March 29, 2014
Dear Terry, We went to Gram and Pap's house today! It was very exciting! They weren't in the house though. They were in the garage! The garage had all kinds of car smells coming from it and then Pap came out! It was so exciting I had to poop before we even got into the house. Sometimes that happens. I sat with Pap until he tried to shoot me with his finger. I'm not so sure about that so I ran to see Gram. Dad stayed awake the whole time too. I got to eat some crackers at the table. I kindof forgot my manners and stood up at the table and barked instead of sitting quietly like I'm supposed to. Mom gave me the Evil Eye and I sat down. Then I got crackers! It's so hard to be good sometimes! When we left Mom said let's take the long way home and Dad agreed. We drove in a big circle. Dad was chatting the whole time. He pooped out when we got home. I laid down in my bed and pooped out too! Another great day!
Love, FredDog.
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

March 27, 2014
Terry! Happy Birthday to me Happy birthday to me! Guess what?? I GOT CAKE! Can you believe it!Mom got it out of the fridge this morning for me! I could smell peanut butter and banana and bacon AND FROSTING!! Mom says it has my name on it but I can't read yet. Mom put a big piece of it on a special plate for me and everything. I put the whole piece in my mouth and carried it to the family room to eat it! My word I think it might be the best thing I have ever eaten! My Own Cake! As soon as I was done with that first piece I ran back to the kitchen licked up all the crumbs and asked for MORE CAKE! And Mom gave me another piece!!! Mom was late getting home tonight so we didn't go for a walk. That's OK though because she brought home food for my bucket, and a chew stick!! and we had more cake!! only a little piece this time. Mom said I don't want you to explode today Freddie! Almost forgot! Penny Cat came upstairs to give me a kiss on the nose again. I was real careful not to scare her and she stayed and sat down in front of me!! What a great birthday this has been!
Love and Woofs, Fred Dog!
Terry! Happy Birthday to me Happy birthday to me! Guess what?? I GOT CAKE! Can you believe it!Mom got it out of the fridge this morning for me! I could smell peanut butter and banana and bacon AND FROSTING!! Mom says it has my name on it but I can't read yet. Mom put a big piece of it on a special plate for me and everything. I put the whole piece in my mouth and carried it to the family room to eat it! My word I think it might be the best thing I have ever eaten! My Own Cake! As soon as I was done with that first piece I ran back to the kitchen licked up all the crumbs and asked for MORE CAKE! And Mom gave me another piece!!! Mom was late getting home tonight so we didn't go for a walk. That's OK though because she brought home food for my bucket, and a chew stick!! and we had more cake!! only a little piece this time. Mom said I don't want you to explode today Freddie! Almost forgot! Penny Cat came upstairs to give me a kiss on the nose again. I was real careful not to scare her and she stayed and sat down in front of me!! What a great birthday this has been!
Love and Woofs, Fred Dog!
March 26, 2014
Dear Terry, Today was a Good Dog Day! Dad said so! That means I bet I get birthday cake!! I have never had one of my own before and I just know Mom is going to get me one, I know it!! While Dad was sleeping I decided I would go in the kitchen and check out all the good smells coming from the counter. I can't see what's on the counter because I'm short, but I can smell smells up there. I stilled smelled peanut butter and banana and bacon. No frosting though so it can't be my cake. Wonder where Mom would hide something that I can't smell it?? Not in the garbage. I only smelled the garbage, I didn't go digging in the garbage because I'm not allowed to. Not in any of the cabinets. I smelled under the couches, under the bed, under the desk. No birthday cake that I could smell or see. I even asked Penny Cat and she didn't know about any cake. She said she always gets tuna for her birthday. Bleh! Who wants tuna?? Cats are weird! She did give me a few kisses on the nose though. I'm getting so much better at not scaring her now that she will come right through the gate to greet me each and every morning. I hope Mom didn't forget about the cake. Mom wouldn't do that she knows I want my own cake! Guess I will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog!
Dear Terry, Today was a Good Dog Day! Dad said so! That means I bet I get birthday cake!! I have never had one of my own before and I just know Mom is going to get me one, I know it!! While Dad was sleeping I decided I would go in the kitchen and check out all the good smells coming from the counter. I can't see what's on the counter because I'm short, but I can smell smells up there. I stilled smelled peanut butter and banana and bacon. No frosting though so it can't be my cake. Wonder where Mom would hide something that I can't smell it?? Not in the garbage. I only smelled the garbage, I didn't go digging in the garbage because I'm not allowed to. Not in any of the cabinets. I smelled under the couches, under the bed, under the desk. No birthday cake that I could smell or see. I even asked Penny Cat and she didn't know about any cake. She said she always gets tuna for her birthday. Bleh! Who wants tuna?? Cats are weird! She did give me a few kisses on the nose though. I'm getting so much better at not scaring her now that she will come right through the gate to greet me each and every morning. I hope Mom didn't forget about the cake. Mom wouldn't do that she knows I want my own cake! Guess I will have to wait and see what tomorrow brings!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog!
March 27, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom got the Good Dog Book Out tonight. Do you think I have enough Good Dog Days to get a birthday cake??? Mom says the Good Dog Book has a cake recipe in it in case I've been good enough!! All I know is that Mom took the book into the kitchen with her and she has been busy ever since. I don't know how to make cake so I can't tell what the heck she is doing. It must take a few days to make a cake though, since my Adoption Day Birthday isn't until the 27th. I can smell peanut butter and bacon and bananas. But I doubt all of those would fit into a birthday cake. Dad says he thinks maybe I have been good enough to get a cake but only time will tell and I still have to get through tomorrow. If I could read, I would read the Good Dog Book and see what it says! Instead, I have to wait and see! Neither Mom nor Dad mentioned icing on the cake. I wonder if there is a recipe in the book for that. I wonder how good you have to be to get icing too. Hope you remembered to tell Mom how much I like icing!
Love and Woofs Fred Dog.
Dear Terry, Mom got the Good Dog Book Out tonight. Do you think I have enough Good Dog Days to get a birthday cake??? Mom says the Good Dog Book has a cake recipe in it in case I've been good enough!! All I know is that Mom took the book into the kitchen with her and she has been busy ever since. I don't know how to make cake so I can't tell what the heck she is doing. It must take a few days to make a cake though, since my Adoption Day Birthday isn't until the 27th. I can smell peanut butter and bacon and bananas. But I doubt all of those would fit into a birthday cake. Dad says he thinks maybe I have been good enough to get a cake but only time will tell and I still have to get through tomorrow. If I could read, I would read the Good Dog Book and see what it says! Instead, I have to wait and see! Neither Mom nor Dad mentioned icing on the cake. I wonder if there is a recipe in the book for that. I wonder how good you have to be to get icing too. Hope you remembered to tell Mom how much I like icing!
Love and Woofs Fred Dog.
March 23, 2014
Hi Terry, it's me, Fred Dog again! Mom bought me something new today. She says it's a mesh harness. Red of course because I like that shade of gray! We went to the park to see how I'd do. I can tell you that it is very confusing to me. I can't tell which way Mom wants me to go. The regular leash is much easier because all she has to do is move it in the direction I'm to go. This harness I can't tell where to go and me and Mom kept tripping over each other. That led to a lot of " darn it dog" from Mom. We got the hang of it but I think the other way is better. I wanted to ask Mom if that means I get a "D" for the day since she said that a bunch. That wouldn't look so good in the good dog book! I don't need that with my Adoption Day Birthday coming up! I want to get a birthday cake with frosting of my own!
Love, Fred Dog
March 23, 2014
Dear Terry! What a day yesterday! It was Mom's Birthday! Me and Dad sang happy birthday to Mom even before she had her eyes open!! She opened some gifts from Dad. And later on, we all went for a drive over to Grammy and Pap's House for BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!!! I ran in the house looking for them, I ran to the kitchen, no Gram, I ran to all the bedrooms and the bathroom and the downstairs and no Gram or Pap!! I was sure they were going to come in at any time! I've never been there and the house be empty! Mom said Look at this cake! I couldn't see it though because it was on the table but I sure could smell that icing! We split a piece of cake right away. It's Mom's favorite- graham cracker cake with icing. Mom let me taste some icing. I think she is trying to see if it would be something I would like on my birthday cake. I just KNOW I'm going to get one!
Love and Woofs, Fred Dog!
Dear Terry! What a day yesterday! It was Mom's Birthday! Me and Dad sang happy birthday to Mom even before she had her eyes open!! She opened some gifts from Dad. And later on, we all went for a drive over to Grammy and Pap's House for BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!!! I ran in the house looking for them, I ran to the kitchen, no Gram, I ran to all the bedrooms and the bathroom and the downstairs and no Gram or Pap!! I was sure they were going to come in at any time! I've never been there and the house be empty! Mom said Look at this cake! I couldn't see it though because it was on the table but I sure could smell that icing! We split a piece of cake right away. It's Mom's favorite- graham cracker cake with icing. Mom let me taste some icing. I think she is trying to see if it would be something I would like on my birthday cake. I just KNOW I'm going to get one!
Love and Woofs, Fred Dog!
March 21, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom and Dad had a busy day today! Mom slept in, but don't worry, I woke her right up! They went to see two doctors. Checkups, I think that it all musta been OK since Dad came home and no one mentioned a hospital. I thought maybe then we could go for a walk but Mom left again. Seemed like FOREVER until she came home! I showed Mom right away where my leash was in case this was one of those days where she doesn't understand me. We went to the firehouse trail again and horses had just been there. Mom just doesn't understand the joy in rolling in poop! She should try it sometime! I was good though but managed to get one paw in there. Oh and I forgot! When Mom opened the gate this morning, little Penny Cat gave me a kiss on the nose and I licked her head. For once she didn't belt me on the nose or head! I didn't even bark at her. Mom said I scored an "A+" today in the good dog book!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog.
Dear Terry, Mom and Dad had a busy day today! Mom slept in, but don't worry, I woke her right up! They went to see two doctors. Checkups, I think that it all musta been OK since Dad came home and no one mentioned a hospital. I thought maybe then we could go for a walk but Mom left again. Seemed like FOREVER until she came home! I showed Mom right away where my leash was in case this was one of those days where she doesn't understand me. We went to the firehouse trail again and horses had just been there. Mom just doesn't understand the joy in rolling in poop! She should try it sometime! I was good though but managed to get one paw in there. Oh and I forgot! When Mom opened the gate this morning, little Penny Cat gave me a kiss on the nose and I licked her head. For once she didn't belt me on the nose or head! I didn't even bark at her. Mom said I scored an "A+" today in the good dog book!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog.
March 18, 2014
Dear Terry, Today Dad was all mixed up again. He gets like that sometimes. That's where I come in. On mixed up days I stay right next to Dad. That way if he forgets what he is doing or where he is going and gets all flustered, I give his hand a nudge and he pets me and calms down and can think again. Today, I brought him Mr. Bubbles to help out. Mr. Bubbles always makes Dad laugh. He squeaks a lot when I carry him. Me and Dad and Mr. Bubbles all laid down for a nap. Well, Dad napped, I stayed awake and kept an eye on things. And I tucked Mr. Bubbles in right next to him. When Mom got home, Dad wasn't all anxious anymore. Mom said me and Mr. Bubbles sure did help out today! I tried to tell Mom that a good reward for my hard work would be peanut butter frosting on my birthday cake. But I don't think she understood. I will have to work harder on getting her to understand!
Love and Woofs, Fred Dog.
Dear Terry, Today Dad was all mixed up again. He gets like that sometimes. That's where I come in. On mixed up days I stay right next to Dad. That way if he forgets what he is doing or where he is going and gets all flustered, I give his hand a nudge and he pets me and calms down and can think again. Today, I brought him Mr. Bubbles to help out. Mr. Bubbles always makes Dad laugh. He squeaks a lot when I carry him. Me and Dad and Mr. Bubbles all laid down for a nap. Well, Dad napped, I stayed awake and kept an eye on things. And I tucked Mr. Bubbles in right next to him. When Mom got home, Dad wasn't all anxious anymore. Mom said me and Mr. Bubbles sure did help out today! I tried to tell Mom that a good reward for my hard work would be peanut butter frosting on my birthday cake. But I don't think she understood. I will have to work harder on getting her to understand!
Love and Woofs, Fred Dog.
March 17, 2014
Dear Terry, today Dad and Grammy went to the doctors. But the exciting part is what they did after that! They went to the car hop where everyone parks backwards and the hamburger lady brings hamburgers right to your window! It's the hamburger palace of all palaces! Mom always orders me a Mutt Burger, specially made just for me. Dad remembered how much I like those and him and Grammy brought one home for me!!!! It even comes in a special paper dish. You don't eat the dish though. I got to eat right in the living room. What a great day!
Love and woofs, Fred Dog.
Dear Terry, today Dad and Grammy went to the doctors. But the exciting part is what they did after that! They went to the car hop where everyone parks backwards and the hamburger lady brings hamburgers right to your window! It's the hamburger palace of all palaces! Mom always orders me a Mutt Burger, specially made just for me. Dad remembered how much I like those and him and Grammy brought one home for me!!!! It even comes in a special paper dish. You don't eat the dish though. I got to eat right in the living room. What a great day!
Love and woofs, Fred Dog.
March 16, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess what!? Me and Mom took another walk today! This time we went to the walking track. Mom says I need to work on being a good dog everywhere and not just around the house. The walking track has all kinds of scary things to me though so it was really hard to be good. Like joggers. They come up behind you pretty fast. Sometimes there are kids on bikes. Bikes scare me. In class I had learned not to be afraid of strollers but bikes are still hard for me. Sometimes me and Mom jog. Today, no jogging for us. I had to walk real good for Mom. Mom pulled me aside to give me a chance to be good. When something scary started to get near us, Mom stopped me and helped me to remember how to stay calm even if I didn't have my mat with me. I've been learning that my mat is my calm down place. I try and remember to stay calm because it makes things much easier for me and much more fun. It doesn't work all the time. Although, Mom told me I got a "B" for the day. That must mean 'cause I was "being" good! Woof!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog!
Dear Terry, Guess what!? Me and Mom took another walk today! This time we went to the walking track. Mom says I need to work on being a good dog everywhere and not just around the house. The walking track has all kinds of scary things to me though so it was really hard to be good. Like joggers. They come up behind you pretty fast. Sometimes there are kids on bikes. Bikes scare me. In class I had learned not to be afraid of strollers but bikes are still hard for me. Sometimes me and Mom jog. Today, no jogging for us. I had to walk real good for Mom. Mom pulled me aside to give me a chance to be good. When something scary started to get near us, Mom stopped me and helped me to remember how to stay calm even if I didn't have my mat with me. I've been learning that my mat is my calm down place. I try and remember to stay calm because it makes things much easier for me and much more fun. It doesn't work all the time. Although, Mom told me I got a "B" for the day. That must mean 'cause I was "being" good! Woof!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog!
March 15, 2014
Hi Terry! I got Mom up as soon as I heard the birdies singing outside! We walked all around the yard. We had lots of visitors last night and I could smell where they had been. The raccoons stopped by, they were really loud. The deer came through the yard too. And Mr. O. Possum. He walks slow but always checks out the birdie feeder. Then later on today, me and Mom went to the firehouse trail. It goes in a big circle through the woods and over the swamp. First we walked over the levee. Then up the little hill with the big rock. But then I smelled SOMETHING. Mom always says I smell "something wicked this way comes", that means I smell danger or bad things. I was growling and the fur on my back stood up. I showed my teeth too. There was something bad on the other side of the hill. I wouldn't go forward. That's how I tell Mom, I wont move and I won't let her pass me. We turned around. I kept looking back because I could still smell it. We never did see what it was, but I can tell you it wasn't good. Not like when I see deer. I bark myself silly at them. Mom always says you can't be too careful Fred. And then she gave me big pets back in the car. I came home and told Dad all about it and he said GOOD JOB Freddie and I got a meat stick! How great is that!?
Love and Woofs, Fred Dog.
Hi Terry! I got Mom up as soon as I heard the birdies singing outside! We walked all around the yard. We had lots of visitors last night and I could smell where they had been. The raccoons stopped by, they were really loud. The deer came through the yard too. And Mr. O. Possum. He walks slow but always checks out the birdie feeder. Then later on today, me and Mom went to the firehouse trail. It goes in a big circle through the woods and over the swamp. First we walked over the levee. Then up the little hill with the big rock. But then I smelled SOMETHING. Mom always says I smell "something wicked this way comes", that means I smell danger or bad things. I was growling and the fur on my back stood up. I showed my teeth too. There was something bad on the other side of the hill. I wouldn't go forward. That's how I tell Mom, I wont move and I won't let her pass me. We turned around. I kept looking back because I could still smell it. We never did see what it was, but I can tell you it wasn't good. Not like when I see deer. I bark myself silly at them. Mom always says you can't be too careful Fred. And then she gave me big pets back in the car. I came home and told Dad all about it and he said GOOD JOB Freddie and I got a meat stick! How great is that!?
Love and Woofs, Fred Dog.
March 13, 2014
Dear Terry, I've been busy again! I've been keeping Dad company a lot during the day. He's been sleeping a lot and someone has to watch over him. He does wake up for the nurses though at least. I think his birthday must have pooped him out. You know my birthday is coming up. Mom says it's March 27. It's not really my birthday but Mom says it is my Adoption Day Birthday which is every bit as important. Last year I got special biscuits like Santa leaves me, and canned food, and me and Mom and Dad all went for a walk. I don't think Dad will be walking with us this year because of his bum feet. Mom says maybe he can swing on the swings in the park while we walk around. I've never had a birthday cake though. Maybe Mom will make one for me. I like cake. Oh back to Dad. Yesterday Mom said he needed the stink blowed off him. I didn't think he was smelly but Mom and Dad went for a ride. Dad was pretty happy when he came back and told me all the stuff he had seen riding around. I'm a good listener. Dad also told me how much he likes cake too. While we thought about cake I got treats!
Love and Woofs , Fred Dog.
P.S. Maybe tell mom cake with icing is the best.....
Dear Terry, I've been busy again! I've been keeping Dad company a lot during the day. He's been sleeping a lot and someone has to watch over him. He does wake up for the nurses though at least. I think his birthday must have pooped him out. You know my birthday is coming up. Mom says it's March 27. It's not really my birthday but Mom says it is my Adoption Day Birthday which is every bit as important. Last year I got special biscuits like Santa leaves me, and canned food, and me and Mom and Dad all went for a walk. I don't think Dad will be walking with us this year because of his bum feet. Mom says maybe he can swing on the swings in the park while we walk around. I've never had a birthday cake though. Maybe Mom will make one for me. I like cake. Oh back to Dad. Yesterday Mom said he needed the stink blowed off him. I didn't think he was smelly but Mom and Dad went for a ride. Dad was pretty happy when he came back and told me all the stuff he had seen riding around. I'm a good listener. Dad also told me how much he likes cake too. While we thought about cake I got treats!
Love and Woofs , Fred Dog.
P.S. Maybe tell mom cake with icing is the best.....
March 11, 2014
Terry! Guess what!? Today is Dad's birthday. Me and Mom sang to him this morning. The cats got smooshie food in honor of his birthday. AND PAP came over to give Dad a gift!! How great is that! I love my Pap. He gives me lots of pets. Sometimes he teases me and all I can do is bark!! WOOF WOOF WOOF. He's lots of fun! Dad got a big can of his special potion. That's green tea to you and me. Dad loves that stuff. Makes my nose wrinkle though at the smell. Dad and I have been glued to the TV watching baseball on that thing you got Dad. We fall asleep a lot watching baseball but that's ok there always seems to be more on when we wake up! Oh and Mom came home early and surprised us all!! Dad had a great birthday.
Love Fred Dog.
Terry! Guess what!? Today is Dad's birthday. Me and Mom sang to him this morning. The cats got smooshie food in honor of his birthday. AND PAP came over to give Dad a gift!! How great is that! I love my Pap. He gives me lots of pets. Sometimes he teases me and all I can do is bark!! WOOF WOOF WOOF. He's lots of fun! Dad got a big can of his special potion. That's green tea to you and me. Dad loves that stuff. Makes my nose wrinkle though at the smell. Dad and I have been glued to the TV watching baseball on that thing you got Dad. We fall asleep a lot watching baseball but that's ok there always seems to be more on when we wake up! Oh and Mom came home early and surprised us all!! Dad had a great birthday.
Love Fred Dog.
March 9, 2014
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written in a few days. I've been busy. Like yesterday. Packed full of fun for me! I got to play out on the deck. I stayed out even though it was sprinkling rain. There was a woodpecker at the birdie feeder! TAPPTAPPTAPPPTAPPP. They make the neatest sounds! Mom and me played ball. And I got a new chew stick, the beefy kind. Yumm-yy! Mom's been working with me and Penny Cat too. She's my friend. But I scare her sometimes. That's what we are working on. I sat real good for Mom and she opened the gate and Penny came right to me to say HELLO DOGGIE. Things were going real good except I barked and she smacked me right in the face!! I stopped barking but she was gone. Today, Mom and me went on a walk in the nature park. The trails were really slippery so we stayed on the flat ground. Mom said we only walked for half an hour but soon it would be warm enough to walk longer. And then we went to the Tractor Supply Store! Mom said they had peeps, but all the peeps were gone! Helper Man said they were getting more in but they have to wait until they hatch. We got a bag of food for me, and little starter pots for Mom's garden. Right next to that was the potato bin. Mom turned around and the potato I had picked out fell out of my mouth! NO STEALING FRED! I got treats from the Cashier Lady. And I met the man behind us in line. He smelled like a farm. Mom could smell him too. What a great time!
Love and Woofs, Fred Dog.
Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written in a few days. I've been busy. Like yesterday. Packed full of fun for me! I got to play out on the deck. I stayed out even though it was sprinkling rain. There was a woodpecker at the birdie feeder! TAPPTAPPTAPPPTAPPP. They make the neatest sounds! Mom and me played ball. And I got a new chew stick, the beefy kind. Yumm-yy! Mom's been working with me and Penny Cat too. She's my friend. But I scare her sometimes. That's what we are working on. I sat real good for Mom and she opened the gate and Penny came right to me to say HELLO DOGGIE. Things were going real good except I barked and she smacked me right in the face!! I stopped barking but she was gone. Today, Mom and me went on a walk in the nature park. The trails were really slippery so we stayed on the flat ground. Mom said we only walked for half an hour but soon it would be warm enough to walk longer. And then we went to the Tractor Supply Store! Mom said they had peeps, but all the peeps were gone! Helper Man said they were getting more in but they have to wait until they hatch. We got a bag of food for me, and little starter pots for Mom's garden. Right next to that was the potato bin. Mom turned around and the potato I had picked out fell out of my mouth! NO STEALING FRED! I got treats from the Cashier Lady. And I met the man behind us in line. He smelled like a farm. Mom could smell him too. What a great time!
Love and Woofs, Fred Dog.
March 6, 2014
Terry Terry ! Guess what! GRAMMY came and picked Dad up for his appointment today!! It was GRAMMY! And when they came back GRAMMY came in the house!! Can you believe it?! I love my Gram. I couldn't stop barking at first. All I could think of was GRAM, GRAM, GRAMMMMMY!!! The excitement was way too much! Dad was home and GRAMMY was here! What a great day this turned out to be!!
Love Fred Dog
Terry Terry ! Guess what! GRAMMY came and picked Dad up for his appointment today!! It was GRAMMY! And when they came back GRAMMY came in the house!! Can you believe it?! I love my Gram. I couldn't stop barking at first. All I could think of was GRAM, GRAM, GRAMMMMMY!!! The excitement was way too much! Dad was home and GRAMMY was here! What a great day this turned out to be!!
Love Fred Dog
March 4, 2014
Dear Terry, Today was rather exciting! The UPS guy came to the door. I barked a lot. Dad kept the door shut though. But I bet he heard me 'cause he was right on the porch! Dad was awfully excited because he said Oh this will be the Pirate Tickets. And it was! Dad and me opened the package but there weren't any toys in there for me. Rather disappointing. I wear a pirate collar you know. You would think I would get a toy or something from a real pirate! But then Mom came home and I told her all about it. I was barking and running. And I showed her how I jumped on the back of the couch. I didn't wipe out this time. And Mom's necklace came too. It has a little dog pendant on it that looks like me! Not that Mom would forget me. She said she wanted a little reminder of me when I'm not around. Dad found it for her. Pretty neat. Mom showed me that it was like a breakable so I don't chew on it or eat it. What a fun day!
Barks and Wags! Fred Dog.
Dear Terry, Today was rather exciting! The UPS guy came to the door. I barked a lot. Dad kept the door shut though. But I bet he heard me 'cause he was right on the porch! Dad was awfully excited because he said Oh this will be the Pirate Tickets. And it was! Dad and me opened the package but there weren't any toys in there for me. Rather disappointing. I wear a pirate collar you know. You would think I would get a toy or something from a real pirate! But then Mom came home and I told her all about it. I was barking and running. And I showed her how I jumped on the back of the couch. I didn't wipe out this time. And Mom's necklace came too. It has a little dog pendant on it that looks like me! Not that Mom would forget me. She said she wanted a little reminder of me when I'm not around. Dad found it for her. Pretty neat. Mom showed me that it was like a breakable so I don't chew on it or eat it. What a fun day!
Barks and Wags! Fred Dog.
March 3, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom says that March is coming in like a lion. They're cats. I see them on Animal Planet. Mom says that means that winter isn't going away anytime soon. I was so excited to see the snow yesterday! Me and Mom went outside in it! It was great! I didn't have my coat on so i was covered in it! How great is that?? Today it wasn't so fun though. It was a feet stick to the driveway kindof a morning. I don't like those. Did you see that it stays light out longer? You know what that means! Mom can take me for more walks! The vet tried to say I picked up a few pounds. I tried to tell her that's because I won't walk in the bad cold, Mom told her for me. Don't worry I will be in top shape in no time once the sun stays out more! No Fat Fred here!
Love Fred Dog!
March 1, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom went to the VET today. Yeah. The VET. I don't like going. I thought maybe we were going to the park or Grammy and Pap's house, but no we went the wrong way. Last time I had a little breakdown at the VET and barked and howled in the waiting room after it was all over. Mom said Fred, you have to be good this trip. No getting everyone else wound up. Mom said it was a tune up for me, I got my nails clipped, butt cleaned, blood drawn, two shots, teeth looked at and the thing I hate the most...the light shined in my eyes. WHAT is up with that??? I didn't bark, howl, scream or whimper this time. Mom was really proud of me and the VET gave me lots of pets and the other lady sang to me. But I was still really scared. The ladies at the desk commented on how good I was this trip. When we got home I told Dad all about it and Mom gave me a treat. I'm glad I don't have to go back any time soon!
Love and Woofs, Fred Dog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom went to the VET today. Yeah. The VET. I don't like going. I thought maybe we were going to the park or Grammy and Pap's house, but no we went the wrong way. Last time I had a little breakdown at the VET and barked and howled in the waiting room after it was all over. Mom said Fred, you have to be good this trip. No getting everyone else wound up. Mom said it was a tune up for me, I got my nails clipped, butt cleaned, blood drawn, two shots, teeth looked at and the thing I hate the most...the light shined in my eyes. WHAT is up with that??? I didn't bark, howl, scream or whimper this time. Mom was really proud of me and the VET gave me lots of pets and the other lady sang to me. But I was still really scared. The ladies at the desk commented on how good I was this trip. When we got home I told Dad all about it and Mom gave me a treat. I'm glad I don't have to go back any time soon!
Love and Woofs, Fred Dog
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