. I smelled the whole thing top to bottom. Then I pushed it with my nose. That was enough. Stupid fishing pole. I walked away. Mom said that was pretty good but I still have to get used to them. I don't know why I do but Mom says so. Maybe that was all she wanted me to do - smell it and be done with it. Dad laughed and said we can practice fishing off the back of the deck. Not me. And fish are scary. Like sea monsters. I bark at them too. Hope Mom puts it away and forgets about it.
Love FredDog
May 17, 2014
Dear Terry, We didn't go for a walk yesterday. We went instead to the DOG PARK!! YAY!! I ran and ran. Met other dogs, I barked, they barked. I dug a hole just because I could. Mom filled it back up though. We had such a good time! Mom made me leave when I had spit and boogers on my face. Don't worry, Mom cleaned that right up when we got to the car. Then we rode all around the park looking at stuff. Mom said we might go back today since I had such a good time with the other dogs. We do dog stuff. I'm still not allowed to roll in poop though. Oh! and for dinner we had swiss steak, Mom let me have a little piece of it too. What a great day it was!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
Dear Terry, We didn't go for a walk yesterday. We went instead to the DOG PARK!! YAY!! I ran and ran. Met other dogs, I barked, they barked. I dug a hole just because I could. Mom filled it back up though. We had such a good time! Mom made me leave when I had spit and boogers on my face. Don't worry, Mom cleaned that right up when we got to the car. Then we rode all around the park looking at stuff. Mom said we might go back today since I had such a good time with the other dogs. We do dog stuff. I'm still not allowed to roll in poop though. Oh! and for dinner we had swiss steak, Mom let me have a little piece of it too. What a great day it was!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
May 16, 2014
Dear Terry! The rain finally stopped! As soon as I was awake this morning, I ran all around the house. No rain in the back, no rain in the front! I woke Mom up right away to let her know we could go outside now. We walked all around the house and the yard checking on things. Everything is OK, I made sure. Then we came in and woke Dad up. Penny Cat said Good Morning! But no kisses this morning. I think it might be because I barked in her face last night. I couldnt stop barking. Sometimes that happens and Mom has to say FRED. Or Penny bonks me in the face. Mom says we can go for a walk later on. She thinks it will be muddy so I bet she takes a towel so she can clean me off at the park. I better go, Dad is making something to eat!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry! The rain finally stopped! As soon as I was awake this morning, I ran all around the house. No rain in the back, no rain in the front! I woke Mom up right away to let her know we could go outside now. We walked all around the house and the yard checking on things. Everything is OK, I made sure. Then we came in and woke Dad up. Penny Cat said Good Morning! But no kisses this morning. I think it might be because I barked in her face last night. I couldnt stop barking. Sometimes that happens and Mom has to say FRED. Or Penny bonks me in the face. Mom says we can go for a walk later on. She thinks it will be muddy so I bet she takes a towel so she can clean me off at the park. I better go, Dad is making something to eat!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
May 14, 2014
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written in awhile. Me and Mom have been doing stuff! Lots of stuff. We went to see Gram on Mom's Day. That was fun the house was filled with people. Gram even said I was being good! How about that! Mostly me and Mom have been walking and planting plants. Last night was very exciting because I was on the deck and Mom was mowing the backyard. I watched her go back n forth. Not as exciting as when Neighbor John plows the driveway though. And Mr. Robin is all done with his nest. But no baby birdies yet. And so far Mr. Robin has only managed to peck me in the head once. Oh and at night Mom puts my shirt on almost every night because of the storms. I don't like those. Last night, Mom had some of my favorite pepperoni treats and when it started to storm, she would ask me to do a trick like Sit, or Touch or Spin. If I was too scared to do the trick then I didn't get the treat. But I can tell you, I did good! I got lots of treats and didn't get the shakes at all during this batch of storms! I didn't even throw up!
Love and Woofs FredDog!
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written in awhile. Me and Mom have been doing stuff! Lots of stuff. We went to see Gram on Mom's Day. That was fun the house was filled with people. Gram even said I was being good! How about that! Mostly me and Mom have been walking and planting plants. Last night was very exciting because I was on the deck and Mom was mowing the backyard. I watched her go back n forth. Not as exciting as when Neighbor John plows the driveway though. And Mr. Robin is all done with his nest. But no baby birdies yet. And so far Mr. Robin has only managed to peck me in the head once. Oh and at night Mom puts my shirt on almost every night because of the storms. I don't like those. Last night, Mom had some of my favorite pepperoni treats and when it started to storm, she would ask me to do a trick like Sit, or Touch or Spin. If I was too scared to do the trick then I didn't get the treat. But I can tell you, I did good! I got lots of treats and didn't get the shakes at all during this batch of storms! I didn't even throw up!
Love and Woofs FredDog!
May 8, 2014
Dear Terry, Gram came and picked up Dad today. Dad said he hoped his feet would pass inspection by the doctor. When he came home he was awfully pooped out but he was so happy. Dad said he was allowed to wear shoes again! Dad said that means he can do a few more things. Like go for walks with me and Mom. Little walks, not the big walks me and Mom take. Dad didn't even have bandages on his foot. I try and help Mom change those every day. Mom says no more of that since his feet are better! Dad said, Fred, Let's Celebrate Good Feet Day! I barked and barked. I had no idea how to celebrate Good Feet Day. Dad said the best way to celebrate it is to take a big nap. And we did! It was good to see Dad so happy.
Love FredDog
Dear Terry, Gram came and picked up Dad today. Dad said he hoped his feet would pass inspection by the doctor. When he came home he was awfully pooped out but he was so happy. Dad said he was allowed to wear shoes again! Dad said that means he can do a few more things. Like go for walks with me and Mom. Little walks, not the big walks me and Mom take. Dad didn't even have bandages on his foot. I try and help Mom change those every day. Mom says no more of that since his feet are better! Dad said, Fred, Let's Celebrate Good Feet Day! I barked and barked. I had no idea how to celebrate Good Feet Day. Dad said the best way to celebrate it is to take a big nap. And we did! It was good to see Dad so happy.
Love FredDog
May 7, 2014
Dear Terry, Today started out kindof scary with the storms. Mom put my thundershirt on me though and Dad and me snuggled in on the recliner so things weren't so bad. When Mom came home we had a much better time. The sun was almost out and it was warm. We went out on the deck and Mom worked on planting plants. I helped. We planted peas in the pea pots. Tomatoes in the tomato pots. Lettuce in the big long lettuce box. Oh! And Mr. Robin is back!! He isn't building a nest under the deck this year. This year he decided to build his nest in the tree branches right next to the deck!! Almost at eye level so I can still spy down and see the baby birdies. He told me in no uncertain terms to stay away and I would get pecked in the head if I got to close. He sat right on the deck rail and told me. Mom said I had better listen. I'm sure he won't mind though if I just peeked once in awhile!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today started out kindof scary with the storms. Mom put my thundershirt on me though and Dad and me snuggled in on the recliner so things weren't so bad. When Mom came home we had a much better time. The sun was almost out and it was warm. We went out on the deck and Mom worked on planting plants. I helped. We planted peas in the pea pots. Tomatoes in the tomato pots. Lettuce in the big long lettuce box. Oh! And Mr. Robin is back!! He isn't building a nest under the deck this year. This year he decided to build his nest in the tree branches right next to the deck!! Almost at eye level so I can still spy down and see the baby birdies. He told me in no uncertain terms to stay away and I would get pecked in the head if I got to close. He sat right on the deck rail and told me. Mom said I had better listen. I'm sure he won't mind though if I just peeked once in awhile!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
May 6, 2014
Dear Terry, Tonight was all crazy!! First Mom came home and me and Dad were in the driveway. When she got out of the car I pulled Dad with all my might to get to my Mom! Dad let the leash go so I could RUN right at her. And you know what!? She surprised us with HOT DOGS! And if that wasn't crazy enough, after dinner me and Mom went for a walk in the park. We walked along the water since there weren't any scary fishermen. I was looking for frogs and toads to push into the water and who knows what Mom was doing, but she wasn't paying attention. All of a sudden a GIANT bird flew up right in front of us! It had super long legs and giant wings and a big head. It was all flappy and noisy. I barked! He really surprised us! Mom said it was the blue heron that likes the water there. I don't know about him being blue, all I know is he had giant flappy wings! He's bigger than a turkey and taller than Mom. After all that commotion, we saw the mallards. They go QUACK QUACK and float on the water. I barked at them too. I don't float so I stayed out of the water. After all this craziness I am going to get Spot and lay down and watch baseball with Dad. Whew!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Tonight was all crazy!! First Mom came home and me and Dad were in the driveway. When she got out of the car I pulled Dad with all my might to get to my Mom! Dad let the leash go so I could RUN right at her. And you know what!? She surprised us with HOT DOGS! And if that wasn't crazy enough, after dinner me and Mom went for a walk in the park. We walked along the water since there weren't any scary fishermen. I was looking for frogs and toads to push into the water and who knows what Mom was doing, but she wasn't paying attention. All of a sudden a GIANT bird flew up right in front of us! It had super long legs and giant wings and a big head. It was all flappy and noisy. I barked! He really surprised us! Mom said it was the blue heron that likes the water there. I don't know about him being blue, all I know is he had giant flappy wings! He's bigger than a turkey and taller than Mom. After all that commotion, we saw the mallards. They go QUACK QUACK and float on the water. I barked at them too. I don't float so I stayed out of the water. After all this craziness I am going to get Spot and lay down and watch baseball with Dad. Whew!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
May 4, 2014
Dear Terry, What a day! I talked a lot to Penny Cat today. She was very meowy. She doesn't like it either when Mom and Dad both aren't here. I keep her company sometimes , like today, at the gate. Juneau Cat hissed in my face. He still doesn't like me. I kept an eye on the house. I watched everything the neighbors did. And then I heard a familiar sound. I couldn't see them yet but I know the sound of the car! Mom and Dad were coming home!! They smelled like baseball. I could smell the hamburger and popcorn and the crowd. I've never been to a game but I watch it on TV a lot with Dad. Mom says I might one day go to a game but it's in the city. I don't like busy places. I like the woods. But I like baseball. I ran all around the house barking and barking when they came down the driveway. I got so excited to see them that I almost knocked Dad's cane over! OOPS! Have to be careful not to do that. Especially today because Dad was so wobbly when he got home. Gotta go Mom is heading out to work on the deck!! There is a good breeze going so I can smell all the smells of the yard!
Love FredDog!
Dear Terry, What a day! I talked a lot to Penny Cat today. She was very meowy. She doesn't like it either when Mom and Dad both aren't here. I keep her company sometimes , like today, at the gate. Juneau Cat hissed in my face. He still doesn't like me. I kept an eye on the house. I watched everything the neighbors did. And then I heard a familiar sound. I couldn't see them yet but I know the sound of the car! Mom and Dad were coming home!! They smelled like baseball. I could smell the hamburger and popcorn and the crowd. I've never been to a game but I watch it on TV a lot with Dad. Mom says I might one day go to a game but it's in the city. I don't like busy places. I like the woods. But I like baseball. I ran all around the house barking and barking when they came down the driveway. I got so excited to see them that I almost knocked Dad's cane over! OOPS! Have to be careful not to do that. Especially today because Dad was so wobbly when he got home. Gotta go Mom is heading out to work on the deck!! There is a good breeze going so I can smell all the smells of the yard!
Love FredDog!
May 3, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess what Dad gave me today! The peanut butter jar!! The JAR! He took the lid off it and everything for me! Mom saves the almost empty ones in the winter time in case I get nutty and need something to do on a cold day. I hardly ever see them in the spring or summer. And guess what else?? Mom put treats in it. They stuck to the bottom so I had to work and work to get them out of there. Which was OK with me since it gave me a chance to lick out all the leftover peanut butter. It takes forever but it was very exciting when I managed to get them out one at a time. You have to roll the jar with your foot to get all the peanut butter goodness out of there. Mom said it kept me busy for almost an hour today. I don't know how long that is, but Dad finally took the jar away since I have cleaned it all out. Good stuff! Dad sure does come up with good ideas! I had to take a big drink of water after all that!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what Dad gave me today! The peanut butter jar!! The JAR! He took the lid off it and everything for me! Mom saves the almost empty ones in the winter time in case I get nutty and need something to do on a cold day. I hardly ever see them in the spring or summer. And guess what else?? Mom put treats in it. They stuck to the bottom so I had to work and work to get them out of there. Which was OK with me since it gave me a chance to lick out all the leftover peanut butter. It takes forever but it was very exciting when I managed to get them out one at a time. You have to roll the jar with your foot to get all the peanut butter goodness out of there. Mom said it kept me busy for almost an hour today. I don't know how long that is, but Dad finally took the jar away since I have cleaned it all out. Good stuff! Dad sure does come up with good ideas! I had to take a big drink of water after all that!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
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