April 30, 2014
Dear Terry, Last night sure was scary. There was big thunder and lightning. Mom ran and found me. I was glued to the floor I was so scared. I couldn't move an inch. She tried to get me to come up on the bed but I wedged my head under the bed instead. It doesn't really fit under there but the thunder seemed less loud with my head underneath. Mom laid down on the floor and grabbed a blanket for us. She covered me all up and held me tight and covered my ears as best she could. I didn't think it would ever end. We finally got up and went into the bed and I snuggled in super tight in case another storm came. Today was every bit as scary. Dad was with me though. We dove under the covers and waited for the storms to end. Dad and me split some pepperoni pizza after the storms passed. I almost forgot how scared I had been. Mom came home and I couldn't stop running around telling her all about the day! OH Almost forgot! You have a birthday coming up too! I hope you have some good cake. Maybe you should ask your Mom to make you a cake with icing!
Trying to be brave, FredDog.
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

April 28, 2014
Dear Terry, Lots of rain today. That means no walks with Mom. Me and Dad stayed indoors and we had plans to do lots of stuff. But then we fell asleep. Lots of stuff didn't get done. We woke right up when Mom came home though! I woke up Dad with all my happy barking and running around! Me and Mom went outside and guess what we heard??? MOOOOOOOOO. One of the cows was down by the road again! I didn't moo back. I did bark a little bit but Mom said SHUSSSH people are sleeping, let the cow mooooo. She can be a pretty loud moo-er so I bet The Farmer comes and gets her even in the dark. I got to see her and her friends once when they came almost into the yard last year. I barked a whole lot then and they moved back from the road. Mom let me that time because then they didn't get hurt by a car on the road. She's not on the road this time but she is close by! Moooooo!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Lots of rain today. That means no walks with Mom. Me and Dad stayed indoors and we had plans to do lots of stuff. But then we fell asleep. Lots of stuff didn't get done. We woke right up when Mom came home though! I woke up Dad with all my happy barking and running around! Me and Mom went outside and guess what we heard??? MOOOOOOOOO. One of the cows was down by the road again! I didn't moo back. I did bark a little bit but Mom said SHUSSSH people are sleeping, let the cow mooooo. She can be a pretty loud moo-er so I bet The Farmer comes and gets her even in the dark. I got to see her and her friends once when they came almost into the yard last year. I barked a whole lot then and they moved back from the road. Mom let me that time because then they didn't get hurt by a car on the road. She's not on the road this time but she is close by! Moooooo!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
April 27, 2014
Dear Terry! Another fine spring day! At first I thought me and mom weren't going to go anywhere. She was so busy doing stuff. I was allowed on the deck all morning long though. So far Mr. Robin hasn't built a nest underneath the deck. I keep watching for him. Finally, mom was all done with her chores and she grabbed the keys and we went to the park! And guess what! we walked the whole entire park. One big giant circle. Up the big hill and all around the top. We walked nice and easy. We saw a groundhog. He was pretty fat. Then I knew that there were deer up ahead so I barked and we saw them take off down the big hill. We got almost to the very end of the trail and there was a big mud pit! No way around it because of all the brambles and no wood to make a bridge like Mom did once for us. So I did the next best thing and RAN through it with Mom running behind. The mud went everywhere! I was barking, she was laughing and we kept on running to the end of the trail! Don't worry, Mom cleaned my feet off before I even got in the car. Mom had to clean her feet off too. What a mess! What a great time!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
Dear Terry! Another fine spring day! At first I thought me and mom weren't going to go anywhere. She was so busy doing stuff. I was allowed on the deck all morning long though. So far Mr. Robin hasn't built a nest underneath the deck. I keep watching for him. Finally, mom was all done with her chores and she grabbed the keys and we went to the park! And guess what! we walked the whole entire park. One big giant circle. Up the big hill and all around the top. We walked nice and easy. We saw a groundhog. He was pretty fat. Then I knew that there were deer up ahead so I barked and we saw them take off down the big hill. We got almost to the very end of the trail and there was a big mud pit! No way around it because of all the brambles and no wood to make a bridge like Mom did once for us. So I did the next best thing and RAN through it with Mom running behind. The mud went everywhere! I was barking, she was laughing and we kept on running to the end of the trail! Don't worry, Mom cleaned my feet off before I even got in the car. Mom had to clean her feet off too. What a mess! What a great time!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
April 26, 2014
Dear Terry, Today started out really nice but then went a little off the tracks as Mom says. Me and Mom and Dad were out on the deck all day long. I fell asleep in the sunshine and Dad fell asleep in his chair. Mom had me worried though because she took apart the Hamburger Machine. She said she was cleaning up the parts. I was worried because it looked like she killed it with all the parts lying around. But she put it all back together again and turned it on and the Hamburger Machine worked again! We went for a walk too. First, I had trouble getting in the jeep. Then I fell getting it out of it. That hurt. Really bad. I was limping. No blood this time. Mom wanted to put me back in but I said No Way! Let's walk it off! When we got home me and Mom were trying to tell Dad how I fell. Mom says I need a ramp. And then BANG BANG BANG. The neighbor started shooting his gun so I ran to Mom and she covered my ears and I tucked my head under her arm. And then the fire trucks went by. It was all too much. Mom gave me some cheese to calm me down. Whew. Hope tomorrow is less exciting !
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Today started out really nice but then went a little off the tracks as Mom says. Me and Mom and Dad were out on the deck all day long. I fell asleep in the sunshine and Dad fell asleep in his chair. Mom had me worried though because she took apart the Hamburger Machine. She said she was cleaning up the parts. I was worried because it looked like she killed it with all the parts lying around. But she put it all back together again and turned it on and the Hamburger Machine worked again! We went for a walk too. First, I had trouble getting in the jeep. Then I fell getting it out of it. That hurt. Really bad. I was limping. No blood this time. Mom wanted to put me back in but I said No Way! Let's walk it off! When we got home me and Mom were trying to tell Dad how I fell. Mom says I need a ramp. And then BANG BANG BANG. The neighbor started shooting his gun so I ran to Mom and she covered my ears and I tucked my head under her arm. And then the fire trucks went by. It was all too much. Mom gave me some cheese to calm me down. Whew. Hope tomorrow is less exciting !
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
April 24, 2014
Dear Terry, Today was an exciting day! Mom found my ball that Gram had given me. I forgot where I had put it. Yesterday we looked everywhere for it. Mom looked up high in case she had put it somewhere. I looked down low in case I had put it somewhere. No luck! But the this morning we found it under the desk by the door! Then I remembered I had put it there a long time ago. It's a good ball too. It's not a tennis ball. I eat those. It's not a baseball. I chew the covers off. It's a yellow ball! And what a great time me and Mom had with it! Mom throws the ball, then I run and chase it down and catch it! Then I run as hard as I can back to her. Sometimes I give the ball back, sometimes I tease her like she teases me. I fake giving it to her then run around some more! Then she fakes throwing it and I bark! What fun! When I get tired of running around I usually give it to Spot. This time I put it in a good place so I wouldn't forget again where it was. I put it right in my bed. Can't miss it there!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today was an exciting day! Mom found my ball that Gram had given me. I forgot where I had put it. Yesterday we looked everywhere for it. Mom looked up high in case she had put it somewhere. I looked down low in case I had put it somewhere. No luck! But the this morning we found it under the desk by the door! Then I remembered I had put it there a long time ago. It's a good ball too. It's not a tennis ball. I eat those. It's not a baseball. I chew the covers off. It's a yellow ball! And what a great time me and Mom had with it! Mom throws the ball, then I run and chase it down and catch it! Then I run as hard as I can back to her. Sometimes I give the ball back, sometimes I tease her like she teases me. I fake giving it to her then run around some more! Then she fakes throwing it and I bark! What fun! When I get tired of running around I usually give it to Spot. This time I put it in a good place so I wouldn't forget again where it was. I put it right in my bed. Can't miss it there!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
April 22, 2014
Dear Terry, Today was pretty scary. All that thunder and storming going on. I almost couln't take it except Dad was here so I sat right smack next to him. I was too scared to move for him to even put on my special no scaries shirt. I wish I could be like the cats and not be scared but I tried and it doesn't work. Storms are scary. Dad said don't worry Fred I am right here and he put his hands over my ears. Dad likes storms but he always helps me out. Sometimes I put my head right under his butt. One time I tried to get under the recliner chair and got stuck. That time was really a bad one. I didn't have any accidents today either and I didn't dig a hole in the carpet like before. Then the sun came out today and it was ok! Dad and I watched baseball tonight so it ended up being a good day. I could finally relax and sleep a bit. Whew! I hope there aren't any more storms. Ever.
Love and Woofs FredDog!
April 21, 2014
Dear Terry, Whew! I am so tired I am falling asleep sitting up. In fact, I would be asleep but Dad is running the Dog Eliminator. The stupid vacuum. Juneau Cat told me this time that I was going to sucked into it. He's old as dirt so I believe him, even though half the time I have no idea what he is saying but it sounds scary! But before all the scaries, me and Mom took a ride in the new Jeep. It's a lot like the old jeep but taller and bigger. I still get to be her back seat co-pilot. And best of all there is a vent in the back that blows cold air! How great is that??? Mom said it was put there just for me!! We took a gigantic walk today. We were gone so long that Dad thought we had gotten lost. I love the park. We went all over it. Mom said our goal is to be able to jog up the big hill. That didn't happen today. We walked up without stopping though and neither one of us had to stop to catch our breath at the top. Oh and guess what!? I found a dead squirrel! I was going to pick it up and show Mom but she told me no, leave it alone. Remember last year when I found the dead birdie and I picked it up and showed her? She was so excited at the find she screamed. I don't think she was as excited about this find but I thought it was pretty neat! Oh and we saw a turkey too. Those are big birds. Dad is finally done vacuuming so I am going to bed.
Good Night Terry! Love FredDog
Dear Terry, Whew! I am so tired I am falling asleep sitting up. In fact, I would be asleep but Dad is running the Dog Eliminator. The stupid vacuum. Juneau Cat told me this time that I was going to sucked into it. He's old as dirt so I believe him, even though half the time I have no idea what he is saying but it sounds scary! But before all the scaries, me and Mom took a ride in the new Jeep. It's a lot like the old jeep but taller and bigger. I still get to be her back seat co-pilot. And best of all there is a vent in the back that blows cold air! How great is that??? Mom said it was put there just for me!! We took a gigantic walk today. We were gone so long that Dad thought we had gotten lost. I love the park. We went all over it. Mom said our goal is to be able to jog up the big hill. That didn't happen today. We walked up without stopping though and neither one of us had to stop to catch our breath at the top. Oh and guess what!? I found a dead squirrel! I was going to pick it up and show Mom but she told me no, leave it alone. Remember last year when I found the dead birdie and I picked it up and showed her? She was so excited at the find she screamed. I don't think she was as excited about this find but I thought it was pretty neat! Oh and we saw a turkey too. Those are big birds. Dad is finally done vacuuming so I am going to bed.
Good Night Terry! Love FredDog
April 19, 2014
Dear Terry, Boy am I tired! I haven't slept a wink all day long! I helped Mom, she brought all kinds of stuff up on the deck. I kept an eye on the yard and the birdies at the same time. Then we walked all around the yard checking on things. I know what's what so if something isn't right we investigate right away! Mom and Dad went out for a little bit so I had to keep an eye on the house. When they got back me and Mom went for a walk! What a great day for a walk. Breeze was going , it was warm. I got so excited we were going that I ran right past the car! By the time we got to the nature park I was barking non stop because Mom wasn't driving fast enough. We walked up the biggest hill there and then back down again. We walked on the muddy trail and got muddy. We walked by the big ponds where all the fishermen were. Not too close though, I'm still working on not being scared of fishing poles. We walked and walked and walked. Mom says my nose never left the ground because I was smelling all the smells. Back at the car I got to try out my new canteen. Good water! Mom checked me for ticks. No ticks so she didn't have to get the tweezers out. One time I had one right above my eye. That's when I learned you have to sit real still to get ticks off. We don't like ticks. Hope your day was as great as mine was! I'm going to go lay down in my bed. I already put Spot there.
Barks and Wags! FredDog.
Dear Terry, Boy am I tired! I haven't slept a wink all day long! I helped Mom, she brought all kinds of stuff up on the deck. I kept an eye on the yard and the birdies at the same time. Then we walked all around the yard checking on things. I know what's what so if something isn't right we investigate right away! Mom and Dad went out for a little bit so I had to keep an eye on the house. When they got back me and Mom went for a walk! What a great day for a walk. Breeze was going , it was warm. I got so excited we were going that I ran right past the car! By the time we got to the nature park I was barking non stop because Mom wasn't driving fast enough. We walked up the biggest hill there and then back down again. We walked on the muddy trail and got muddy. We walked by the big ponds where all the fishermen were. Not too close though, I'm still working on not being scared of fishing poles. We walked and walked and walked. Mom says my nose never left the ground because I was smelling all the smells. Back at the car I got to try out my new canteen. Good water! Mom checked me for ticks. No ticks so she didn't have to get the tweezers out. One time I had one right above my eye. That's when I learned you have to sit real still to get ticks off. We don't like ticks. Hope your day was as great as mine was! I'm going to go lay down in my bed. I already put Spot there.
Barks and Wags! FredDog.
April 17, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom left early again today for work. I wish she wouldn't go. I watched her from the window go down the driveway. Dad said Fred, Don't worry, today is Meatball Day! Meatball Day??? Meatball Day. And it was every bit as good as it sounds! Dad took out the meatballs he had made on the grill and made a gooey sauce to put on them. Oh boy did it smell good. I helped of course! I got to eat a whole one before they went in the sauce to cook some more. Pretty soon I forgot all about being sad that Mom left. How can you be sad when it's Meatball Day? Dad sure comes up with some good days for us to celebrate! Oh and Penny Cat was at the gate again this morning. I only got a kiss this time. I think she was a little worried about running around like we did yesterday. I gave her a lick on the face so she knows she is my pal. Mom said that was a nice thing to do. I think if anyone ever gets down in the dumps, you should have a Meatball Day!
Love FredDog.
P.S. This is Penny Cat again. That crazy Fred Dog licked me right on the head. Took an hour to lick off all the spit! Juneau Cat said that's what I get for trying to be nice to The Dog. I still think Fred is going to be a good friend spit and all. Meow-meow, Penny Cat.
Dear Terry, Mom left early again today for work. I wish she wouldn't go. I watched her from the window go down the driveway. Dad said Fred, Don't worry, today is Meatball Day! Meatball Day??? Meatball Day. And it was every bit as good as it sounds! Dad took out the meatballs he had made on the grill and made a gooey sauce to put on them. Oh boy did it smell good. I helped of course! I got to eat a whole one before they went in the sauce to cook some more. Pretty soon I forgot all about being sad that Mom left. How can you be sad when it's Meatball Day? Dad sure comes up with some good days for us to celebrate! Oh and Penny Cat was at the gate again this morning. I only got a kiss this time. I think she was a little worried about running around like we did yesterday. I gave her a lick on the face so she knows she is my pal. Mom said that was a nice thing to do. I think if anyone ever gets down in the dumps, you should have a Meatball Day!
Love FredDog.
P.S. This is Penny Cat again. That crazy Fred Dog licked me right on the head. Took an hour to lick off all the spit! Juneau Cat said that's what I get for trying to be nice to The Dog. I still think Fred is going to be a good friend spit and all. Meow-meow, Penny Cat.
April 16, 2014
Dear Terry, This morning was the most exciting morning ever! Penny Cat was at the gate. You know Mom has been working with us so I don't scare her anymore. And Penny Cat hasn't whopped me in the face in awhile. And I haven't barked at her in awhile. Well, Mom opened the gate so she could kiss me on the nose. And she came all the way through the gate and kissed me on the nose. AND THEN she head butted me AND THEN she wrapped all around my front feet and under my chin rubbing her head on me!! I was holding real still because I'm not supposed to scare her. Mom said my tail was wagging so hard she thought it was going to fly off. I turned my head and my collar jingled and it scared her so she took off running. I thought it was the most exciting thing ever so I ran too! We ran all through the house. She stopped and I stopped. We weren't so sure what to do. She trotted past me back into the kitchen and past Mom and I trotted along behind her. She wasn't too scared though because she stayed on the steps. I was so excited I didn't know WHAT to do so I spinned and spinned in a circle. What a time it was! I hope she does that again! Mom said we were both really good and she hopes tomorrow is even better. Penny Cat sure is a nice kitty and I really want to be her friend. I didn't bark once at her. Mom said it was great because no one had their eye put out, or noses scratched and no hissy growlies. She said best of all I didn't try and climb the dryer or get my head stuck under the bed again. Those happened when I wasn't so good. Me and Penny Cat said good night to each other like we always do. Another great day!
Love, FredDog!
P.S. This is Penny Cat. Fred Dog sure got excited this morning when I ran. I think maybe I shouldn't run and I can head butt him some more. Juneau Cat told me I was an idiot and that The Dog was nothing but trouble. I kindof like him though. We talk each morning. Mom won't let me get hurt. I think Juneau Cat might be wrong about him. Meow-Meow, Penny Cat.
Dear Terry, This morning was the most exciting morning ever! Penny Cat was at the gate. You know Mom has been working with us so I don't scare her anymore. And Penny Cat hasn't whopped me in the face in awhile. And I haven't barked at her in awhile. Well, Mom opened the gate so she could kiss me on the nose. And she came all the way through the gate and kissed me on the nose. AND THEN she head butted me AND THEN she wrapped all around my front feet and under my chin rubbing her head on me!! I was holding real still because I'm not supposed to scare her. Mom said my tail was wagging so hard she thought it was going to fly off. I turned my head and my collar jingled and it scared her so she took off running. I thought it was the most exciting thing ever so I ran too! We ran all through the house. She stopped and I stopped. We weren't so sure what to do. She trotted past me back into the kitchen and past Mom and I trotted along behind her. She wasn't too scared though because she stayed on the steps. I was so excited I didn't know WHAT to do so I spinned and spinned in a circle. What a time it was! I hope she does that again! Mom said we were both really good and she hopes tomorrow is even better. Penny Cat sure is a nice kitty and I really want to be her friend. I didn't bark once at her. Mom said it was great because no one had their eye put out, or noses scratched and no hissy growlies. She said best of all I didn't try and climb the dryer or get my head stuck under the bed again. Those happened when I wasn't so good. Me and Penny Cat said good night to each other like we always do. Another great day!
Love, FredDog!
P.S. This is Penny Cat. Fred Dog sure got excited this morning when I ran. I think maybe I shouldn't run and I can head butt him some more. Juneau Cat told me I was an idiot and that The Dog was nothing but trouble. I kindof like him though. We talk each morning. Mom won't let me get hurt. I think Juneau Cat might be wrong about him. Meow-Meow, Penny Cat.
April 14, 2014
Dear Terry, What a day! Did you hear the rain and the thunder? Thunder really scares me but it wasn't so bad today. And Dad was here to make things better for me. He knows I get so scared I can't even move sometimes. I kept hoping the sun would come out but it didn't. Me and Dad had some leftover hamburgers and hot dogs to pick up my spirits. I don't know which I like better! Dad and I read a book too. Well, Dad did the reading since I can't read yet, but I listened real good. It was all about playing card games. Dad says Mom stinks at playing cards but maybe she hasn't read the book yet. I don't know how to play cards but Mom taught me how to play the Shell Game. I'm really good at it. Mom puts a treat under a dish then mixes up a bunch of dishes to try and fool me. I always pick out the one with the treat in it! Mom says it's not really a fair game since my nose can smell out a treat a mile away but we still have tons of fun playing it! Hope you had a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
Dear Terry, What a day! Did you hear the rain and the thunder? Thunder really scares me but it wasn't so bad today. And Dad was here to make things better for me. He knows I get so scared I can't even move sometimes. I kept hoping the sun would come out but it didn't. Me and Dad had some leftover hamburgers and hot dogs to pick up my spirits. I don't know which I like better! Dad and I read a book too. Well, Dad did the reading since I can't read yet, but I listened real good. It was all about playing card games. Dad says Mom stinks at playing cards but maybe she hasn't read the book yet. I don't know how to play cards but Mom taught me how to play the Shell Game. I'm really good at it. Mom puts a treat under a dish then mixes up a bunch of dishes to try and fool me. I always pick out the one with the treat in it! Mom says it's not really a fair game since my nose can smell out a treat a mile away but we still have tons of fun playing it! Hope you had a good day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
April 13, 2014
Dear Terry, It's HOT outside! And windy. I love to smell all the smells on the wind. I've been out on the deck a lot today helping. Dad fired up the burger machine for us! Burgers and dogs tonight for dinner! And how crazy is this! He put meatballs on the grill too. Dad said he was tinkering with a recipe. I don't know what that means but they sure do smell great! Maybe Mom will give us some of that vanilla ice cream for dessert again. Oh and Mom caught a mouse today! Penny Cat is supposed to be handling that but she's been slacking off I think! Mom says she isn't slacking she just isn't a good at holding onto the mouse once she gets it. We let the mouse go by the creek. Mom doesn't like to hurt things so she had set a trap to catch him. I don't know who shrieked more, Mom or the mouse when she let it go, because it came popping up out of the trap once Mom opened it. Very exciting!! Dad found it all very funny!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, It's HOT outside! And windy. I love to smell all the smells on the wind. I've been out on the deck a lot today helping. Dad fired up the burger machine for us! Burgers and dogs tonight for dinner! And how crazy is this! He put meatballs on the grill too. Dad said he was tinkering with a recipe. I don't know what that means but they sure do smell great! Maybe Mom will give us some of that vanilla ice cream for dessert again. Oh and Mom caught a mouse today! Penny Cat is supposed to be handling that but she's been slacking off I think! Mom says she isn't slacking she just isn't a good at holding onto the mouse once she gets it. We let the mouse go by the creek. Mom doesn't like to hurt things so she had set a trap to catch him. I don't know who shrieked more, Mom or the mouse when she let it go, because it came popping up out of the trap once Mom opened it. Very exciting!! Dad found it all very funny!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
April 12, 2014
Dear Terry, Spring is here! Spring is here! I knew it was here this morning when I heard all the birdies outside. I woke Mom up right away. She said we had to wait until the sun came up at least before we would go outside. So I waited. I kept checking though to see if she would change her mind. Finally we went outside in all the fog! It was great! And I was allowed to play out on the deck the entire day!! I barked at fire trucks, people walking by, and birdies at the bird feeder. Mom put my water bucket outside for me complete with ice cubes!! How great is that?? I helped clean up the deck and I helped Dad broom off the deck. The umbrella is up so there was shade for me when I got a little hot. Neighbor dog Cheyenne was out in her yard all day too. Sometimes we barked just to bark at each other! Oh and Mom got us ice cream for dessert tonight!! My favorite! Vanilla! What a great start to spring!
Love FredDog!
Dear Terry, Spring is here! Spring is here! I knew it was here this morning when I heard all the birdies outside. I woke Mom up right away. She said we had to wait until the sun came up at least before we would go outside. So I waited. I kept checking though to see if she would change her mind. Finally we went outside in all the fog! It was great! And I was allowed to play out on the deck the entire day!! I barked at fire trucks, people walking by, and birdies at the bird feeder. Mom put my water bucket outside for me complete with ice cubes!! How great is that?? I helped clean up the deck and I helped Dad broom off the deck. The umbrella is up so there was shade for me when I got a little hot. Neighbor dog Cheyenne was out in her yard all day too. Sometimes we barked just to bark at each other! Oh and Mom got us ice cream for dessert tonight!! My favorite! Vanilla! What a great start to spring!
Love FredDog!
April 10, 2014
Dear Terry, What a day! This morning me and Mom walked all around the yard and I saw a toad! I pushed him with my nose and he went sploosh! Right into the creek! I don't like fish though. They scare me silly! Then I played out on the deck for awhile. I don't think the blue jays like me too much because they kept squawking at me. Humph. I showed them, I barked and they flew away. Oh and then me and Dad took a snooze. When Mom got home, we went for a walk in the dark. We made sure everything was OK outside. No Mr. Skunk, but I bet he comes by again tonight. He's really stinky so Mom says I'm not allowed to meet him. Ever. I'm going to sleep now. I have my own bed you know.
Love and woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, What a day! This morning me and Mom walked all around the yard and I saw a toad! I pushed him with my nose and he went sploosh! Right into the creek! I don't like fish though. They scare me silly! Then I played out on the deck for awhile. I don't think the blue jays like me too much because they kept squawking at me. Humph. I showed them, I barked and they flew away. Oh and then me and Dad took a snooze. When Mom got home, we went for a walk in the dark. We made sure everything was OK outside. No Mr. Skunk, but I bet he comes by again tonight. He's really stinky so Mom says I'm not allowed to meet him. Ever. I'm going to sleep now. I have my own bed you know.
Love and woofs, FredDog
April 9, 2014
Dear Terry, I finally am awake again after the big trip and party! Whew! And today is such a nice day outside. I've already spent time playing out on the deck and watching all the birdies. I hope the robins come back and build a nest under the deck again so I can keep an eye on things. Maybe Mr Robin won't peck me in the head again this year. I also helped Mom start some more tomatoes. She said maybe this weekend we can spruce up the deck and get some chairs out since it will be warm again. Today though we are going to go for another walk! I can hardly wait! Dad is staying at home though but I will tell him all about it when I get back. I don't even know what park we are going to and I don't care! The sun is shining and it is warm and me and Mom are going to have a great time, I know it!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I finally am awake again after the big trip and party! Whew! And today is such a nice day outside. I've already spent time playing out on the deck and watching all the birdies. I hope the robins come back and build a nest under the deck again so I can keep an eye on things. Maybe Mr Robin won't peck me in the head again this year. I also helped Mom start some more tomatoes. She said maybe this weekend we can spruce up the deck and get some chairs out since it will be warm again. Today though we are going to go for another walk! I can hardly wait! Dad is staying at home though but I will tell him all about it when I get back. I don't even know what park we are going to and I don't care! The sun is shining and it is warm and me and Mom are going to have a great time, I know it!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
April 6, 2014
Dear Terry, What a great party I went to! Nothing beats a birthday party after a long drive in the car! I made sure to say hello to each and everyone there! Then I was a little surprised because I went into the dining room and I smelled birthday cake! It had cream cheese icing like mine. OOOO and I could see it too!! So I stood up and was going to maybe try a piece...FRED GET DOWN. OOOPS not my cake!! Mom moved it up high so I couldn't get any. And then we opened gifts. Lots of paper and boxes and giggling and laughing! Nephew Nolan was playing the piano and I was keeping watch on the yard by looking out the window and all of a sudden a SQUIRREL flew past the window, I went crazy barking!!! Where did he come from??? I ran into Aunt Laura, I ran into the sofa, the chair, Gram Maria, my feet were sliding all over the slippery floor, I couldn't stop barking! I bonked off the coffee table and FINALLY made it to the front door to see that squirrel run up a tree. Next time I'll get him!!! The music kind of stopped for a minute. Mom said I scared the living daylights out of everyone! I almost caused a birthday disaster BUT I bet that squirrel doesn't try and do that again! Oh and Nolan took me for a walk all around the yard in my new harness. I'm real careful when I walk with him so that I don't pull too hard or scare him. What a great walk!! And I sat in the front door window with Nephew Sam. I sat real quiet with him so he knows that I'm a good dog and doesn't have to be afraid. OH and best of ALL. Aunt Sue made bacon!!!! As soon as that package was open, I was there to help in any way I could. She makes it in the oven so a whole bunch of bacon cooks all at once and the smell goes all through the kitchen. I got lots of the cooked bacon as treats!! What a great trip!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Juneau Cat told me that him and Penny Cat and Dad all had a No Dog Pizza Party while I was gone. I'm not sure if I should be mad about that or not. So I asked him if he had cake too like I did and He hissed in my face. He still doesn't like me.
Dear Terry, What a great party I went to! Nothing beats a birthday party after a long drive in the car! I made sure to say hello to each and everyone there! Then I was a little surprised because I went into the dining room and I smelled birthday cake! It had cream cheese icing like mine. OOOO and I could see it too!! So I stood up and was going to maybe try a piece...FRED GET DOWN. OOOPS not my cake!! Mom moved it up high so I couldn't get any. And then we opened gifts. Lots of paper and boxes and giggling and laughing! Nephew Nolan was playing the piano and I was keeping watch on the yard by looking out the window and all of a sudden a SQUIRREL flew past the window, I went crazy barking!!! Where did he come from??? I ran into Aunt Laura, I ran into the sofa, the chair, Gram Maria, my feet were sliding all over the slippery floor, I couldn't stop barking! I bonked off the coffee table and FINALLY made it to the front door to see that squirrel run up a tree. Next time I'll get him!!! The music kind of stopped for a minute. Mom said I scared the living daylights out of everyone! I almost caused a birthday disaster BUT I bet that squirrel doesn't try and do that again! Oh and Nolan took me for a walk all around the yard in my new harness. I'm real careful when I walk with him so that I don't pull too hard or scare him. What a great walk!! And I sat in the front door window with Nephew Sam. I sat real quiet with him so he knows that I'm a good dog and doesn't have to be afraid. OH and best of ALL. Aunt Sue made bacon!!!! As soon as that package was open, I was there to help in any way I could. She makes it in the oven so a whole bunch of bacon cooks all at once and the smell goes all through the kitchen. I got lots of the cooked bacon as treats!! What a great trip!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Juneau Cat told me that him and Penny Cat and Dad all had a No Dog Pizza Party while I was gone. I'm not sure if I should be mad about that or not. So I asked him if he had cake too like I did and He hissed in my face. He still doesn't like me.
April 5, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess what! Today me and Mom are going to a birthday party for Nephew Sam. Mom says cake, ice cream and lots of running around. I bet Uncle Tom and Aunt Linda come too! It's going to be so exciting. I have to remember to tell Dad everything since he is staying home. Mom says it will be lots of fun and everyone will give me lots of pets. They are all good treat givers so I think I will be stuffed by tonight!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what! Today me and Mom are going to a birthday party for Nephew Sam. Mom says cake, ice cream and lots of running around. I bet Uncle Tom and Aunt Linda come too! It's going to be so exciting. I have to remember to tell Dad everything since he is staying home. Mom says it will be lots of fun and everyone will give me lots of pets. They are all good treat givers so I think I will be stuffed by tonight!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
April 3, 2014
Dear Terry, Got in a little trouble this morning. Not a lot of trouble, because I listened, but a little trouble. Gram came to the house again!! It was very exciting and Dad opened the door to go out with Gram and I charged right out the door!! Dad said, Oh Fred you come here! Gram said, Hi Freddie! And I was still loose outside until Mom said, FRED GET BACK IN HERE NOW. No arguing with Mom! I turned right around and went inside! Because I listened right away to Mom I didn't get in the Dog House. As soon as I was safely inside I got a pet on the head. Forgot I wasn't supposed to go running outside on my own! It was all too exciting with Grammy here! I never get tired of seeing her!
Trying to be a good dog, FredDog!
April 1, 2014
Dear Terry, What a day! And it isn't even lunchtime yet!! Gram and Dad went running somewhere this morning. Ace the dog behind us was bad and chased another dog. I saw the whole thing but I stayed right by Mom. They sure did run fast! Then me and Mom ran errands. We went all over the place. I thought maybe we were going to the firehouse trail since we were in town but she said Nope, the walking trail today Fred! So we rode over there. Oh that wasn't so fun at times. First, Mom parked by the little bridge that scares me. This time I made it half way across before I had a bit of a breakdown. Mom was there to calm me down and we made it across without dying. Whew! Since I was still wound up, Mom said, Let's jog some Fred! Now THAT is fun! We ran and ran until we were out of breath. But then things weren't so fun again because a big dirt digger and a dump truck came onto the trail and they had lights and were beeping and loud engines. I was so scared I got mixed up and tried to get under a car in the parking lot. Don't worry, Mom was there again. We got back on the walking track and then into the grass and she kneeled down in the mud and grass to talk to me. I put my head in her lap so I couldn't see the trucks. Once I could think again, we marched right on by the commotion. I even looked over at them once to see that they were picking up a tree that had fallen over. One of the other walkers clapped when I made it past! She didn't think I could do it! But I did! And then me and Mom ran again! the whole length of the track back to the car! I have so much fun when we run! Sure am glad I had Mom with me today though because I don't know what to do sometimes when I get scared! I think today should be called Running Day because so far that is all everyone has been doing!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, What a day! And it isn't even lunchtime yet!! Gram and Dad went running somewhere this morning. Ace the dog behind us was bad and chased another dog. I saw the whole thing but I stayed right by Mom. They sure did run fast! Then me and Mom ran errands. We went all over the place. I thought maybe we were going to the firehouse trail since we were in town but she said Nope, the walking trail today Fred! So we rode over there. Oh that wasn't so fun at times. First, Mom parked by the little bridge that scares me. This time I made it half way across before I had a bit of a breakdown. Mom was there to calm me down and we made it across without dying. Whew! Since I was still wound up, Mom said, Let's jog some Fred! Now THAT is fun! We ran and ran until we were out of breath. But then things weren't so fun again because a big dirt digger and a dump truck came onto the trail and they had lights and were beeping and loud engines. I was so scared I got mixed up and tried to get under a car in the parking lot. Don't worry, Mom was there again. We got back on the walking track and then into the grass and she kneeled down in the mud and grass to talk to me. I put my head in her lap so I couldn't see the trucks. Once I could think again, we marched right on by the commotion. I even looked over at them once to see that they were picking up a tree that had fallen over. One of the other walkers clapped when I made it past! She didn't think I could do it! But I did! And then me and Mom ran again! the whole length of the track back to the car! I have so much fun when we run! Sure am glad I had Mom with me today though because I don't know what to do sometimes when I get scared! I think today should be called Running Day because so far that is all everyone has been doing!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
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