Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
February 27, 2014

Dear Terry, Yesterday you won't believe what Mom and Dad did. They left the house and I thought they must be going to see the Doctor. I pressed my head against the front window as they left down the driveway. They came back awhile later. BUT when they came in the house I smelled a familiar smell. They went to the Hot Dog Palace WITHOUT me. How could they have done that???? The Hot Dog Palace. Without ME. I gave them a piece of my mind about that. Mom said OK OK ! We won't do that again! And she gave me some of my picnic treats you had sent. That made things a little better. But Geez The Hot Dog Palace without me??? Humph. I can't wait for Mom to take me there! I'm allowed to have a plain hot dog. No chili for this pup! I like hot dogs. Dad makes them on the grill sometimes and I'm allowed to get any that accidentally fall off. I wonder if the Hot Dog Palace would put some peanut butter on mine this time. Mom said probably not but I can still hope!

Love Fred Dog.

February 25, 2014

Terry Terry Terry! The box you sent came today! I could tell it was from you as soon as I smelled it! Oh the stuff that was in it! A new green puppy toy for me!! It squeaks and everything! AND the POOCH PICNIC TREATS got my tail WAGGING!! They are like little sandwiches of yummy goodness!!! I did all my tricks at once for Mom as soon as the bag was open. Sit Down Spin. I did a lot of spinning. Speak. I did a lot of Speaking too. I waved and gave Mom 5, then another 5. You can't even imagine the excitement in the house! Dad loves his gift too. To me it's a box, to Dad it's a Roku. I don't know what that is but Mom explained it's for the TV. Dad can't wait until Mom has it all set up!! Dad didn't Spin though. He did give Mom a high five to give to you. I can't do High Fives because I'm short you know. What a great surprise Terry!

Thanks bunches for thinking of us!

Love Fred Dog!
February 24, 2014

Terry! Guess what!? I got to meet the nurse lady today! Her name is Joleen. Mom let me out of the bedroom after dad's foot was all taken care of. I ran right over to her. My tail was wagging really hard so she could see how nice I am. She likes dogs. I got good scratches on the ears and back. I inspected her work on Dad's feet. Then I saw she had a bag with her! How exciting! I stuck my nose right in there. I didn't take anything though. Sometimes I do take things that smell interesting. But I am pretty sure Mom was sending me a silent message not to snitch anything, so I left it all alone. When she left I barked and barked and ran to the windows to watch her leave. What a nice lady!

Love Fred Dog!
February 23, 2014

Dear Terry, What a good day today. This morning, Mom let me play out on the deck! I barked at the ravens. Then I saw Black n White Kitty so I barked at him too. The Dog Walkers went by and I barked at them too. Then I ran to through the house to bark at them from the front window. I helped Mom make dinner. She said for all my help I could have a treat. She put peanut butter on a meat stick for me!! How great is that???!!  I even got to go out on the deck again in the afternoon. That time I saw birdies at the birdie feeder. I barked at them. I'm good at barking. I bark so everyone can hear me. When I got back in I was pooped out. But Dad was in my spot on the couch so I barked at him. I might have barked too much since Mom said FRED. I stopped barking and decided to share the couch with Dad who was already asleep. What a great day!

Love and Woofs, Fred Dog

February 22, 2014

Dear Terry, I've been a little down in the dumps lately. Dad can't play with me because of his bum foot. Mom's been really busy. Today was such a nice day outside. I wanted to go for a walk. But Mom was doing stuff. I kept going to the door thinking she would take me for a ride and a walk. No luck. I flopped down on my bed and sighed. Maybe she could play with me later on. Mom stopped what she was doing and said What's This?? A Mopey Dog??? We don't have Mopey Dogs in this house! She grabbed her keys and the leash and said Let's Go Fred!! I ran all through the house I was so excited! We ran to the car. Mom said we were going to the Nature Park. My favorite place! I couldn't stop barking. What a great walk in the park! There was still a lot of snow to plow through, and allll kinds of smells to smell. I found deer poop but Mom wouldn't let me roll in it. We went on my favorite trail. We didn't get too far because of all the ice and mud. I don't like mud since it makes my feet yucky. This time I didn't care, I slopped right in it! I got mud on my face and tail and everywhere on me. That was a bit worrisome. Mom said don't worry I can clean you off. Whew! Me and dirt don't get along. When we got home I ran and found Dad and told him all about it. I'm so pooped out that I'm going to take a nap. No more Mopey Dog here!

Love Fred Dog.

February 21, 2014

Dear Terry, Did you hear the thunder last night? I did. I had my special no scaries shirt on. I'm still scared but not as much with my special shirt. Me and mom snuggled in under the blanket. The cats aren't scared of the storms. But I am. This morning before I would set foot outside with Mom, I stuck my head out the door, listened to the left, listened to the thunder, then I ran outside. Much easier to walk now that there isn't so much snow and ice everywhere! The nice nurse lady was here again. Maybe next time I can meet her but Mom said she was doing important stuff with Dad's feet. I only barked a little bit so she would remember I was here. Mom said I sounded just like Darth Vader bec I was trying to smell her through the bottom of the door. And to make the morning even better, Mom gave me some turkey scraps to snack on! Yummy!

Love and Woofs, Fred Dog
February 18, 2014

Dear Terry,  More snow excitement today! Mom went out to shovel the back driveway for the nurse lady. I watched from the window. Then neighbor John plowed again. Up n down and back n forth. Mom took me out in the snow but I had some problems getting through the snow because it was so deep. This time I didn't wait for Mom to walk ahead of me. I put my head down and plowed through with my nose! I have a good nose for that! I was totally covered in snow and Mom was laughing. We had such a good time outside this morning! She's going to take me out again here real soon and I get to plow some more! Dad thought it was real funny - all the snow I had on me. Then I shook it all off in the house! What a great day so far!

Love and woofs, Fred Dog.
February 16, 2014

Dear Terry, Guess what!? It snowed again! I saw the first flake this morning and ran to wake up Mom. I never get tired of snow. There were snow plows and everything on the road. We did have a scary moment later on when Mom decided to run the vacuum. This time Juneau Cat told me NO DOGS WILL BE SPARED. I don't even know what that means but I charged right at it, but then got scared and ran into the bedroom. After that, Mom took me outside to play. She knows how much I love the snow! We made dinner together too. Mom gets the shredded cheese out and makes it snow cheese on my head! I can't describe how much fun I have catching all the pieces of cheese! Don't worry, I get the pieces that land on the floor too so there is no mess. Never let cheese go to waste! Yummy!

Hope you had a good day like me!

Love Fred Dog.
February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day Terry! If you were here I would give you lots of wags and kisses! Mom and me went for a walk this morning all around the yard. Some of the snow was gone so I could get through in most spots. The ravens buzzed by. I don't like the ravens so I tried to pull one out of the air but he was too quick. Boy did he make a racket though! Mom said between me barking and growling and the raven squawking we were going to wake the neighborhood up. What a commotion! I woke Dad up when we got in and I gave him lots of wags and kisses. And I talked to Penny Cat. We talk every morning. Juneau Cat doesn't like me at all so I didn't get a chance to say Happy Valentine's Day to him. Mom gave me a meat stick treat and the cats got smooshie food. It's going to be a good day!

Love, Fred Dog
February 13, 2014

Dear Terry, The nurse lady was here again today. I saw her in the driveway and barked Helllo Lady! She waved at me! Dad and I did a lot of napping today. Dad says tomorrow is a big day. It's Valentine's Day. Dad says that's when we show Mom how much we love her and appreciate the things she does. Dad says you supposed to tell everyone that even when it's not Valentine's Day. I think that I should share my morning treat with Mom. I love my treats and I bet she would like one too. Dad says even the cats get special treats tomorrow. I don't know about that. Juneau Cat doesn't seem to like me very much so maybe I will just stick to sharing my treat with Mom.

Love and Woofs, Fred Dog.

February 10, 2014

Dear Terry, We had a visitor today! Mom said she was a nurse for Dad. I wasn't allowed to help. I was really good in the bedroom while she worked on Dad's foot. I stopped barking because I could hear the lady talking to Dad. She sounded nice, but I'm the one who is supposed to take care of Dad. Mom said sometimes dog spit not good for everything, like Dad's foot. I think Mom might be wrong on this but I listened to her anyways. I was allowed to see Dad once the nice lady left. I charged out of the bedroom and right to Dad. I inspected everything that lady did. She had changed the bandages. Humph. If I had a thumb I could do that. No one can take care of Dad better than me but she did a good job I guess. I sat with Dad all day long to make sure he was OK. That's one of the jobs I have. Make sure Dad is always OK. Mom said I did a good job today! I hope Dad's foot gets better soon!

Love and woofs, Fred Dog
February 9, 2014

Terry! Terry! Terry! Guess what??? Dad came home today!! I saw Mom come down the driveway. I was on the back of the couch looking out the big window. I was hoping Dad was with her and then he got out of the car and I got so excited barking and seeing Dad, that I flipped off the back of the couch! I'm OK, I got right back up. Sometimes that happens. Dad came through the door and I couldn't stand the excitement at seeing him again!!! I accidentally had an accident. Mom cleaned that right up while I gave Dad lots of kisses and woofs! It was all so exciting! I sat with him all afternoon. What a day!!

Love Fred Dog

Me and Dad back together again!

February 8, 2014

Dear Terry, I've been down in the dumps for a few days. No Dad. His foot is all messed up.  Mom says it's from his diabetes. I don't know what that is. But I do know what a hospital is, it's like a vet hospital for people. I told Mom I could lick his foot to make it better, she said, not this time Fred. Things aren't the same without him. Mom says I still have to eat, I don't want to though. I did lick the cats' smooshie food spoon . Mom says she will get me dog smooshie food just for me. I might eat some of that. Would be better if Dad was here though. I slept on his place in the couch again. I keep waiting....

love fred.
February 5, 2014

Dear Terry, Guess what I did today! I watched neighbor John plow the driveway. It was very exciting. He went back n forth, up n down. I had a front row seat in the big window. Every time he passed the window I barked Hello John!!! He even waved to me once. Mom thought he was done so she took me out before she left for work and he was still out there. He had made big piles of snow everywhere. But guess what?? He saw where Mom had shoveled a space for me to walk and he plowed an opening in the snow just for me!! How nice is that?? I like John. Mom made sure to thank him a whole lot for doing all that work for us. The snow piles are bigger than me, even if I stand up on 2 feet. That's a lot of snow!

Love and Woofs, Fred Dog!
February 5, 2014

Terry! Did you see the snow?? When Mom got home last night, She took me out to play in it. It was falling from the sky, the wind was blowing my ears around, I barked at the snow just because. What fun! This morning I couldn't wait to get outside. Only the snow was all crunchy under my feet and slippery too. I kept slipping and falling through the snow and some spots were too deep for me. Mom said Hold on Freddie! She walked ahead of me to clear a path. I walked where she walked and we had fun! Mom always makes things better, I let her check my feet when we got in because I kindof cut one on the ice and snow. Mom said don't worry it's only a scrape. I'm going to go look for snow plows now. I bark at them too, they have lots of lights and make noise and the snow goes flying!

Love Fred Dog
February 4, 2014

Dear Terry, Sorry I haven't written in a few days. Mom says I am now fully recovered from my day at the dog park. I've been sleeping a lot. But this morning I didn't feel stiff and sore so I greeted the day by barking at the deer in the yard. Only Mom said the day hadn't started yet since it was only 2 AM and the sun wasn't even up. She really doesn't like mornings! I didn't let that stop me though! I ran and played with my pals Spot and Mr. Bubbles. Then I barked some more at the neighbors cat in the front yard. Mom finally yelled Fred! Come lay down! As soon as the alarm went off, I ran off the bed to start the day all over again! How great is that!?

Love, Fred Dog

February 1, 2014

Dear Terry,  What a great day me and Mom had! We went for a ride in the car but we didn't go to the nature park, we went to the Dog Park! Yipeeee! At first I thought we were going to Grammy and Pap's house, but then we passed the turn and I knew where we were going!! Mom didn't have to tell me. I was so excited I barked for the rest of the ride non stop. I couldn't help myself. I got to make a new friend too. His name is Cooper. He's my size and all black. We ran and played together for a long time. We didn't play with any of the other dogs. We did everything together. He'd run, I'd run. I'd sit down, he'd sit down. We ate snow together and everything! Mom said running non stop for an hour was enough. Neither one of us wanted to leave even though we were so tired we laid down in the snow together. It was a great time, I hope I get to play with him again! I was so tired I couldn't get back in the car, so Mom had to help me a bit. I'm going to take a nap now.

Love, FredDog