December 30, 2014
Dear Terry, The New Year is coming! Mom says that I had better resolve to not chase Penny Cat. I said WHY??? It's fun! Mom said rethink that. Penny Cat hissed at me too. We had fun yesterday. She wanted to watch the birdies at the bird feeder in the big basement window. I sat on the couch and watched her watch the birdies. I was really quiet so I wouldn't make her all fluffy. I'm not allowed to make her fluffy. I did eat all her food. I didn't mean too. I only meant to take a nibble but she hardly has any food in her bucket like I do. It was a tasty little snack. But boy was she mad when she was hungry. Don't worry, Dad put food down for her and she was ok. Oh! and last night the deer came right in the driveway by the window and went down into the yard. I barked like a wild dog at them and then watched out the window while they ate grass in the yard.
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
it's the story of ME! and all the fun things i do in my forever home!
Me! FredDog

December 28, 2014
Dear Terry, Yesterday was packed full of un for me, Mom and Dad. We went for a walk in the park. I showed Dad where I dug an hole and Mom filled it back up. I showed him the new bridge. I walked across it and back again so he would know it was safe. Dad got tired so we headed back to the car and I licked his face so he would feel better. Then we went and picked up a Movie! It was Movie Night in the house! I like Movie Nights. We all sit on the couch and eat popcorn! Mom made the super buttery kind. Mom doesn't give me as much popcorn as Dad does so I sit closer to Dad. I was pooped out by the end of the movie and fell asleep. I might have eaten too much popcorn!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday was packed full of un for me, Mom and Dad. We went for a walk in the park. I showed Dad where I dug an hole and Mom filled it back up. I showed him the new bridge. I walked across it and back again so he would know it was safe. Dad got tired so we headed back to the car and I licked his face so he would feel better. Then we went and picked up a Movie! It was Movie Night in the house! I like Movie Nights. We all sit on the couch and eat popcorn! Mom made the super buttery kind. Mom doesn't give me as much popcorn as Dad does so I sit closer to Dad. I was pooped out by the end of the movie and fell asleep. I might have eaten too much popcorn!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dec 26, 2015
Dear Terry! Merry Christmas! Boy was I busy yesterday! First Mom woke me up and made me run all around the house before I discovered that I had a present!! A good smelly Present! And Santa left me a good biscuit w peanut butter frosting and my Present was a big bag of penut butter & banana chewy cookies!!!! A whole bag! Can you imagine!? It was very exciting! THEN we went for a walk in the park and it started raining ice on us. It sounded all crackly. THEN we spent the day at Gram and Pap's! Grammy made a ham and I got to eat some snibbles and Dad shared his sandwich with me and I got to see more of Dad's family and I barked a whole lot and then I pooped out. When we got home I told PennyCat all about it and she said Meow Meow. Mom got her special turkey treats. I know they taste good because Mom dropped one on the floor and you know what that means! It's MINE! Yummy!
Hope you had a great Christmas like me and Mom and Dad.
Barks and Wags! FredDog!
Dear Terry! Merry Christmas! Boy was I busy yesterday! First Mom woke me up and made me run all around the house before I discovered that I had a present!! A good smelly Present! And Santa left me a good biscuit w peanut butter frosting and my Present was a big bag of penut butter & banana chewy cookies!!!! A whole bag! Can you imagine!? It was very exciting! THEN we went for a walk in the park and it started raining ice on us. It sounded all crackly. THEN we spent the day at Gram and Pap's! Grammy made a ham and I got to eat some snibbles and Dad shared his sandwich with me and I got to see more of Dad's family and I barked a whole lot and then I pooped out. When we got home I told PennyCat all about it and she said Meow Meow. Mom got her special turkey treats. I know they taste good because Mom dropped one on the floor and you know what that means! It's MINE! Yummy!
Hope you had a great Christmas like me and Mom and Dad.
Barks and Wags! FredDog!
December 22, 2014
Dear Terry, We are back from the trip to the birthday party! What Fun! I was so excited sometimes I couldn't stop barking or jumping on people so Mom had to put me in the laundry area until I could get calmed down again. I got to eat some chicken and bacon. No cake though because it was chocolate. Aunt Laura gave me some left over bacon. How great was that?? and Nolan gave me a WHOLE bag of treats! Well, not all at once. Mom showed him how to not let me grab the treats. Isometiems forget I have to be gentle taking food from people. Oh and I watched a groundhog all night long almost out the patio door. He was really fat. Aunt Sue had a really sparkly tree too. I slept all the way home I was so pooped OUT! It was really good to see everyone again! Oh and I even managed to sneak upstairs but Aunt Laura BUSTED ME! Woof!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
Dear Terry, We are back from the trip to the birthday party! What Fun! I was so excited sometimes I couldn't stop barking or jumping on people so Mom had to put me in the laundry area until I could get calmed down again. I got to eat some chicken and bacon. No cake though because it was chocolate. Aunt Laura gave me some left over bacon. How great was that?? and Nolan gave me a WHOLE bag of treats! Well, not all at once. Mom showed him how to not let me grab the treats. Isometiems forget I have to be gentle taking food from people. Oh and I watched a groundhog all night long almost out the patio door. He was really fat. Aunt Sue had a really sparkly tree too. I slept all the way home I was so pooped OUT! It was really good to see everyone again! Oh and I even managed to sneak upstairs but Aunt Laura BUSTED ME! Woof!
Barks and Wags, Fred Dog
Deember 16, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom went out today to run some errands. One of the errands was THE VET. Mom forgot to tell me that part. I had to get my nails trimmed and butt cleaned. I was good. I even met a German Shephard puppy. I was good because I don't want to be smelly for the nephews or scratch them by accident. It's Nolan's Birthday and we are going to go to his party. I like Birthday Parties. We always have lots of fun when we see Mom's Family. There will be cake and presents and all kinds of fun. Usually we go for a walk too and Mom will give Nolan the leash so me and him can walk together. I can't wait!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom went out today to run some errands. One of the errands was THE VET. Mom forgot to tell me that part. I had to get my nails trimmed and butt cleaned. I was good. I even met a German Shephard puppy. I was good because I don't want to be smelly for the nephews or scratch them by accident. It's Nolan's Birthday and we are going to go to his party. I like Birthday Parties. We always have lots of fun when we see Mom's Family. There will be cake and presents and all kinds of fun. Usually we go for a walk too and Mom will give Nolan the leash so me and him can walk together. I can't wait!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
December 13, 2014
Dear Santa, I'm so glad I got to meet you! It was a dream come true! Mom said I should write and explain the badness in the store so I'm not on the Bad List. I made a list of a few things I did in the store and I hope you can understand and still bring me those good biscuits again this year.
1. I'm sorry I peed on the store floor. I was a little excited to finally meet you in person. Sometimes I accidentally have accidents when I get too excited. I did say thank you to your helper when she cleaned it up.
2. I'm sorry I barked a whole lot at the other dogs and got everyone excited. Mom had to take me out of line to get me calmed down and I kindof peed again.
3. I'm sorry that I caused Mom to have to buy a big bag of treats to bribe me to be good. Well, Not too sorry 'cause they are good treats!
4. I'm sorry that I almost pulled over a whole display of shirts. One of the shirt sleeves surprised me and I grabbed it. I didn't mean to pull it so hard.
5. I'm sorry I might have pulled on your beard a little with my foot. I wanted to see if it was real. That was a good beard! And you did laugh pretty good about it!
6. I'm sorry I tried to grab a cookie off the treat table. It smelled really good and I did think the treats were for all of us. Mom said NO and I realized to late that they were only for the humans. Your Helpers said it was OK because other dogs did it too.
7. I'm sorry I almost knocked the camera over when we were done taking pictures. Picture Lady called my name and I got confused. I didn't mean to. Maybe cameras should have sturdier legs.
8. Most of all, I'm sorry I didn't say thank you for the really yummy biscuits you left me last year. The ones with the frosting and the sprinkles.
Hope this explains all the badness in the store and could you maybe put me back on the Good list?
Love Fred Dog
December 13, 2014
Dear Terry, Today Mom had someting special planned for me. She said it was a SURPRISE. All day long I wondered what it could be. New snacks maybe? She found my blanket maybe? It got dark outside but no SURPRISE. Mom must have forgotten. But then she grabbed the leash and said come on Fred! We have to go see your SURPRISE! It was dark out though. Me and Mom don't go anywhere in the dark??? But we did! We went to the Tractor Supply!! And as we got close to the magic doors that open on their own, I saw HIM. THE REAL SANTA CLAUS!!!! I stopped! Oh my GOSH it was SANTA! RIGHT THERE. FOR REAL. I ran right over to him. He had a bell and a bag and he had his special Santa suit on and he was scratching my ears and everything!! Mom said I get to have my picture taken with him! OH MY GOSH! There was a line so we had to wait. I barked a whole lot because all I wanted to do was see SANTA. I wanted to tell him thanks for the biscuits last year and the fun toys and good food and everything! Mom had to take me out of line a few times. But then it was MY TURN. He had a big chair so we could sit together. I had my Santa Bandana on and everything too.Then I got scared. He would know I was really bad in the store. I hung my head. Then I licked his face and hung my head some more. Then we had to go. Mom said I should write him a letter to explain the badness and everything would be ok. Mom is going to get the pictures later on. We made a donation too to help some kids get special toys all through the year.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today Mom had someting special planned for me. She said it was a SURPRISE. All day long I wondered what it could be. New snacks maybe? She found my blanket maybe? It got dark outside but no SURPRISE. Mom must have forgotten. But then she grabbed the leash and said come on Fred! We have to go see your SURPRISE! It was dark out though. Me and Mom don't go anywhere in the dark??? But we did! We went to the Tractor Supply!! And as we got close to the magic doors that open on their own, I saw HIM. THE REAL SANTA CLAUS!!!! I stopped! Oh my GOSH it was SANTA! RIGHT THERE. FOR REAL. I ran right over to him. He had a bell and a bag and he had his special Santa suit on and he was scratching my ears and everything!! Mom said I get to have my picture taken with him! OH MY GOSH! There was a line so we had to wait. I barked a whole lot because all I wanted to do was see SANTA. I wanted to tell him thanks for the biscuits last year and the fun toys and good food and everything! Mom had to take me out of line a few times. But then it was MY TURN. He had a big chair so we could sit together. I had my Santa Bandana on and everything too.Then I got scared. He would know I was really bad in the store. I hung my head. Then I licked his face and hung my head some more. Then we had to go. Mom said I should write him a letter to explain the badness and everything would be ok. Mom is going to get the pictures later on. We made a donation too to help some kids get special toys all through the year.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
December 10, 2014
Dear Terry, First, Mom said to tell you NO KITTIES were hurt. But something really terrible happened last night. Dad took a stink bug outside because we hate stink bugs. It was really late at night. He didn't know Penny Cat snuck outisde with him. Mom was asleep but she heard the door and got up. I knew right away something was wrong. Mom said Where is Penny?? Dad said I don't know I haven't seen her. Penny Cat always comes when Mom calls her. Penny didn't come. Mom got in a panic and her and Dad were calling her name. Mom opened the backdoor where Dad had gone out and Penny Cat ran in from the deck! Mom SCOOPED her up and got her warm right away. Penny Cat was meowing and meowing and head butting Mom. I was so scared Penny Cat was lost forever. Penny Cat was all frazzled and couldn't stop pacing around the kitchen. Once Mom got her all settled down and snuggled in with Dad to watch some TV, me and Mom went back to bed. Oh Terry. It was so scary. I'm so glad she was found!!
P.S. BRRRRR...Love Penny Cat.
Dear Terry, First, Mom said to tell you NO KITTIES were hurt. But something really terrible happened last night. Dad took a stink bug outside because we hate stink bugs. It was really late at night. He didn't know Penny Cat snuck outisde with him. Mom was asleep but she heard the door and got up. I knew right away something was wrong. Mom said Where is Penny?? Dad said I don't know I haven't seen her. Penny Cat always comes when Mom calls her. Penny didn't come. Mom got in a panic and her and Dad were calling her name. Mom opened the backdoor where Dad had gone out and Penny Cat ran in from the deck! Mom SCOOPED her up and got her warm right away. Penny Cat was meowing and meowing and head butting Mom. I was so scared Penny Cat was lost forever. Penny Cat was all frazzled and couldn't stop pacing around the kitchen. Once Mom got her all settled down and snuggled in with Dad to watch some TV, me and Mom went back to bed. Oh Terry. It was so scary. I'm so glad she was found!!
P.S. BRRRRR...Love Penny Cat.
December 9, 2014
Dear Terry, Something awful is in the house and it's under the Christmas tree. Dad set up... A TRAIN. I didn't know what that was. Mom told Dad to turn it on. And the scariest thing happened. It came to life and then all the lights in the neighborhood went out for a minute. Mom was laughing and Dad said OOPS but then they realized it was everyone not only us. Mom said COINICIDENCE? I THINK NOT! I didn't think it was funny at all. I saw that train come to life. When the lights came back on, Dad made it go again and I couldn't stop barking at it and I was real upset and I kept charging it and it kept going round n' round. And Mom was trying to get me calmed down so I could just watch it but NO WAY. So I started to charge at it again. But it still wouldn't stop! Dad was trying to calm me down too. Then I attacked it. Mom said ENOUGH. Here's a picture of me attacking it. It's kindof blurry because I ran Mom over. Mom said it would be FUN. Dad said it would be GREAT. How could they have lied to me??? It was so scary!!! At least when I attacked it, it stopped.
P.S. Penny Cat here. That Fred is a Nut. He was barking like a lunatic at the train. He's never seen a train before since Dad has them on a table above his head. This one is on the floor and I thought he was going to lose his mind. I'm going to turn it on when he doesn't suspect and make it go to scare the crap out of him. That will teach him to chase me! Meow Meow, Penny Cat.
Dear Terry, Something awful is in the house and it's under the Christmas tree. Dad set up... A TRAIN. I didn't know what that was. Mom told Dad to turn it on. And the scariest thing happened. It came to life and then all the lights in the neighborhood went out for a minute. Mom was laughing and Dad said OOPS but then they realized it was everyone not only us. Mom said COINICIDENCE? I THINK NOT! I didn't think it was funny at all. I saw that train come to life. When the lights came back on, Dad made it go again and I couldn't stop barking at it and I was real upset and I kept charging it and it kept going round n' round. And Mom was trying to get me calmed down so I could just watch it but NO WAY. So I started to charge at it again. But it still wouldn't stop! Dad was trying to calm me down too. Then I attacked it. Mom said ENOUGH. Here's a picture of me attacking it. It's kindof blurry because I ran Mom over. Mom said it would be FUN. Dad said it would be GREAT. How could they have lied to me??? It was so scary!!! At least when I attacked it, it stopped.
P.S. Penny Cat here. That Fred is a Nut. He was barking like a lunatic at the train. He's never seen a train before since Dad has them on a table above his head. This one is on the floor and I thought he was going to lose his mind. I'm going to turn it on when he doesn't suspect and make it go to scare the crap out of him. That will teach him to chase me! Meow Meow, Penny Cat.
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Me Attacking the Train |
December 6, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess what Mom did for me!? I lost my blanket. I'm usually pretty good at remembering where I put all my toys and blanket but I lost my blanket. I still had my bed but no blanket! I can't lay in my bed without my blanket. Mom said Stop Worrying Fred! I've got a special towel just for you! Oh my gosh it was very exciting, a TOWEL! I chewed on it to make sure it was a good one. Yup it was! Mom folded it and put it on my bed and I sat on it to make sure it was really a good one. Yup it was! Then I wanted to put it on the couch, Mom moved it for me. I sat on it again to make sure she had it just right. Yup she did! I still hope she finds my blanket for me but The Towel seems to be working out pretty good! What a great day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Guess what Mom did for me!? I lost my blanket. I'm usually pretty good at remembering where I put all my toys and blanket but I lost my blanket. I still had my bed but no blanket! I can't lay in my bed without my blanket. Mom said Stop Worrying Fred! I've got a special towel just for you! Oh my gosh it was very exciting, a TOWEL! I chewed on it to make sure it was a good one. Yup it was! Mom folded it and put it on my bed and I sat on it to make sure it was really a good one. Yup it was! Then I wanted to put it on the couch, Mom moved it for me. I sat on it again to make sure she had it just right. Yup she did! I still hope she finds my blanket for me but The Towel seems to be working out pretty good! What a great day!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
December 3, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom's been working late and coming home late. I'm all messed up again. Last night I was barking so hard through the window that neighbor lady Becky thought I was outside and said Hi Freddie! Ooops. Well, I was excited, Mom was coming down the driveway. Mom said she heard me from the road. Mom said you and Joe are coming to visit!! I can hardly wait! I mix up all the days so Mom will tell me the day of when you are coming. She said you would give me lots of pets and kisses. I hope so ! I haven't seen you in a very long time! This is going to be super exciting! I can show you all my toys and the tree and you can meet Santa. He's upstairs now. I hope PennyCat comes out for you too. She doesn't like it when I bark so I will try to bark softly. I can't WAITTT!!!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
December 1, 2014
Dear Terry, Boy did I have some fun this weekend! Me and Mom went for a walk in the park. We were there forever and ever smelling smells. Then we went to the tractor store. There were so many people there! I did good though. I walked through a maze of shopping carts, people, dollies and displays. Oh and there were PUPPIES everywhere! They were all barking so I went over and barked too and they all stopped barking and looked at me and everyone laughed! They were getting shots. And the tractor store had the oddest things! Stuffed horses. At first I thought they were dogs like me. Same size same shape as me. But they smelled like my Pal Spot. Mom said they were kid toys only they stood up and rocked. Mom said they were rocking horses. I made all of them rock. Then we were standing in line for awhile and there was a grumpy man in line too. I went over to him to cheer him up . I wagged and wagged and barked at him until he put all his stuff down and started laughing and gave me a good pet. He wasn't so grumpy then. Cashier lady gave me a treat too! And yesterday I was outside a bunch. Then inside a bunch too because Dad was putting up the Christmas Tree! It's a new one this year. As Mom says, Fresh from the Box! Real pine trees make Mom sneeze. I can't wait for Dad to get all the sparkly lights on it! He said we can do that today. I bet Penny Cat comes to help too. She can't resist a good tree to climb in!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Boy did I have some fun this weekend! Me and Mom went for a walk in the park. We were there forever and ever smelling smells. Then we went to the tractor store. There were so many people there! I did good though. I walked through a maze of shopping carts, people, dollies and displays. Oh and there were PUPPIES everywhere! They were all barking so I went over and barked too and they all stopped barking and looked at me and everyone laughed! They were getting shots. And the tractor store had the oddest things! Stuffed horses. At first I thought they were dogs like me. Same size same shape as me. But they smelled like my Pal Spot. Mom said they were kid toys only they stood up and rocked. Mom said they were rocking horses. I made all of them rock. Then we were standing in line for awhile and there was a grumpy man in line too. I went over to him to cheer him up . I wagged and wagged and barked at him until he put all his stuff down and started laughing and gave me a good pet. He wasn't so grumpy then. Cashier lady gave me a treat too! And yesterday I was outside a bunch. Then inside a bunch too because Dad was putting up the Christmas Tree! It's a new one this year. As Mom says, Fresh from the Box! Real pine trees make Mom sneeze. I can't wait for Dad to get all the sparkly lights on it! He said we can do that today. I bet Penny Cat comes to help too. She can't resist a good tree to climb in!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
November 27, 2014
Dear Terry, What a day! Happy Thanksgiving! Me and Mom got up early to get things started! You know today is the day we get to eat TURKEY!! Me and Penny both will get a plate with turkey and taters and gravy! Mom says if I'm good I might even get STUFFING. First thing we did was get things ready for the animals outside. We threw out the apples down into the yard for the deer, raccons and opssums and whoever else might like them. Then we made sure the birdies had food. Mom threw out some old bread and crackers for them too. Mom got the turkey going. I was right there by her side. Smells like a good one and it's not even cooked yet! Oh and Mom made some pumpkin pie rice pudding. I helped too. I got to lick the pumpkin spoon! Mom's going to make a pie too. Mom even set the table with all the breakables. I'm not allowed to touch those. Then after all that was done, Mom got my leash and said come on Fred! And guess what!? We went out in the snow to the park! We walked all around. We hadn't been able to go for walks since Mom was sick. She's OK now so we had a great time in all the snow. Big flakes coming down that I could catch on my tongue. But then it started snowing realllly hard so we called it quits and went back to the Jeep and got warmed up and headed home. Dad's sleeping. I can tell he is sick like Mom was. Mom has him all bundled up in the big blanket. I'm going to lay down with him to make sure he stays warm. He can't miss the big meal! Although...that could mean more turkey for me!! WOOF!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
Dear Terry, What a day! Happy Thanksgiving! Me and Mom got up early to get things started! You know today is the day we get to eat TURKEY!! Me and Penny both will get a plate with turkey and taters and gravy! Mom says if I'm good I might even get STUFFING. First thing we did was get things ready for the animals outside. We threw out the apples down into the yard for the deer, raccons and opssums and whoever else might like them. Then we made sure the birdies had food. Mom threw out some old bread and crackers for them too. Mom got the turkey going. I was right there by her side. Smells like a good one and it's not even cooked yet! Oh and Mom made some pumpkin pie rice pudding. I helped too. I got to lick the pumpkin spoon! Mom's going to make a pie too. Mom even set the table with all the breakables. I'm not allowed to touch those. Then after all that was done, Mom got my leash and said come on Fred! And guess what!? We went out in the snow to the park! We walked all around. We hadn't been able to go for walks since Mom was sick. She's OK now so we had a great time in all the snow. Big flakes coming down that I could catch on my tongue. But then it started snowing realllly hard so we called it quits and went back to the Jeep and got warmed up and headed home. Dad's sleeping. I can tell he is sick like Mom was. Mom has him all bundled up in the big blanket. I'm going to lay down with him to make sure he stays warm. He can't miss the big meal! Although...that could mean more turkey for me!! WOOF!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
November 23, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom is feeling better today. Guess what we did! We went for a ride in the Jeep. Mom drove to the hamburger palace so I could get a sausage sandwich. Yummy! Then we had to get gas and as we were almost to the gas station, GUESS WHAT! I saw Santa!!! Oh yes I did! He had his red suit on and everything! I was so excited to see him that I stood up against the window and started barking at him! Mom saw him too! Santa waved at me so I barked back at him! Mom said he was having a pancake breakfast. I like pancakes. Mom said it was to help raise money so everyone can have a Christmas Present. I like presents too. Mom said I better get working on my list.
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
P.S. PennyCat here. Dear Santa, all Fred needs is a lump of coal. He still chases me. Better yet, give me the lump of coal and I can drop it on his head when he barks. I thought he was going to bark his feet off when he got back in the house today! Meow Meow, PennyCat
Dear Terry, Mom is feeling better today. Guess what we did! We went for a ride in the Jeep. Mom drove to the hamburger palace so I could get a sausage sandwich. Yummy! Then we had to get gas and as we were almost to the gas station, GUESS WHAT! I saw Santa!!! Oh yes I did! He had his red suit on and everything! I was so excited to see him that I stood up against the window and started barking at him! Mom saw him too! Santa waved at me so I barked back at him! Mom said he was having a pancake breakfast. I like pancakes. Mom said it was to help raise money so everyone can have a Christmas Present. I like presents too. Mom said I better get working on my list.
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
P.S. PennyCat here. Dear Santa, all Fred needs is a lump of coal. He still chases me. Better yet, give me the lump of coal and I can drop it on his head when he barks. I thought he was going to bark his feet off when he got back in the house today! Meow Meow, PennyCat
November 22, 2014
Dear Terry, Sorry it's been so long since I wrote to you. Mom's been so sick all week long. She's been coughing really bad and she went to the doctors two times! I've been worried. Dad left yesterday to be go on a trip with Pap and Grammy. Mom was supposed to go but she was too sick. Dad told me to take good care of her. I have been. I have stayed right by her side the whole entire week. When she gets cold I lay right down on top of her and we snuggle in the blankets together. When she goes to the bathroom, I sit outside the door and wait and then walk her back to the bed. I'm being real good too so she doesn't have to worry about me and PennyCat. PennyCat has been very watchful too. If I fall asleep PennyCat is there to keep an eye on things. Dad talked to me on the phone and told me to keep up the good work he would be home soon. Sometimes Mom sleeps so deep I can't tell if she is ok or not so I have to wake her up to make sure things are OK. I lick her face until she moves and then I let her go back to sleep. I haven't eaten too much since Mom's been sick. Mom's not eating too much either so I gave her my favorite pig ear. I put it right on her chest while she was sleeping so she would see it as soon as she woke up. Boy did I get some good pets for that! I think she is doing better today though. I wish she was all the way better though so we can play ball again.
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Sorry it's been so long since I wrote to you. Mom's been so sick all week long. She's been coughing really bad and she went to the doctors two times! I've been worried. Dad left yesterday to be go on a trip with Pap and Grammy. Mom was supposed to go but she was too sick. Dad told me to take good care of her. I have been. I have stayed right by her side the whole entire week. When she gets cold I lay right down on top of her and we snuggle in the blankets together. When she goes to the bathroom, I sit outside the door and wait and then walk her back to the bed. I'm being real good too so she doesn't have to worry about me and PennyCat. PennyCat has been very watchful too. If I fall asleep PennyCat is there to keep an eye on things. Dad talked to me on the phone and told me to keep up the good work he would be home soon. Sometimes Mom sleeps so deep I can't tell if she is ok or not so I have to wake her up to make sure things are OK. I lick her face until she moves and then I let her go back to sleep. I haven't eaten too much since Mom's been sick. Mom's not eating too much either so I gave her my favorite pig ear. I put it right on her chest while she was sleeping so she would see it as soon as she woke up. Boy did I get some good pets for that! I think she is doing better today though. I wish she was all the way better though so we can play ball again.
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
November 13, 2014
Dear Terry, Did you see it did you see it??? I saw it! SNOW! Where was Mom?? I ran looking for her but then remembered she was at work. Where was Dad?? Asleep! I woke him up! That was no easy task let me tell you. All I could think of was SNOW!! I went flying though the house, PennyCat went running. She doesn't get exited about snow like I do! Dad said what's all the commotion about Fred! So I showed him SNOW! and he said, SNOW! I barked and barked at it. If Mom had been home I bet we would have gone out to play in it. When Mom got home I told her all about it. She said, Don't worry Fred, there will be plenty more snow that we can play in. Mom's always right so I know there is more snow coming soon! Woof!
Barks and More Barks! FredDog.
Dear Terry, Did you see it did you see it??? I saw it! SNOW! Where was Mom?? I ran looking for her but then remembered she was at work. Where was Dad?? Asleep! I woke him up! That was no easy task let me tell you. All I could think of was SNOW!! I went flying though the house, PennyCat went running. She doesn't get exited about snow like I do! Dad said what's all the commotion about Fred! So I showed him SNOW! and he said, SNOW! I barked and barked at it. If Mom had been home I bet we would have gone out to play in it. When Mom got home I told her all about it. She said, Don't worry Fred, there will be plenty more snow that we can play in. Mom's always right so I know there is more snow coming soon! Woof!
Barks and More Barks! FredDog.
November 11, 2014
Dear Steve, What a day for you! Mom said, take a minute Fred and think of Steve and the work he did. I was a little confused at first because Mom said he was a Vet. I thought V-E-T, like an animal doctor. I was thinking, maybe I didn't know that Steve so good. Mom saw how worried I was and said NO like a VETERAN. Well, that made all the difference! Why didn't Mom just say you are important! Dad said he's very proud to know that you had served. Next time I see you I'm going to give you lots of barks, wags, licks and kisses.
Thanks Steve! Lots of Love, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. FredDog is a nut. Mom got him all wound up and worried when he thought she said the V word. I ran and hid again in case he foamed at the mouth. Luckily, Mom nipped that in the bud and got his goofy butt calmed down so I could come out again. Why can't he be calm! Mom says it's because he is high strung. That must mean he's got a screw loose. I slept on his blanket and moved his toys again so that might have added to the unrest in his head....Meow Meow, PennyCat!
Dear Steve, What a day for you! Mom said, take a minute Fred and think of Steve and the work he did. I was a little confused at first because Mom said he was a Vet. I thought V-E-T, like an animal doctor. I was thinking, maybe I didn't know that Steve so good. Mom saw how worried I was and said NO like a VETERAN. Well, that made all the difference! Why didn't Mom just say you are important! Dad said he's very proud to know that you had served. Next time I see you I'm going to give you lots of barks, wags, licks and kisses.
Thanks Steve! Lots of Love, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. FredDog is a nut. Mom got him all wound up and worried when he thought she said the V word. I ran and hid again in case he foamed at the mouth. Luckily, Mom nipped that in the bud and got his goofy butt calmed down so I could come out again. Why can't he be calm! Mom says it's because he is high strung. That must mean he's got a screw loose. I slept on his blanket and moved his toys again so that might have added to the unrest in his head....Meow Meow, PennyCat!
November 10, 2014
Dear Terry, What a weekend! Me and Mom did everything together! I helped a whole lot. We cleaned up the deck and put stuff away. I help with the giant tarp she put over everything. I barked at the birdies to keep them away while we worked. After all that hard work we took a big walk in the park. You would think I would be tired after all that but I wasn't! So me and Mom went to the Tractor Supply store and walked everywhere in the store we could. I watched a man at the chains. He was pulling a giant chain and it was piling up on the floor. Clink clink clink. I woofed at him so he knew I was watching. He scratched my ears for me! The people in line were really friendly to me too. Lots of pets from some kids. My tail was really wagging. I got free treats from Cashier Lady. And I waved bye - bye to everyone! Then I helped Mom make some dinner when we got home. Talked to Penny for a little bit. Enjoyed some time out on the deck. Then I don't know what happened. One minute I was watching TV in mom's lap, next thing I know I woke up a long time later! I must have zonked out. Mom had to wake me up to go outside before bedtime. Mom was limping because her leg was asleep. Sunday, me and Mom and Dad all cooked stuff in the kitchen. Penny wasn't around because I scared her by barking at her. Sometimes I just can't help myself! Then tonight when Mom got home, we went outside like always and guess what! The Neighbors were on their ROOF! They had flashlights and a string of lights. Christmas lights!! I barked and told them that Santa was in our basement! I like all the sparkly lights.
Hope you had a good weekend like we did!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, What a weekend! Me and Mom did everything together! I helped a whole lot. We cleaned up the deck and put stuff away. I help with the giant tarp she put over everything. I barked at the birdies to keep them away while we worked. After all that hard work we took a big walk in the park. You would think I would be tired after all that but I wasn't! So me and Mom went to the Tractor Supply store and walked everywhere in the store we could. I watched a man at the chains. He was pulling a giant chain and it was piling up on the floor. Clink clink clink. I woofed at him so he knew I was watching. He scratched my ears for me! The people in line were really friendly to me too. Lots of pets from some kids. My tail was really wagging. I got free treats from Cashier Lady. And I waved bye - bye to everyone! Then I helped Mom make some dinner when we got home. Talked to Penny for a little bit. Enjoyed some time out on the deck. Then I don't know what happened. One minute I was watching TV in mom's lap, next thing I know I woke up a long time later! I must have zonked out. Mom had to wake me up to go outside before bedtime. Mom was limping because her leg was asleep. Sunday, me and Mom and Dad all cooked stuff in the kitchen. Penny wasn't around because I scared her by barking at her. Sometimes I just can't help myself! Then tonight when Mom got home, we went outside like always and guess what! The Neighbors were on their ROOF! They had flashlights and a string of lights. Christmas lights!! I barked and told them that Santa was in our basement! I like all the sparkly lights.
Hope you had a good weekend like we did!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Novemeber 8, 2014
Dear Terry, Did you see the snow yesterday?!! I ran and got Mom right away as soon as I heard the first flake fall! She was in the kitchen. I ran barking to tell her but she wasn't coming fast enough to see. I pawed at her leg. She hurried after me and we watched it snow out the front window together. What excitement that was! Me and Mom do almost everything together you know. Watching snowflakes is one of our favorite things to do! Sometimes we go out on the deck and look up in the sky and laugh as all the snow comes down on our heads. Mom did take me outside in the snow but I wasn't able to catch any snowflakes on my tongue. I tried too. Maybe next time. Mom said don't worry Freddie, there will be more snow coming for sure! I wonder when!?
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Did you see the snow yesterday?!! I ran and got Mom right away as soon as I heard the first flake fall! She was in the kitchen. I ran barking to tell her but she wasn't coming fast enough to see. I pawed at her leg. She hurried after me and we watched it snow out the front window together. What excitement that was! Me and Mom do almost everything together you know. Watching snowflakes is one of our favorite things to do! Sometimes we go out on the deck and look up in the sky and laugh as all the snow comes down on our heads. Mom did take me outside in the snow but I wasn't able to catch any snowflakes on my tongue. I tried too. Maybe next time. Mom said don't worry Freddie, there will be more snow coming for sure! I wonder when!?
Love and Woofs, FredDog
November 5, 2014
Dear Terry, I've been all mixed up this week. Sometimes Mom is here. Sometimes she leaves and comes back then leaves for work. Sometimes Dad leaves then comes back. I can't keep up! So I bark. And I've been kindof bad too. I bark a lot. And I made PennyCat all fluffy. Mom's been trying to help me to be good again. I got a new chew stick. I run and get that when I am really mixed up and chew and chew and chew. I think when I chew like that. Then I'm not so mixed up. And Mom's been teaching me the names of all my toys. Mom even sings the Name Game Song to me. Then we play ball. Last night I couldn't calm down though so I started chewing on my feet. Mom knew just what to do - she got some Snacks and I had to do my tricks and I forgot all about chewing on my foot. Then I ripped all the covers off the bed. What fun! FREDDDDDDD. oops. Mom was cold! Mom says things will settle down but I have to remain CALM. Easier said than done! Hope you aren't having a mixed up week like me!
Love and Woofs, FreddieFreddieFoFreddieFeeFiFoFreddie...Freddie! Woof!
Dear Terry, I've been all mixed up this week. Sometimes Mom is here. Sometimes she leaves and comes back then leaves for work. Sometimes Dad leaves then comes back. I can't keep up! So I bark. And I've been kindof bad too. I bark a lot. And I made PennyCat all fluffy. Mom's been trying to help me to be good again. I got a new chew stick. I run and get that when I am really mixed up and chew and chew and chew. I think when I chew like that. Then I'm not so mixed up. And Mom's been teaching me the names of all my toys. Mom even sings the Name Game Song to me. Then we play ball. Last night I couldn't calm down though so I started chewing on my feet. Mom knew just what to do - she got some Snacks and I had to do my tricks and I forgot all about chewing on my foot. Then I ripped all the covers off the bed. What fun! FREDDDDDDD. oops. Mom was cold! Mom says things will settle down but I have to remain CALM. Easier said than done! Hope you aren't having a mixed up week like me!
Love and Woofs, FreddieFreddieFoFreddieFeeFiFoFreddie...Freddie! Woof!
November 2, 2014
Dear Terry, Yesterday I went Trick or Treating! Mom put my skeleton costume on me. I thought maybe she had forgotten about the bat ears but she didn't. Woof. Me and Mom and Dad all went to Grammy and Pap's house!! At first I couldn't find either one! I found Katie but still couldn't find them. I barked and barked. FINALLY Grammy came out and I ran right over barking to her. Me and Mom split a piece of bread. Mom was dipping it in soup Grammy was making. Yummy! Then Pap came in the room and I barked even more! After all the excitement, Me and Mom and Dad all went to the Car-Hop Burger Palace. Mom has to park backwards when we go there. That made Dad laugh a whole lot. Do you know that they make special burgers there JUST for dogs like me??? Mom got me one. What a good time! When we got home it was really cold so me and Dad laid down for a nap under the big blanket.
Hope you had a good Halloween,
Love and Woofs FredDog
P.S. PennyCat told me that since Halloween is over, Santa is right around the corner. I said no he's not, he's in the basement where Mom took him so I would stop barking at him. Maybe I should start to be really good though? Just in case.
Dear Terry, Yesterday I went Trick or Treating! Mom put my skeleton costume on me. I thought maybe she had forgotten about the bat ears but she didn't. Woof. Me and Mom and Dad all went to Grammy and Pap's house!! At first I couldn't find either one! I found Katie but still couldn't find them. I barked and barked. FINALLY Grammy came out and I ran right over barking to her. Me and Mom split a piece of bread. Mom was dipping it in soup Grammy was making. Yummy! Then Pap came in the room and I barked even more! After all the excitement, Me and Mom and Dad all went to the Car-Hop Burger Palace. Mom has to park backwards when we go there. That made Dad laugh a whole lot. Do you know that they make special burgers there JUST for dogs like me??? Mom got me one. What a good time! When we got home it was really cold so me and Dad laid down for a nap under the big blanket.
Hope you had a good Halloween,
Love and Woofs FredDog
P.S. PennyCat told me that since Halloween is over, Santa is right around the corner. I said no he's not, he's in the basement where Mom took him so I would stop barking at him. Maybe I should start to be really good though? Just in case.
October 30, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom says that you invited me to the PetExpo. I don't know what that is. Mom says there are lots of people and dogs and cats there. It's in the City. The only thing I know about the City is that is where people play baseball. Mom's not sure about taking me. I do really good in the woods. Maybe not so good in the City. I'm scared of cars. Mom said we might try an experiment this weekend to see how I would do in the City. I hope I do good because it would be great to see you!
This morning I woke Mom up really early. Mr Bunny was right under the window!! Then I heard Jimmy barking across the creek. He hasn't busted loose in awhile but he sounds OK, so I barked back. Then the wind blew all the leaves around in the driveway and I barked some more. FREDDDD!!! Mom made me lay back down. Since I was up, I played with the covers. All of them! Until Mom had no covers! FREDDDDDD!!! OK OK! I stopped playing with the covers. The pillows were a lot of fun until...FREDDDDDDD!! Mom finally got up! I barked I was so excited! That woke Dad up too. PennyCat was sleeping on the table and she woke up! Finally we got the day started! Dad said he will play some ball and tricks with me today. Mom said I hope so because I need some sleep!
Barks and More Barks! FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom says that you invited me to the PetExpo. I don't know what that is. Mom says there are lots of people and dogs and cats there. It's in the City. The only thing I know about the City is that is where people play baseball. Mom's not sure about taking me. I do really good in the woods. Maybe not so good in the City. I'm scared of cars. Mom said we might try an experiment this weekend to see how I would do in the City. I hope I do good because it would be great to see you!
This morning I woke Mom up really early. Mr Bunny was right under the window!! Then I heard Jimmy barking across the creek. He hasn't busted loose in awhile but he sounds OK, so I barked back. Then the wind blew all the leaves around in the driveway and I barked some more. FREDDDD!!! Mom made me lay back down. Since I was up, I played with the covers. All of them! Until Mom had no covers! FREDDDDDD!!! OK OK! I stopped playing with the covers. The pillows were a lot of fun until...FREDDDDDDD!! Mom finally got up! I barked I was so excited! That woke Dad up too. PennyCat was sleeping on the table and she woke up! Finally we got the day started! Dad said he will play some ball and tricks with me today. Mom said I hope so because I need some sleep!
Barks and More Barks! FredDog
October 27, 2014
Dear Terry, Today I had a scary. I heard noise and I didn't know what was going on. Dad was asleep! I tried to wake him up but he was snoring. I stuck my head under the couch as far as it would go, I was really scared. Only my nose fits under the couch but it made me feel less scared. Dad woke up and said Fred! What's wrong?? And he laid down on the floor with me and put his arm around me until I wasn't so scared anymore. Dad didn't hear anything but he can't hear like I can. Mom says he is selectively hard of hearing. I don't know what that is but he sure didn't hear what I heard. As soon as Mom got home Dad told her all about it. I did do something good today. I waved Bye Byes to Grammy! She was leaving and stopped her car right by the front door and I waved Bye Byes! but she didn't see me cause I'm short and part of the door blocked what she could see. Dad was real proud of me! Mom gave me a super good treat when she heard that! She picked it out special from the Treat Box.
Hope you had a good day,
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today I had a scary. I heard noise and I didn't know what was going on. Dad was asleep! I tried to wake him up but he was snoring. I stuck my head under the couch as far as it would go, I was really scared. Only my nose fits under the couch but it made me feel less scared. Dad woke up and said Fred! What's wrong?? And he laid down on the floor with me and put his arm around me until I wasn't so scared anymore. Dad didn't hear anything but he can't hear like I can. Mom says he is selectively hard of hearing. I don't know what that is but he sure didn't hear what I heard. As soon as Mom got home Dad told her all about it. I did do something good today. I waved Bye Byes to Grammy! She was leaving and stopped her car right by the front door and I waved Bye Byes! but she didn't see me cause I'm short and part of the door blocked what she could see. Dad was real proud of me! Mom gave me a super good treat when she heard that! She picked it out special from the Treat Box.
Hope you had a good day,
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 26, 2014
Dear Terry, Boy am I tired out! Yesterday me and Mom did everything together. We started cleaning off the deck for winter time. Then we cleaned inside. Mom and me ran errands together too. But the day was too nice to keep working the whole day. So Mom took me over to the Puppy Park again!!! No weirdos this time! Good friendly dogs were there and a police man. He brought his dog. She wasn't a police dog and she ran really fast. Mom let me play on the big dog side. I ran and ran and ran. Then I would run back to Mom and then take off running some more! Sometimes I ran so far away I couldn't see Mom and I would come racing back barking and barking. When we got home from the Puppy Park, Mom and Dad made picnic food and we had a picnic! Dad made everything on the Cheeseburger Machine. Hot dogs and of course Cheeseburgers!! I was so tired I couldn't even make it all the way into my bed. Today I was busy again helping Mom. We inspected the yard this morning. Front and Back. I helped her make Cupcakes. Carrot Cupcakes. I like Carrots. Me and Mom worked on the deck again. Only Mom worked harder than me. I fell asleep by accident in the sun. I'm already in my bed. I'm going to sleep all night long. Mom said I HOPE SO!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Boy am I tired out! Yesterday me and Mom did everything together. We started cleaning off the deck for winter time. Then we cleaned inside. Mom and me ran errands together too. But the day was too nice to keep working the whole day. So Mom took me over to the Puppy Park again!!! No weirdos this time! Good friendly dogs were there and a police man. He brought his dog. She wasn't a police dog and she ran really fast. Mom let me play on the big dog side. I ran and ran and ran. Then I would run back to Mom and then take off running some more! Sometimes I ran so far away I couldn't see Mom and I would come racing back barking and barking. When we got home from the Puppy Park, Mom and Dad made picnic food and we had a picnic! Dad made everything on the Cheeseburger Machine. Hot dogs and of course Cheeseburgers!! I was so tired I couldn't even make it all the way into my bed. Today I was busy again helping Mom. We inspected the yard this morning. Front and Back. I helped her make Cupcakes. Carrot Cupcakes. I like Carrots. Me and Mom worked on the deck again. Only Mom worked harder than me. I fell asleep by accident in the sun. I'm already in my bed. I'm going to sleep all night long. Mom said I HOPE SO!
Barks and Wags, FredDog.
October 23, 2014
Dear Terry, Crazy stuff going on around here! Last night when Mom got home, we played ball and watched TV until Mom fell asleep. But I wasn't tired even though everyone else was sleeping so I woke Mom up and tried to get her to play. That didn't work, so I decided to play with the blankets by myself. What fun! Then I barked out the windows, I don't know why, but it was fun too so I barked some more! I did sleep a little bit but then the Sun came up! I woke Mom up right away to tell her. She finally got up and we started the morning chores. Something was wrong!! HEY! Someone had been sleeping in MY blanket! Penny Cat!!! I barked a whole lot about that! I ran to find PennyCat but she was hiding. HUMMPH. Then the men came to work on the road and there were big trucks and people and beeping and loud noises. I ran into the bedroom but the curtains were in the way! Mom came to the rescue though and opened the curtains so I could see what they were doing. I barked at them too. Mom said I've been cooped up too long in the house and we went for a walk! Mom said she walked the feet right off of me. I sure was tired when we got back to the car. It was a good walk though! We saw lots of birds and the Mallard Family was out swimming on the pond. I barked at them and they quacked at me! The big tall water bird with the flappy wings was there too. We even went to the store after that and bought Dad a paper. I'm really tired now. I'm laying down on my blanket but I rearranged it so I have a spot to sleep on and Penny has a spot too.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. PennyCat here. That Crazy Fred finally left his blanket out and I rolled all over it, like he does with my blanket. And I moved it. I know that makes him crazy when his stuff isn't where he left it. He tried to find me but I was hiding up high from him. I think I might do it again tonight. Mom says I'm instigating. That must mean that I did a good thing! Meow Meow, PennyCat!
Dear Terry, Crazy stuff going on around here! Last night when Mom got home, we played ball and watched TV until Mom fell asleep. But I wasn't tired even though everyone else was sleeping so I woke Mom up and tried to get her to play. That didn't work, so I decided to play with the blankets by myself. What fun! Then I barked out the windows, I don't know why, but it was fun too so I barked some more! I did sleep a little bit but then the Sun came up! I woke Mom up right away to tell her. She finally got up and we started the morning chores. Something was wrong!! HEY! Someone had been sleeping in MY blanket! Penny Cat!!! I barked a whole lot about that! I ran to find PennyCat but she was hiding. HUMMPH. Then the men came to work on the road and there were big trucks and people and beeping and loud noises. I ran into the bedroom but the curtains were in the way! Mom came to the rescue though and opened the curtains so I could see what they were doing. I barked at them too. Mom said I've been cooped up too long in the house and we went for a walk! Mom said she walked the feet right off of me. I sure was tired when we got back to the car. It was a good walk though! We saw lots of birds and the Mallard Family was out swimming on the pond. I barked at them and they quacked at me! The big tall water bird with the flappy wings was there too. We even went to the store after that and bought Dad a paper. I'm really tired now. I'm laying down on my blanket but I rearranged it so I have a spot to sleep on and Penny has a spot too.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. PennyCat here. That Crazy Fred finally left his blanket out and I rolled all over it, like he does with my blanket. And I moved it. I know that makes him crazy when his stuff isn't where he left it. He tried to find me but I was hiding up high from him. I think I might do it again tonight. Mom says I'm instigating. That must mean that I did a good thing! Meow Meow, PennyCat!
October 21, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom were going to go for a walk today. It's raining. Kindof ruined everything. Mom even had the leash out. So I laid down to think. Hmmm What to do on a rainy day. I know! I ran and pulled my blanket off my bed. It's the big one. I dragged it into the kitchen. Then I hurried up and got my scrap of bone from under the couch. Just the thing for a rainy day! This was going to be so much fun! I hide the scrap in the blanket, shake the blanket up real good and then the bone comes flying out and lands somewhere! I played until I was out of breath. Whew! Maybe tomorrow me and Mom can go for a walk. I'm going to take a nap now after all that fun!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom were going to go for a walk today. It's raining. Kindof ruined everything. Mom even had the leash out. So I laid down to think. Hmmm What to do on a rainy day. I know! I ran and pulled my blanket off my bed. It's the big one. I dragged it into the kitchen. Then I hurried up and got my scrap of bone from under the couch. Just the thing for a rainy day! This was going to be so much fun! I hide the scrap in the blanket, shake the blanket up real good and then the bone comes flying out and lands somewhere! I played until I was out of breath. Whew! Maybe tomorrow me and Mom can go for a walk. I'm going to take a nap now after all that fun!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 19, 2014
Dear Terry, Dad's Home! He still has a bum foot but that didn't matter! He was still able to play ball with me just like Mom said! In honor of him coming home, I dug out my pig ear that I had put in my special hiding spot, and brought it out to eat right on his foot. It doesn't get any better than that! Dad took a nap after awhile. I was right there to watch him breathe. I kept touching him with my nose to make sure he was still ok. When Dad woke up we played the blanket game and then we played the tunnel game and it was great fun! As soon as I woke up this morning I ran and found Dad and made sure he was OK. He was! Whew! Because I had kind of dozed off last night after all the excitment!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Dad's Home! He still has a bum foot but that didn't matter! He was still able to play ball with me just like Mom said! In honor of him coming home, I dug out my pig ear that I had put in my special hiding spot, and brought it out to eat right on his foot. It doesn't get any better than that! Dad took a nap after awhile. I was right there to watch him breathe. I kept touching him with my nose to make sure he was still ok. When Dad woke up we played the blanket game and then we played the tunnel game and it was great fun! As soon as I woke up this morning I ran and found Dad and made sure he was OK. He was! Whew! Because I had kind of dozed off last night after all the excitment!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 17, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom took a field trip today! First, we took care of PennyCat. She was hungry. I always help Mom make up her food bowl. I get to lick the spoon clean of smooshie food. Yum! Then me and Mom went outside and it was all windy and leaves were blowing all around. That always makes me act silly. Mom said I have an idea Fred! We went back inside and she grabbed her keys and away we went! Nature Park here we come! Oh the leaves were really blowing all around there! I was jumping and snapping at them, trying to catch them. What fun! We walked all through the mud and the leaves. We had acorns fall on our heads too when a big gust of wind blew through the trees. It was great! After all that excitement, Mom turned the wrong way out of the park! I thought for sure we were going to the Tractor Supply store. Nope, we drove right past it. Mom took a new to me road and we ended up at the Burger Palace for some breakfast! Then of all things, I heard Dad's voice in the car! I've been missing Dad since his bum foot has him at the Hospital again. Mom's been keeping me busy with all kinds of stuff to do. I still miss Dad. Mom says he will come home soon. I hope so. Yesterday, I collected all my toys - Spot, Mr. Bubbles, chew stick, Yellow Puppy, the special balls from Grammy, my blanket and Dad's blanket and put them all in my bed. That way Dad will know where to find all of them. When he comes home, Mom said he will play games with me for sure! I'm Ready!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom took a field trip today! First, we took care of PennyCat. She was hungry. I always help Mom make up her food bowl. I get to lick the spoon clean of smooshie food. Yum! Then me and Mom went outside and it was all windy and leaves were blowing all around. That always makes me act silly. Mom said I have an idea Fred! We went back inside and she grabbed her keys and away we went! Nature Park here we come! Oh the leaves were really blowing all around there! I was jumping and snapping at them, trying to catch them. What fun! We walked all through the mud and the leaves. We had acorns fall on our heads too when a big gust of wind blew through the trees. It was great! After all that excitement, Mom turned the wrong way out of the park! I thought for sure we were going to the Tractor Supply store. Nope, we drove right past it. Mom took a new to me road and we ended up at the Burger Palace for some breakfast! Then of all things, I heard Dad's voice in the car! I've been missing Dad since his bum foot has him at the Hospital again. Mom's been keeping me busy with all kinds of stuff to do. I still miss Dad. Mom says he will come home soon. I hope so. Yesterday, I collected all my toys - Spot, Mr. Bubbles, chew stick, Yellow Puppy, the special balls from Grammy, my blanket and Dad's blanket and put them all in my bed. That way Dad will know where to find all of them. When he comes home, Mom said he will play games with me for sure! I'm Ready!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 14, 2014
Dear Terry, There is a lot of noise in the neighborhood today. My pal Cheyenne next door started all this crazy barking early this morning. I woke Mom up right away. We looked out the window together to see what all the commotion was about. Mom said Oh! It's a Tree Truck! I didn't know what that was so Mom told me it cuts down big big trees. We watched it pull into the neighbors yard a few houses away. Cheyenne was barking like mad and running all around. Mom put my leash on so we could go outside and see better. Cheyenne had to go back inside she was to excited. Mom said we could stay outside and long as I didn't act like a loon. You should see how big that truck is! We watched it drive through the yard all the way to the back and the men rode high up in the air in it. It looked like they were flying. I've never seen anything like it! It was pretty neat! Lots and lots of noise though. I don't like that part. We went back inside but I'm going to keep watching from the window. Best seat in the house!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, There is a lot of noise in the neighborhood today. My pal Cheyenne next door started all this crazy barking early this morning. I woke Mom up right away. We looked out the window together to see what all the commotion was about. Mom said Oh! It's a Tree Truck! I didn't know what that was so Mom told me it cuts down big big trees. We watched it pull into the neighbors yard a few houses away. Cheyenne was barking like mad and running all around. Mom put my leash on so we could go outside and see better. Cheyenne had to go back inside she was to excited. Mom said we could stay outside and long as I didn't act like a loon. You should see how big that truck is! We watched it drive through the yard all the way to the back and the men rode high up in the air in it. It looked like they were flying. I've never seen anything like it! It was pretty neat! Lots and lots of noise though. I don't like that part. We went back inside but I'm going to keep watching from the window. Best seat in the house!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
October 12, 2014
Dear Terry, Sometimes Mom goes to the store and good things happen! Like I get treats. Or she brings home Snacks. Or a new collar. Today Mom went to the store and I don't even know what to say. At first I was all excited she got me something! I didn't smell any food so I thought, must be a collar! Or maybe a new coat for winter! She got me bats for on my head. Sparkly Bats. Mom said they will look great with my Halloween Costume. I'm a skeleton every year you know! Now THAT'S cool, a skeleton! I dunno about bats on my head. Even Dad said Oh My Gosh, Bats on his head! I ran to Dad and avoided Mom. She took my picture anyways. Woof.
Barks and Bats, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. If cats could laugh, I would. Meow Meow!
Dear Terry, Sometimes Mom goes to the store and good things happen! Like I get treats. Or she brings home Snacks. Or a new collar. Today Mom went to the store and I don't even know what to say. At first I was all excited she got me something! I didn't smell any food so I thought, must be a collar! Or maybe a new coat for winter! She got me bats for on my head. Sparkly Bats. Mom said they will look great with my Halloween Costume. I'm a skeleton every year you know! Now THAT'S cool, a skeleton! I dunno about bats on my head. Even Dad said Oh My Gosh, Bats on his head! I ran to Dad and avoided Mom. She took my picture anyways. Woof.
Barks and Bats, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. If cats could laugh, I would. Meow Meow!
October 8, 2014
Dear Terry, Today Mom ran an errand, but I wasn't allowed to go with her. When she came home I was very excited! Dad took me out to meet her and he let the leash go so I could run to her. I'm good at that. I run right to Mom like I'm supposed to. Only I didn't. I was so excited I ran past her right to the car and pawed at the door so we could go for a ride! FRED! Mom caught me and we went back inside. That's OK because Mom came home and that was very exciting! But then Mom had to go to work and that wasn't so exciting. Dad came up with a good idea later on. He said, Let's make pierogie! Now THAT is exciting! And guess what! PennyCat came out to help us! Me and PennyCat don't do a whole lot of stuff together. Probably because I end up barking too much. This time I helped Dad chopped onions and she laid down and watched us work! Dad talked to both of us as he worked. It was very nice and I laid down not far from PennyCat. What a great time it was! I hope PennyCat does that more often!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. PennyCat here. FredDog was being really good today. We had the best time watching Dad work in the kitchen. He talked and talked to us. Fred even stayed calm enough to lay down and he kind of dozed off. I still kept an eye on him because he can get to barking at the the silliest of things. When Dad finished cooking I said Meow Meow and went to find a quiet place to sleep. I thought about going over to FredDog but decided to Let Sleeping Dogs Lie. JuneauCat told me that. But I was tempted to bonk him on the nose just because! MeowMeow PennyCat
Dear Terry, Today Mom ran an errand, but I wasn't allowed to go with her. When she came home I was very excited! Dad took me out to meet her and he let the leash go so I could run to her. I'm good at that. I run right to Mom like I'm supposed to. Only I didn't. I was so excited I ran past her right to the car and pawed at the door so we could go for a ride! FRED! Mom caught me and we went back inside. That's OK because Mom came home and that was very exciting! But then Mom had to go to work and that wasn't so exciting. Dad came up with a good idea later on. He said, Let's make pierogie! Now THAT is exciting! And guess what! PennyCat came out to help us! Me and PennyCat don't do a whole lot of stuff together. Probably because I end up barking too much. This time I helped Dad chopped onions and she laid down and watched us work! Dad talked to both of us as he worked. It was very nice and I laid down not far from PennyCat. What a great time it was! I hope PennyCat does that more often!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. PennyCat here. FredDog was being really good today. We had the best time watching Dad work in the kitchen. He talked and talked to us. Fred even stayed calm enough to lay down and he kind of dozed off. I still kept an eye on him because he can get to barking at the the silliest of things. When Dad finished cooking I said Meow Meow and went to find a quiet place to sleep. I thought about going over to FredDog but decided to Let Sleeping Dogs Lie. JuneauCat told me that. But I was tempted to bonk him on the nose just because! MeowMeow PennyCat
October 5, 2014
Dear Terry, Today was Cleaning Day! Mom didn't tell me. I don't like cleaning day because the Vacuum comes out. Both Mom and Dad Vacuumed! I ran around barking at it. Then Mom cleaned the bathroom and I could smell the stinky cleaner. It makes me sneeze. But we did some fun stuff too! Mom got me a new ball!! I was so excited I couldn't stop running and making it roll all over the house! Mom would throw it and I would run around some more. It's real slippery and it's hard to pick up so I make it roll more with my nose. Mom took me outside and I chased the neighbor's cat. I'm not supposed to chase Penny Cat but no one ever said anything about cats in the yard! Mom made me sit down and calm down. Dad's making grilled cheese now I can smell it. I bet he makes a little one for me! He knows how much I like cheese and Dad comes up with some good stuff for me to try out. I bet it will taste great!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today was Cleaning Day! Mom didn't tell me. I don't like cleaning day because the Vacuum comes out. Both Mom and Dad Vacuumed! I ran around barking at it. Then Mom cleaned the bathroom and I could smell the stinky cleaner. It makes me sneeze. But we did some fun stuff too! Mom got me a new ball!! I was so excited I couldn't stop running and making it roll all over the house! Mom would throw it and I would run around some more. It's real slippery and it's hard to pick up so I make it roll more with my nose. Mom took me outside and I chased the neighbor's cat. I'm not supposed to chase Penny Cat but no one ever said anything about cats in the yard! Mom made me sit down and calm down. Dad's making grilled cheese now I can smell it. I bet he makes a little one for me! He knows how much I like cheese and Dad comes up with some good stuff for me to try out. I bet it will taste great!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
October 4, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had a big scary today. Don't worry I was there to protect Mom. It started out as a great trip to the Puppy Park! Except we were the only ones there. Probably because it was so rainy and chilly outside. I don't mind that if we go to the Puppy Park! But then someone else came to the park. But he didn't have a dog. He stood at the fence watching and trying to talk to Mom. He tried to make friends with me but I know a Weirdo when I smell one. I went over to the fence and showed him all my teeth and let him hear me growl. I have a good growl when I need to. He kept talking but backed away from the fence. Mom wasn't being so friendly. Mom knows a Weirdo too when she smells one. Or maybe when she sees one because she doesn't smell as good as I can. She knew he was a Weirdo though. Mom spoke real softly to me so only I could hear. It's usually a game we play. Only it came in handy today! Like a secret message. She said let's go. And I knew to go to the gate real fast. That crazy man kept talking and talking. I made sure to go out of the gate first and I came out snarling and growling so crazy man stayed away from us. We got to the car safe and sound! Mom said the foaming at the mouth was a nice scary touch! I got big pets from Mom and a big kiss on the head! As soon as we got home I ran and told Dad and PennyCat everything! I still had some foam on my face so I might have scared PennyCat.
Love and Woofs! FredDog
P.S. PennyCat here. That FredDog came charging in the house like his tail was on fire. I thought maybe he was rabid because he had foam on his mouth. I ran and hid. Best thing to do when he is all wound up. He's a nut. I guess he protected Mom so he can't be all bad. I won't bonk him on the face today since he did a good job. Meow Meow!
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had a big scary today. Don't worry I was there to protect Mom. It started out as a great trip to the Puppy Park! Except we were the only ones there. Probably because it was so rainy and chilly outside. I don't mind that if we go to the Puppy Park! But then someone else came to the park. But he didn't have a dog. He stood at the fence watching and trying to talk to Mom. He tried to make friends with me but I know a Weirdo when I smell one. I went over to the fence and showed him all my teeth and let him hear me growl. I have a good growl when I need to. He kept talking but backed away from the fence. Mom wasn't being so friendly. Mom knows a Weirdo too when she smells one. Or maybe when she sees one because she doesn't smell as good as I can. She knew he was a Weirdo though. Mom spoke real softly to me so only I could hear. It's usually a game we play. Only it came in handy today! Like a secret message. She said let's go. And I knew to go to the gate real fast. That crazy man kept talking and talking. I made sure to go out of the gate first and I came out snarling and growling so crazy man stayed away from us. We got to the car safe and sound! Mom said the foaming at the mouth was a nice scary touch! I got big pets from Mom and a big kiss on the head! As soon as we got home I ran and told Dad and PennyCat everything! I still had some foam on my face so I might have scared PennyCat.
Love and Woofs! FredDog
P.S. PennyCat here. That FredDog came charging in the house like his tail was on fire. I thought maybe he was rabid because he had foam on his mouth. I ran and hid. Best thing to do when he is all wound up. He's a nut. I guess he protected Mom so he can't be all bad. I won't bonk him on the face today since he did a good job. Meow Meow!
October 2, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had quite the adventure today! It all started with Dad leaving. He took his cane and walked down the driveway and then up the road. It was very distressing to me. Mom said Don't worry Fred, He is going to take a ride on the bus! A bus?? I bark at those. Mom said, No, not a school bus. A big bus. HMMPH. All I know is that Mom let Dad go out of our sight. I sat in the window and whined and whined. How could Mom let him disappear over the hill?? I barked at Mom. I didn't understand. Mom wasn't upset so I thought maybe Dad is OK even though I can't see or hear him. I barked some more because I didn't know what to do. Then awhile later, Dad called. And Mom got her keys. Dad missed the bus. I barked at Mom. See what happens when we let Dad out of our sight?? He missed the bus! Mom still wasn't upset though. I didn't understand. I ran to the door, I was GOING with Mom no matter what. And she said Let's Go Fred and I ran to the car. No time to waste! Then we drove to a new place to me. Mom called it a Walmart. It must be where the bus goes because there was Dad!!! It was very exciting! He had all kinds of stuff in bags. Dad was so happy about his trip on his own that we went to the Burger Palace to celebrate. You can't imagine how good it was to see Dad so happy. I'm still not so sure about Dad going on his own to the Bus Palace though. I can't keep an eye on him there. But he was happy and we took a nap together when we got home so everything is OK now!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had quite the adventure today! It all started with Dad leaving. He took his cane and walked down the driveway and then up the road. It was very distressing to me. Mom said Don't worry Fred, He is going to take a ride on the bus! A bus?? I bark at those. Mom said, No, not a school bus. A big bus. HMMPH. All I know is that Mom let Dad go out of our sight. I sat in the window and whined and whined. How could Mom let him disappear over the hill?? I barked at Mom. I didn't understand. Mom wasn't upset so I thought maybe Dad is OK even though I can't see or hear him. I barked some more because I didn't know what to do. Then awhile later, Dad called. And Mom got her keys. Dad missed the bus. I barked at Mom. See what happens when we let Dad out of our sight?? He missed the bus! Mom still wasn't upset though. I didn't understand. I ran to the door, I was GOING with Mom no matter what. And she said Let's Go Fred and I ran to the car. No time to waste! Then we drove to a new place to me. Mom called it a Walmart. It must be where the bus goes because there was Dad!!! It was very exciting! He had all kinds of stuff in bags. Dad was so happy about his trip on his own that we went to the Burger Palace to celebrate. You can't imagine how good it was to see Dad so happy. I'm still not so sure about Dad going on his own to the Bus Palace though. I can't keep an eye on him there. But he was happy and we took a nap together when we got home so everything is OK now!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
October 2, 2014
Dear Terry, It started happening again. Those stupid stink bugs are getting in the house. I bark at all of them. I don't stop until Mom or Dad gets the Stink Bug Collector and gets the bug. Last night there was a big one on the ceiling. At first Mom didn't pay attention to what I was barking at, so I kept barking and looking at the bug. Once she saw the bug she said Hold on Fred! And she ran right away and got the Stink Bug Collector. I followed her to the door to make sure the bug got outside. Dad thinks I'm a loon but he's never eaten a stink bug so he doesn't know how bad I hate them. Mom's never eaten one either, but she knows how much I hate those bugs. BLEH. Stupid Bugs.
Protecting the house from stink bugs,
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, It started happening again. Those stupid stink bugs are getting in the house. I bark at all of them. I don't stop until Mom or Dad gets the Stink Bug Collector and gets the bug. Last night there was a big one on the ceiling. At first Mom didn't pay attention to what I was barking at, so I kept barking and looking at the bug. Once she saw the bug she said Hold on Fred! And she ran right away and got the Stink Bug Collector. I followed her to the door to make sure the bug got outside. Dad thinks I'm a loon but he's never eaten a stink bug so he doesn't know how bad I hate them. Mom's never eaten one either, but she knows how much I hate those bugs. BLEH. Stupid Bugs.
Protecting the house from stink bugs,
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
October 1, 2014
Dear Terry, We had another exciting day yesterday! Me and Mom and Dad all went for a walk in the park. Dad didn't even have to use his cane! He walked with us. I was careful to walk slow so that we didn't lose Dad. I didn't have to worry though, Dad walked right with us. We walked all around the ponds and looked for frogs and toads. We went in the cottage to see all the stuff. We looked for bluebirds in the big field of flowers. I smelled poop. Dad didn't even have to stop to rest. When we headed back to the car, Dad beat us to the car he was walking so good! It was a good walk and a good day.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, We had another exciting day yesterday! Me and Mom and Dad all went for a walk in the park. Dad didn't even have to use his cane! He walked with us. I was careful to walk slow so that we didn't lose Dad. I didn't have to worry though, Dad walked right with us. We walked all around the ponds and looked for frogs and toads. We went in the cottage to see all the stuff. We looked for bluebirds in the big field of flowers. I smelled poop. Dad didn't even have to stop to rest. When we headed back to the car, Dad beat us to the car he was walking so good! It was a good walk and a good day.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
September 28, 2014
Dear Terry, What a day! First me and Mom took a walk in the morning all around the yard! I found where Mr. Skunk has been spending his nights! Right by the willow tree. I peed on the smell. Mom reminded me that we never want to meet Mr. Skunk because he will make us all smelly like him. Then I helped Mom change the sheets on the bed. What fun! She makes the sheet fly high in the air and it floats down around me. I bark and run around on the bed until I can catch an end and then I roll all up in the bed! Then Mom unrolls me real fast and we start the game again!! Oh and then we went to the park for a walk. There were a bunch of dogs there this time. One was barking at me as soon as I got out of the car. He was really small and full of barks. I barked in his face and he stopped barking at and yapping at me! Then we met a great big brown dog. He likes the water. He barked at me but he was friendly. I told him I don't float so I don't swim. We both barked at that! I saw some toads too. OH and best of all. I found a groundhog hole. Stuck my head right on in and boy was Mr, Groundhog upset about that! All kinds of squeals came out of the hole. It was very exciting! Mom said OOOOOO we had better go Fred! He's mad! So I trotted away with Mom. But I kept looking back. I've never seen a groundhog up close and thought I might be missing something! Mom said maybe we should add Mr. Groundhog to the don't meet list like Mr. Skunk.
Hope you had sheet chasing, skunk smelling, groundhog squeal kindof a day too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, What a day! First me and Mom took a walk in the morning all around the yard! I found where Mr. Skunk has been spending his nights! Right by the willow tree. I peed on the smell. Mom reminded me that we never want to meet Mr. Skunk because he will make us all smelly like him. Then I helped Mom change the sheets on the bed. What fun! She makes the sheet fly high in the air and it floats down around me. I bark and run around on the bed until I can catch an end and then I roll all up in the bed! Then Mom unrolls me real fast and we start the game again!! Oh and then we went to the park for a walk. There were a bunch of dogs there this time. One was barking at me as soon as I got out of the car. He was really small and full of barks. I barked in his face and he stopped barking at and yapping at me! Then we met a great big brown dog. He likes the water. He barked at me but he was friendly. I told him I don't float so I don't swim. We both barked at that! I saw some toads too. OH and best of all. I found a groundhog hole. Stuck my head right on in and boy was Mr, Groundhog upset about that! All kinds of squeals came out of the hole. It was very exciting! Mom said OOOOOO we had better go Fred! He's mad! So I trotted away with Mom. But I kept looking back. I've never seen a groundhog up close and thought I might be missing something! Mom said maybe we should add Mr. Groundhog to the don't meet list like Mr. Skunk.
Hope you had sheet chasing, skunk smelling, groundhog squeal kindof a day too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
September 27, 2014
Dear Terry, The bestest thing ever happened this week! Dad came home! It was super exciting. I saw him in the car with Mom and I scratched at the window! Then I ran barking to tell Penny Cat, Then I ran all around the house barking and barking until he got in the door and I threw myself down at his feet for tummy rubs!! I jumped back up and ran and ran and ran around a lot. Dad sat down and I was right in his lap. I smelled him all over to make sure he was OK. Dad is back!!! I scared Penny Cat because we didn't see her for hours. I didn't mean to. So I ran around some more looking for her to tell her about Dad. Then I ran back to check on Dad again and again and again. We finally flopped down for a nap! It's so good to have Dad home!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, The bestest thing ever happened this week! Dad came home! It was super exciting. I saw him in the car with Mom and I scratched at the window! Then I ran barking to tell Penny Cat, Then I ran all around the house barking and barking until he got in the door and I threw myself down at his feet for tummy rubs!! I jumped back up and ran and ran and ran around a lot. Dad sat down and I was right in his lap. I smelled him all over to make sure he was OK. Dad is back!!! I scared Penny Cat because we didn't see her for hours. I didn't mean to. So I ran around some more looking for her to tell her about Dad. Then I ran back to check on Dad again and again and again. We finally flopped down for a nap! It's so good to have Dad home!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
September 23, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had lots to do tonight. When Mom got home, I ran to the door because I wanted to go for a walk. It seems like FOREVER since we've gone on a walk. Mom hurried up and did a few things and away we went! It was almost dark so we didn't walk for long. But it was great! THEN we went to run errands. We ran to a couple of different places that Mom had planned out. All of them had drive up windows like the Burger Palace. At one, the nice lady gave me a treat! How great is that! Just for coming to her window I got a treat! We came home to watch some baseball. Penny Cat might be mad at me. I made her all fluffy because I was so excited to be home I barked right in her face. I'm not supposed to make her fluffy. I helped Mom clean too. Oh and we put together dinner for tomorrow too. WHEW! I am so tired! Mom put the baseball game on and we sat down together to watch it. I think I might be ready for a nap!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. Fred is a loon. I thought walks were supposed to tucker him out. No such luck today. That crazy dog ran in the house and right in my face. I yowled at him and bonked him on the nose. He knew he was in trouble because he sat down and looked all sad at Mom. She yelled at him for scaring me. He's watching baseball now. But I'm not coming out until that looney FredDog is sound asleep. Meow Meow... PennyCat
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had lots to do tonight. When Mom got home, I ran to the door because I wanted to go for a walk. It seems like FOREVER since we've gone on a walk. Mom hurried up and did a few things and away we went! It was almost dark so we didn't walk for long. But it was great! THEN we went to run errands. We ran to a couple of different places that Mom had planned out. All of them had drive up windows like the Burger Palace. At one, the nice lady gave me a treat! How great is that! Just for coming to her window I got a treat! We came home to watch some baseball. Penny Cat might be mad at me. I made her all fluffy because I was so excited to be home I barked right in her face. I'm not supposed to make her fluffy. I helped Mom clean too. Oh and we put together dinner for tomorrow too. WHEW! I am so tired! Mom put the baseball game on and we sat down together to watch it. I think I might be ready for a nap!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. Fred is a loon. I thought walks were supposed to tucker him out. No such luck today. That crazy dog ran in the house and right in my face. I yowled at him and bonked him on the nose. He knew he was in trouble because he sat down and looked all sad at Mom. She yelled at him for scaring me. He's watching baseball now. But I'm not coming out until that looney FredDog is sound asleep. Meow Meow... PennyCat
September 20, 2014
Dear Terry, I've been down in the dumps. Still no Dad. I don't know what to do so I chew on my feet and think about Dad. Mom got a phone call tonight and she sounded pretty happy talking. She turned to me and said, It's your DAD! But I didn't believe her. THEN it was MAGIC. I heard DAD!!!! I ran through the house looking for him! He was calling my name but I couldn't find him! I ran back to his voice and it was in the phone! How could that be??? My tail was wagging really really hard. It was so good to hear DAD! I pawed at the phone. I wanted him to be here! I tugged at Mom's arm too but no Dad came out, only his voice. So I flopped down next to Mom and I put my ear to the phone so I could hear every word he said. That made Mom laugh! I listened to everything Dad said. I even woofed back at him! Maybe Mom could make that phone work tomorrow too. Dad sounded pretty tired but I think we had a good talk!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
Dear Terry, I've been down in the dumps. Still no Dad. I don't know what to do so I chew on my feet and think about Dad. Mom got a phone call tonight and she sounded pretty happy talking. She turned to me and said, It's your DAD! But I didn't believe her. THEN it was MAGIC. I heard DAD!!!! I ran through the house looking for him! He was calling my name but I couldn't find him! I ran back to his voice and it was in the phone! How could that be??? My tail was wagging really really hard. It was so good to hear DAD! I pawed at the phone. I wanted him to be here! I tugged at Mom's arm too but no Dad came out, only his voice. So I flopped down next to Mom and I put my ear to the phone so I could hear every word he said. That made Mom laugh! I listened to everything Dad said. I even woofed back at him! Maybe Mom could make that phone work tomorrow too. Dad sounded pretty tired but I think we had a good talk!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
September 19, 2014
Dear Terry, Still no Dad. I don't know where he is. I keep sleeping in his spot on the couch. I know he is going to come home. Mom said so. I still miss him. Penny Cat does too. She told me. I did get to see Grammy today! She and Mom went to see Dad. Mom didn't bring Dad home. When Mom came home, she let me out on the deck. I fell asleep. This business of watching the house when Dad isn't here is hard work! Even Penny Cat said so. While I was asleep I heard a bzzzzzz. I know what that is! the angry bees are back!! I ran inside barking and barking and got Mom right away. She came to see what all the noise was about and I showed her the bees! I went inside like she said to and watched from the door. She killed some of them with spray. She said she will kill them all tonight when they are in the nest. Mom said they aren't really bees but mean and angry yellow jackets. I don't care what they are called, all I know is that I don't want to be stung on the mouth again. Mom said Don't worry Fred, I will make sure they are really gone this time! I think she meant it too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Still no Dad. I don't know where he is. I keep sleeping in his spot on the couch. I know he is going to come home. Mom said so. I still miss him. Penny Cat does too. She told me. I did get to see Grammy today! She and Mom went to see Dad. Mom didn't bring Dad home. When Mom came home, she let me out on the deck. I fell asleep. This business of watching the house when Dad isn't here is hard work! Even Penny Cat said so. While I was asleep I heard a bzzzzzz. I know what that is! the angry bees are back!! I ran inside barking and barking and got Mom right away. She came to see what all the noise was about and I showed her the bees! I went inside like she said to and watched from the door. She killed some of them with spray. She said she will kill them all tonight when they are in the nest. Mom said they aren't really bees but mean and angry yellow jackets. I don't care what they are called, all I know is that I don't want to be stung on the mouth again. Mom said Don't worry Fred, I will make sure they are really gone this time! I think she meant it too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
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I was really pooped out! |
September 16, 2014
Dear Terry, Something is going on here. I don't know what! But something is. Mom is packing stuff. But my special bag isn't out and Penny Cat's special bag isn't out. Mom is only packing Dad's stuff. Dad must be going somewhere. Dad is nervous. I can tell. I'm good at telling stuff. Only I don't know where he could be going. Dad is always here. Always. I know because I keep him company. Mom said he's going away for a few days because he needs to get better. Well, he can get better here if you ask me. No one ever does ask me though, probably because I'm a dog. When he gets back I'll take care of him. Mom made Dad smile because she went to the Cheeseburger Palace like he asked her too! I hope Dad comes back smiling.
Worried, FredDog
Dear Terry, Something is going on here. I don't know what! But something is. Mom is packing stuff. But my special bag isn't out and Penny Cat's special bag isn't out. Mom is only packing Dad's stuff. Dad must be going somewhere. Dad is nervous. I can tell. I'm good at telling stuff. Only I don't know where he could be going. Dad is always here. Always. I know because I keep him company. Mom said he's going away for a few days because he needs to get better. Well, he can get better here if you ask me. No one ever does ask me though, probably because I'm a dog. When he gets back I'll take care of him. Mom made Dad smile because she went to the Cheeseburger Palace like he asked her too! I hope Dad comes back smiling.
Worried, FredDog
September 16, 2014
Dear Terry, OOOO Mom and Dad had a fight! Over a corn cob! Dad gave me the whole corn after he was done eating. What a great treat. All kinds of buttery goodness left over on there. Mom said HEY! No way should he have a corn cob! And it's making a mess all over the place! Dad said let him have it! I agreed with Dad on this one even though we know it's Mom that is always right. I took the corn and ran! Dad found me though and took the corn away. Not before I ate a bunch of corn and butter off of there! YUMMY!
Love and Woofs FredDog!
Dear Terry, OOOO Mom and Dad had a fight! Over a corn cob! Dad gave me the whole corn after he was done eating. What a great treat. All kinds of buttery goodness left over on there. Mom said HEY! No way should he have a corn cob! And it's making a mess all over the place! Dad said let him have it! I agreed with Dad on this one even though we know it's Mom that is always right. I took the corn and ran! Dad found me though and took the corn away. Not before I ate a bunch of corn and butter off of there! YUMMY!
Love and Woofs FredDog!
September 14, 2014
Dear Terry, Whew! I am pooped out! First I had to take care of Dad today. He was sleeping so I had to keep watch over him and I didn't sleep. Then me and Mom took a really long walk in the woods. We saw lots of stuff in the woods and we walked slow so we didn't miss anything at all. And if that wasn't enough excitement, when we got home Dad fired up the Cheeseburger Machine to make Burgers! And if you think the excitement was over with that, think again! Dad made me a Mutt Burger all of my own! It had cheese and everything on it! Mom put it on my snack plate so I could eat at the same time they ate. YUMMY! What a great Day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Whew! I am pooped out! First I had to take care of Dad today. He was sleeping so I had to keep watch over him and I didn't sleep. Then me and Mom took a really long walk in the woods. We saw lots of stuff in the woods and we walked slow so we didn't miss anything at all. And if that wasn't enough excitement, when we got home Dad fired up the Cheeseburger Machine to make Burgers! And if you think the excitement was over with that, think again! Dad made me a Mutt Burger all of my own! It had cheese and everything on it! Mom put it on my snack plate so I could eat at the same time they ate. YUMMY! What a great Day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 13, 2014
Dear Terry, Today, Mom brought home the best gift EVER and it was for ME! All for ME! Know what it was? Nope not a new cat. Not a new collar either. Nope not another dog. Not a Moozle either. It was a smoked bone from the BUTCHER. Mom said she picked it out special for me! You should smell it. All kinds of meaty goodness. It has lots of meat on it. I've never had one before. Mom said there were all kinds of bones there in a big box called "Dog Bones." Bones as big as my head even! There were even whole pigs feet. Mom said those were too gross to touch. Mom got me ribs. She said that they had the most smoked meat on them. She was right! Mom says I have to be careful eating them. I haven't even gotten through all the meat yet. YUMMY. I am real careful when I chew on my chew sticks. Every single bit gets totally chewed up and gummy before I swallow it down. I'm doing the same with my Butcher Bone. Mom says he makes them special for people like Mom who have dogs. Can you imagine? A whole box of bones just for dogs! I cannot describe what a good day this is!
Hope you have a good day too!
Love, FredDog
Dear Terry, Today, Mom brought home the best gift EVER and it was for ME! All for ME! Know what it was? Nope not a new cat. Not a new collar either. Nope not another dog. Not a Moozle either. It was a smoked bone from the BUTCHER. Mom said she picked it out special for me! You should smell it. All kinds of meaty goodness. It has lots of meat on it. I've never had one before. Mom said there were all kinds of bones there in a big box called "Dog Bones." Bones as big as my head even! There were even whole pigs feet. Mom said those were too gross to touch. Mom got me ribs. She said that they had the most smoked meat on them. She was right! Mom says I have to be careful eating them. I haven't even gotten through all the meat yet. YUMMY. I am real careful when I chew on my chew sticks. Every single bit gets totally chewed up and gummy before I swallow it down. I'm doing the same with my Butcher Bone. Mom says he makes them special for people like Mom who have dogs. Can you imagine? A whole box of bones just for dogs! I cannot describe what a good day this is!
Hope you have a good day too!
Love, FredDog
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Me and my Butcher Bone! |
September 11, 2014
Dear Terry, Today didn't start out so good. Me and Mom woke up and went outside and it poured rain and I got all wet. Mom had to wipe me off a little bit when we got back in the house. Penny Cat won't come near me when I'm all wet. But things got a lot better when Pap showed up to take Dad somewhere! I was so excited to see my Pap that I ran and ran and spinned and spinned and barked and barked! Then when they came back Pap came in again! What a great day this was because I got to see Pap twice!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 9, 2014
Dear Terry, Sorry we haven't written. Me and Mom have been busy. We went for a walk the other day. It was almost nighttime when we went to the park and we saw quite a few critters. Me and Mom chased a bunny. I kindof forgot Mom was attached to the leash and I RAN as soon as that bunny flew out under my nose. But he ran into the ground. I dug at the hole and Mom yelled at me to stop. Then we saw a deer so I barked. And I found a toad by the water so I gave him a nudge into the water and he went SPLOOSH! Oh and I helped Mom make sauce. I like sauce. Mom does all the work but I lay at her feet in case maybe some sauce comes my way. Plus Mom talks to me when she cooks. Penny Cat has been very meowy lately. She tells me all kinds of stuff. Stay off my blanket Fred! Don't eat my food Fred! Mom's going to vacuum Fred! I've been keeping her company though. I don't make her all fluffy scared anymore. Mostly. She gave me a kiss the other morning and I was so excited I peed a little. Just a little. Mom cleaned it right up. Tonight Mom made us all a pizza. Pepperoni! What a surprise! I watched it bake right in the oven. It has a window! How cool is THAT? It's not often Mom makes us a Pizza Party. I got pepperoni from Mom and Dad! It's a good night for a party for sure! I'm going to watch baseball with Dad now. He keeps falling asleep but I keep him company anyways.
Barks and Wags, FredDog
September 4, 2014
Dear Terry, Yesterday me and Dad had some excitement! His sister came Kathy came over! I barked and barked and ran around! Dad was very happy to see her. But then they left and I didn't know what to do. I sat in the window for a long time waiting. Before I knew it Mom came home! But no Dad. Me and Mom walked around outside for awhile. Still no Dad when we got back inside. I sat in the window some more and waited. Mom said he would be home. Mom watched baseball. I waited almost an entire baseball game and then a car pulled in the driveway and it was DAD! I ran and pawed at the door and barked a whole lot! Mom tried to calm me down and finally gave up and we went outside to see Dad get out of the car!! Whew! I thought he would never get home!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Yesterday me and Dad had some excitement! His sister came Kathy came over! I barked and barked and ran around! Dad was very happy to see her. But then they left and I didn't know what to do. I sat in the window for a long time waiting. Before I knew it Mom came home! But no Dad. Me and Mom walked around outside for awhile. Still no Dad when we got back inside. I sat in the window some more and waited. Mom said he would be home. Mom watched baseball. I waited almost an entire baseball game and then a car pulled in the driveway and it was DAD! I ran and pawed at the door and barked a whole lot! Mom tried to calm me down and finally gave up and we went outside to see Dad get out of the car!! Whew! I thought he would never get home!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
September 1, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom was really busy today. She did a bunch of cleaning and I helped. We got the stuff out for Fall too. That was fun. We brought up all kinds of stuff from the basement. I helped by watching Penny Cat. She was helping too. Things were going well until Mom brought out that spooky cat cookie jar. It's always looking at me and it's head COMES OFF. I barked and barked at it. Mom laughed and put it away again. WHEW! And you know what else Mom did? She put out Candy Corn in the ghost dish. I like Candy Corn. Mom wasn't looking and I might have snitched some. Mom turned around and said FRED!!! I took off running. When she caught up to me all the corn was gone so I couldn't get in trouble. I had to learn again about leaving the Candy Corn alone. Sure was good though! I bet Dad will give me some later on!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom was really busy today. She did a bunch of cleaning and I helped. We got the stuff out for Fall too. That was fun. We brought up all kinds of stuff from the basement. I helped by watching Penny Cat. She was helping too. Things were going well until Mom brought out that spooky cat cookie jar. It's always looking at me and it's head COMES OFF. I barked and barked at it. Mom laughed and put it away again. WHEW! And you know what else Mom did? She put out Candy Corn in the ghost dish. I like Candy Corn. Mom wasn't looking and I might have snitched some. Mom turned around and said FRED!!! I took off running. When she caught up to me all the corn was gone so I couldn't get in trouble. I had to learn again about leaving the Candy Corn alone. Sure was good though! I bet Dad will give me some later on!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
August 30, 2014
Dear Terry, There's a scary outside. Someone is having a birthday party. I like parties. Not this one though. This one has a giant air filled hissing inflatible house. It's so scary. It lights up too. And it shakes and the kids all scream and laugh. It looks like a monster to me and it's a few houses away. Now that it's night it is really scary looking. Mom tried to take me outside and I wouldn't leave the porch. We tried to go out the backdoor but as soon as I got to the steps there it was again! Mom says it will be gone in the morning. I hurried up and pee'd and ran back up the steps. It was awful. What kindof party is that!? Mom said she would never get me one so I don't have to worry.
Trying not to be scared....FredDog
Dear Terry, There's a scary outside. Someone is having a birthday party. I like parties. Not this one though. This one has a giant air filled hissing inflatible house. It's so scary. It lights up too. And it shakes and the kids all scream and laugh. It looks like a monster to me and it's a few houses away. Now that it's night it is really scary looking. Mom tried to take me outside and I wouldn't leave the porch. We tried to go out the backdoor but as soon as I got to the steps there it was again! Mom says it will be gone in the morning. I hurried up and pee'd and ran back up the steps. It was awful. What kindof party is that!? Mom said she would never get me one so I don't have to worry.
Trying not to be scared....FredDog
Ausut 29, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom said that Joe is a Pizza Man now. HOW great is THAT? I was thinking that he would be the best Pizza Man EVER. Mom says he is too far away to come here with Pizza. I don't really know how far away you are but you should never be too far from Pizza. Me and Dad agree! Me and Dad have Pizza Parties you know. Joe could bring me, I mean Dad, Pizza and we could all have some together! Mom says that's not how it works. Party Pooper Mom!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. I love Pepperoni
Dear Terry, Mom said that Joe is a Pizza Man now. HOW great is THAT? I was thinking that he would be the best Pizza Man EVER. Mom says he is too far away to come here with Pizza. I don't really know how far away you are but you should never be too far from Pizza. Me and Dad agree! Me and Dad have Pizza Parties you know. Joe could bring me, I mean Dad, Pizza and we could all have some together! Mom says that's not how it works. Party Pooper Mom!!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
P.S. I love Pepperoni
August 28, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess what me and Dad did last night?? It was draft night. I don't know what that is but I do know it involves a lot of snacks so it must be a holiday. Dad said it has to do with football. I don't know what that is either but Mom always makes snacks for that too. Me and Dad had some chili and chicken nuggets. Dad always gives me the last bite of any of his snacks and I got a whole chicken nugget as the last bite! I tried not to burp too much when Mom got home.....
Barks and Wags! FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what me and Dad did last night?? It was draft night. I don't know what that is but I do know it involves a lot of snacks so it must be a holiday. Dad said it has to do with football. I don't know what that is either but Mom always makes snacks for that too. Me and Dad had some chili and chicken nuggets. Dad always gives me the last bite of any of his snacks and I got a whole chicken nugget as the last bite! I tried not to burp too much when Mom got home.....
Barks and Wags! FredDog
August 27, 2014
Dear Terry, Yesterday Me and Mom and Dad took another trip! This time we went to see Gram and Pap! It was very exciting. I knew where we were going as soon as Mom made the turn. I pulled Mom right into the house and there was Pap! I didn't even have to run and look for him, there he was! I found Grammy too. I got to sit in the sunroom with Dad and Pap and listen to them talk while I watched the squirrels outside. We didn't stay too long because Mom had things to do. The next thing we did was to park next to the mailbox in the shopping center. The police yelled at Mom. Mom mailed her letter anyways. I think Dad was a pretty embarassed that the police yelled at Mom. Dad told me Mom parked in a fire lane to mail the letter real quick. Dad said you aren't supposed to do that. Mom did it anyways and got yelled at because the policeman was right there. He yelled at her right from his car and honked his horn and everything. When Mom got back to the car she was laughing because Dad was upset. Mom said I hurried up and I didn't get a ticket, it's OK! Dad said, It wasn't ok! Wooof!!! It was almost as exciting as seeing Gram and Pap!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Yesterday Me and Mom and Dad took another trip! This time we went to see Gram and Pap! It was very exciting. I knew where we were going as soon as Mom made the turn. I pulled Mom right into the house and there was Pap! I didn't even have to run and look for him, there he was! I found Grammy too. I got to sit in the sunroom with Dad and Pap and listen to them talk while I watched the squirrels outside. We didn't stay too long because Mom had things to do. The next thing we did was to park next to the mailbox in the shopping center. The police yelled at Mom. Mom mailed her letter anyways. I think Dad was a pretty embarassed that the police yelled at Mom. Dad told me Mom parked in a fire lane to mail the letter real quick. Dad said you aren't supposed to do that. Mom did it anyways and got yelled at because the policeman was right there. He yelled at her right from his car and honked his horn and everything. When Mom got back to the car she was laughing because Dad was upset. Mom said I hurried up and I didn't get a ticket, it's OK! Dad said, It wasn't ok! Wooof!!! It was almost as exciting as seeing Gram and Pap!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
August 25, 2014
Dear Terry, You won't believe what I did yesterday! I slept! All day. Mom had to wake me up to take me outside. I did wake up once when Penny Cat came home. That was very exciting because I missed having her around. Mom said I had to leave her alone because she was all wound up from being at the Pet Hotel. So I went back to sleep. Today, I woke Mom up this morning bright and early though. I ran to see Penny Cat. She was still sleeping so I left her alone. I ran to see Dad, but he was still sleeping too. I ran back to Mom and tried to get her up. We went outside and when we came back in she went back to sleep! Mom let me out on the deck so that I would leave everyone alone. At least the birdies are up!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, You won't believe what I did yesterday! I slept! All day. Mom had to wake me up to take me outside. I did wake up once when Penny Cat came home. That was very exciting because I missed having her around. Mom said I had to leave her alone because she was all wound up from being at the Pet Hotel. So I went back to sleep. Today, I woke Mom up this morning bright and early though. I ran to see Penny Cat. She was still sleeping so I left her alone. I ran to see Dad, but he was still sleeping too. I ran back to Mom and tried to get her up. We went outside and when we came back in she went back to sleep! Mom let me out on the deck so that I would leave everyone alone. At least the birdies are up!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
August 24, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess what!? Me and Mom and Dad took a trip! Not Penny Cat though. She stayed in the pet hotel. We were in the mountains. I've never seen hills so big! We would go up and down up and down until we finally got to the cabins. I got to see the whole family! the Nephews - they kept me busy and I got plenty of treats. Sue and Pete and Laura. Lots of pets from everyone. Me and Mom walked on all kinds of trails. One trail Aunt Laura was with us and we went wayyyyy far down a hillside to a big creek. We were really far into the woods. It took awhile to get back up to the car but we did it! Every morning me and Mom walked around the pond looking for frogs and toads. There was a turtle who took a swim every day in the pond. I watched the boys fish in there too. I even went down to see what they were doing while they were fishing! Now I know why Mom didn't want me afraid of fishing poles anymore. OH! and best of all me and Mom were sitting on the deck watching the pond and this big bird swooped out of the sky right into the pond and snatched up a big fish!! I've never seen ANYTHING like it! I couldn't even bark I was so surprised. Mom was surprised too. It had made a big SPLASH when it scooped that fish out. Mom said it was a bald eagle. She knew it was because it swooped back over the pond and we could see it real good. Almost forgot! Me and Mom and Dad all went to see all the cool stuff around the cabin. We went to see a mill. Boy was it noisy! The water would make big splashes as it came out of the mill. Mom and Dad talked to the Park Ranger too. Mom said he is like the park police so I better be good and I sat real quiet and listened to them talk. There were lots of people at the mill and I was allowed to go everywhere and in all the buildings and I met some new people. Oh! one more thing! One day me and Mom went to the Lookout Tower. I was allowed to go inside here too. We went up ALLL the steps. There were a lot of them. And we got to the top and Mom could look out and see all the mountains and take pictures. I couldn't see because I'm short you know. But I could see through the cracks in the walls. I don't think I have ever been up so high off the ground before! What fun! I ran to each corner investigating and looking out where I could. We went to go back out of the tower and I got scared. I told Mom NO WAY am I going back down those steps. They looked too steep and scary. Mom said I had to go. She sat down on the each step and we went down one step at a time so I wasn't scared. Every single day I was POOPED OUT. I would fall asleep on the sofa with the Nephews watching TV. I like the mountains. I liked that I could go just about everywhere with Mom to see stuff and explore. I liked sitting on the big porch in the rain with Dad. I was even allowed to swing on the swing on the porch. What a great time! Good to be home now!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Guess what!? Me and Mom and Dad took a trip! Not Penny Cat though. She stayed in the pet hotel. We were in the mountains. I've never seen hills so big! We would go up and down up and down until we finally got to the cabins. I got to see the whole family! the Nephews - they kept me busy and I got plenty of treats. Sue and Pete and Laura. Lots of pets from everyone. Me and Mom walked on all kinds of trails. One trail Aunt Laura was with us and we went wayyyyy far down a hillside to a big creek. We were really far into the woods. It took awhile to get back up to the car but we did it! Every morning me and Mom walked around the pond looking for frogs and toads. There was a turtle who took a swim every day in the pond. I watched the boys fish in there too. I even went down to see what they were doing while they were fishing! Now I know why Mom didn't want me afraid of fishing poles anymore. OH! and best of all me and Mom were sitting on the deck watching the pond and this big bird swooped out of the sky right into the pond and snatched up a big fish!! I've never seen ANYTHING like it! I couldn't even bark I was so surprised. Mom was surprised too. It had made a big SPLASH when it scooped that fish out. Mom said it was a bald eagle. She knew it was because it swooped back over the pond and we could see it real good. Almost forgot! Me and Mom and Dad all went to see all the cool stuff around the cabin. We went to see a mill. Boy was it noisy! The water would make big splashes as it came out of the mill. Mom and Dad talked to the Park Ranger too. Mom said he is like the park police so I better be good and I sat real quiet and listened to them talk. There were lots of people at the mill and I was allowed to go everywhere and in all the buildings and I met some new people. Oh! one more thing! One day me and Mom went to the Lookout Tower. I was allowed to go inside here too. We went up ALLL the steps. There were a lot of them. And we got to the top and Mom could look out and see all the mountains and take pictures. I couldn't see because I'm short you know. But I could see through the cracks in the walls. I don't think I have ever been up so high off the ground before! What fun! I ran to each corner investigating and looking out where I could. We went to go back out of the tower and I got scared. I told Mom NO WAY am I going back down those steps. They looked too steep and scary. Mom said I had to go. She sat down on the each step and we went down one step at a time so I wasn't scared. Every single day I was POOPED OUT. I would fall asleep on the sofa with the Nephews watching TV. I like the mountains. I liked that I could go just about everywhere with Mom to see stuff and explore. I liked sitting on the big porch in the rain with Dad. I was even allowed to swing on the swing on the porch. What a great time! Good to be home now!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
August 16, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess what! Mom took me for a walk today and we saw lots and lots of butterflies in the butterfly field! Remember when me and Mom took that class and I learned how to be a good dog? That silly teacher told me and Mom that I wasn't allowed to chase butterflies. Mom said that was for the birds and always let's me chase butterflies! I jump and twirl and try and catch them as they all flutter around. There were so many at one time today that it was like a cloud of them! They swirled all around us and I was barking and Mom was laughing. Chasing butterflies is good fun! I'm glad Mom didn't listen to that teacher!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess what! Mom took me for a walk today and we saw lots and lots of butterflies in the butterfly field! Remember when me and Mom took that class and I learned how to be a good dog? That silly teacher told me and Mom that I wasn't allowed to chase butterflies. Mom said that was for the birds and always let's me chase butterflies! I jump and twirl and try and catch them as they all flutter around. There were so many at one time today that it was like a cloud of them! They swirled all around us and I was barking and Mom was laughing. Chasing butterflies is good fun! I'm glad Mom didn't listen to that teacher!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
August 15, 2014
Dear Terry, We are watching baseball. Mom didn't make any snacks tonight. Her and Dad did a bunch of stuff today. So instead of making snacks she went out and brought some snacks back!! Guess what she got??? Well dad got a coffee that smelled like caramel. Mom has ice cream. And I got my own ice cream cone!! Vanilla of course! My favorite. Mom put it in my snack bowl, cone and all. I get to eat my snacks in the living room with Mom and Dad. At first I licked and slurped the ice cream really fast. But I had to slow down because my tongue was cold. Dad said I was going to get brain freeze. I don't know what that is, but I do know how good that ice cream tasted with the cone broken up all through it. Mom really picked a good snack for the game!! Ice cream makes everything better!
Hope you had ice cream today too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, We are watching baseball. Mom didn't make any snacks tonight. Her and Dad did a bunch of stuff today. So instead of making snacks she went out and brought some snacks back!! Guess what she got??? Well dad got a coffee that smelled like caramel. Mom has ice cream. And I got my own ice cream cone!! Vanilla of course! My favorite. Mom put it in my snack bowl, cone and all. I get to eat my snacks in the living room with Mom and Dad. At first I licked and slurped the ice cream really fast. But I had to slow down because my tongue was cold. Dad said I was going to get brain freeze. I don't know what that is, but I do know how good that ice cream tasted with the cone broken up all through it. Mom really picked a good snack for the game!! Ice cream makes everything better!
Hope you had ice cream today too!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
August 12, 2014
Dear Terry, I had a big scary today. It stormed and Dad didn't put my magic no scary shirt on me. And Dad was asleep because he was pooped out from the doctor. And And And the storm came and it was so loud! Dad wasn't waking up to help me! He was in the recliner all stretched out. I tried jumping up there but he was snoring. So I jumped back down and I hid underneath the recliner as far back as I could. Only Dad didn't know I was there and he woke up and almost squished me!! And it was storming still and I panicked. I scared Dad and I scared me. Oh it was just awful! Dad gave me lots of pets once I came back out. He was really sorry. We sat together and watched TV until I calmed down and Dad fell asleep again. Penny Cat doesn't get scared of storms. I wish I could be more like her except then I would be a cat! Woof!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, I had a big scary today. It stormed and Dad didn't put my magic no scary shirt on me. And Dad was asleep because he was pooped out from the doctor. And And And the storm came and it was so loud! Dad wasn't waking up to help me! He was in the recliner all stretched out. I tried jumping up there but he was snoring. So I jumped back down and I hid underneath the recliner as far back as I could. Only Dad didn't know I was there and he woke up and almost squished me!! And it was storming still and I panicked. I scared Dad and I scared me. Oh it was just awful! Dad gave me lots of pets once I came back out. He was really sorry. We sat together and watched TV until I calmed down and Dad fell asleep again. Penny Cat doesn't get scared of storms. I wish I could be more like her except then I would be a cat! Woof!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
August 10, 2014
Dear Terry, Today Mom and Dad went to a baseball game. Mom put it on the TV for me before she left so I could watch it. I fell asleep. But! When they came home I woke up right away and ran barking to the window. Mom had to go back out but Dad stayed with me and started to get the garbage together. I laid back down on the sofa and guess what!?? Penny Cat came to see MEEEEEEEE. All on her own!!! Oh My Gosh I laid there real still because it was so great to see her and you know what she said to me???? Meow Meow! Like she always does!! And she turned and walked away!! Penny Cat came to see MEEEEE!!! This has to be about the best day ever!! I didn't bark, I didn't chase her, I didn't do anything at all to make her fluffy or hissy or scared. Dad couldn't wait to tell Mom when she got back in the house. Mom couldn't believe she missed all the fun!
Being a Good Dog, FredDog
August 9, 2014
Dear Terry, It's me again. Fred. What an exciting time at the park today! The little cottage was open and my pal Pam was inside. She takes care of the park. She showed us the new butterfly display. Pam told Mom that most of the Monarch Butterflies had died all across the country and the park was working with other parks to save them so they can flutter around like before. The butterflies were very fluttery. There were some that hadn't come out yet and a big one flying all around in the special tent. I was allowed to look but I had to be extra special careful and I was. They fly around like magic! I tried to take a pine cone from another display but Mom made me put it back. Then we went hiking up the big hill and all around. Boy was I tired when we got back to the car. Mom gave me a big drink of water. I drank so much there was hardly any left for Mom! When I got home I laid down right in front of the vent for all the cold air. After I cooled off, I ran to find Penny Cat to tell her all about the walk. But I was careful to not get to close to her. We are going to watch some baseball tonight. I bet Mom makes us some good snacks! I hope Penny Cat joins us. I know she would like snacks too!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, It's me again. Fred. What an exciting time at the park today! The little cottage was open and my pal Pam was inside. She takes care of the park. She showed us the new butterfly display. Pam told Mom that most of the Monarch Butterflies had died all across the country and the park was working with other parks to save them so they can flutter around like before. The butterflies were very fluttery. There were some that hadn't come out yet and a big one flying all around in the special tent. I was allowed to look but I had to be extra special careful and I was. They fly around like magic! I tried to take a pine cone from another display but Mom made me put it back. Then we went hiking up the big hill and all around. Boy was I tired when we got back to the car. Mom gave me a big drink of water. I drank so much there was hardly any left for Mom! When I got home I laid down right in front of the vent for all the cold air. After I cooled off, I ran to find Penny Cat to tell her all about the walk. But I was careful to not get to close to her. We are going to watch some baseball tonight. I bet Mom makes us some good snacks! I hope Penny Cat joins us. I know she would like snacks too!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
August 9, 2014
Dear Terry, You won't believe what happened today! Penny Cat hissed at me! Right in my face! Mom said Good for you Penny! I didn't know what to do so I sat down because I think I must have done something bad. Penny Cat doesn't ever hiss at me. Mom said she should hiss more often so I don't chase her. That might have been the problem. Maybe. Penny Cat sure was mad at me though. When I found her again she bonked me right on the nose. I decided I had better leave her alone and I went outside to help Mom water plants. Much safer. I don't want to keep making Penny Car mad. I noticed she gets all fluffy too when she is mad. Mom told me that a fluffy cat means I am going to get swatted on the nose so I had better be careful and nice to Penny Cat.
Trying to be good again, Love, FredDog
P.S. It's me Penny Cat. That crazy Fred. I have had enough of him thinking he can run right at me. Today I hissed really good at him. I don't hiss at Fred because I am trying to be his friend. But I've had enough of him running right at me like a crazy dog. He sat right down. That's what he does when he gets in trouble so I knew it worked. I went to my spot to lay down after that and there he is AGAIN. I thought Mom said he was a quick learner. I slapped him in the face and he went away. I might have to try this more often....
Meow Meow, Penny Cat
Dear Terry, You won't believe what happened today! Penny Cat hissed at me! Right in my face! Mom said Good for you Penny! I didn't know what to do so I sat down because I think I must have done something bad. Penny Cat doesn't ever hiss at me. Mom said she should hiss more often so I don't chase her. That might have been the problem. Maybe. Penny Cat sure was mad at me though. When I found her again she bonked me right on the nose. I decided I had better leave her alone and I went outside to help Mom water plants. Much safer. I don't want to keep making Penny Car mad. I noticed she gets all fluffy too when she is mad. Mom told me that a fluffy cat means I am going to get swatted on the nose so I had better be careful and nice to Penny Cat.
Trying to be good again, Love, FredDog
P.S. It's me Penny Cat. That crazy Fred. I have had enough of him thinking he can run right at me. Today I hissed really good at him. I don't hiss at Fred because I am trying to be his friend. But I've had enough of him running right at me like a crazy dog. He sat right down. That's what he does when he gets in trouble so I knew it worked. I went to my spot to lay down after that and there he is AGAIN. I thought Mom said he was a quick learner. I slapped him in the face and he went away. I might have to try this more often....
Meow Meow, Penny Cat
August 7, 2014
Dear Terry, Today was a good and bad bad day. First the bad stuff. Me and Mom and Dad went in the car and I was so excited! I thought we were going for a walk! We went to the VET instead. I wasn't so excited then. When I got in the room, I tried to hide by putting my head on the door and not looking at anyone. It didn't work. First I got weighed. Then the VET, who is a doctor you know, put that stupid light in my eyes and I barked and whined. I'm supposed to be good but who can be good when you have some VET putting a light in your eyes??? Then he looked at my teeth. That part I'm good at because Mom taught me how to open my mouth and let her look in. I got a shot up my nose and it made me sneeze. THEN they took me away from Mom and they TOUCHED MY FEET to trim my nails. I'm kindof freaky about people touching my feet. So I shrieked. Really loud. Pretty soon all the dogs were barking. It was just about the worst thing ever. Things did get better because they took me back to MOM!! I busted right through the door to get to her! Mom gave me a big hug. Things got even better when we were driving home and Mom turned and we went to see Grammy and Pap! Oh it was the best time! I got to eat crepes. Yup crepes! Grammy had made a whole stack of 'em! And Pap was teasing me and I was barking and having a good time! I did accidentally pee on Grams sidewalk and Mom cleaned that up right away. I was still kindof wound up from the other place and couldn't hold it! Mom didn't get mad she just cleaned it right up. I like crepes. That was the good part of the day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Today was a good and bad bad day. First the bad stuff. Me and Mom and Dad went in the car and I was so excited! I thought we were going for a walk! We went to the VET instead. I wasn't so excited then. When I got in the room, I tried to hide by putting my head on the door and not looking at anyone. It didn't work. First I got weighed. Then the VET, who is a doctor you know, put that stupid light in my eyes and I barked and whined. I'm supposed to be good but who can be good when you have some VET putting a light in your eyes??? Then he looked at my teeth. That part I'm good at because Mom taught me how to open my mouth and let her look in. I got a shot up my nose and it made me sneeze. THEN they took me away from Mom and they TOUCHED MY FEET to trim my nails. I'm kindof freaky about people touching my feet. So I shrieked. Really loud. Pretty soon all the dogs were barking. It was just about the worst thing ever. Things did get better because they took me back to MOM!! I busted right through the door to get to her! Mom gave me a big hug. Things got even better when we were driving home and Mom turned and we went to see Grammy and Pap! Oh it was the best time! I got to eat crepes. Yup crepes! Grammy had made a whole stack of 'em! And Pap was teasing me and I was barking and having a good time! I did accidentally pee on Grams sidewalk and Mom cleaned that up right away. I was still kindof wound up from the other place and couldn't hold it! Mom didn't get mad she just cleaned it right up. I like crepes. That was the good part of the day!
Barks and Wags, FredDog!
August 3, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom TRICKED ME today. She had a piece of chicken in her hand and walked all through the house and into the bathroom and shut the door!! At first I was too busy eating chicken and then I realized HEY, that only happens when it's BATH TIME. Mom said, Rub-A-Dub-Dub Put the Puppy in the TUB! Oh my gosh I hate getting a bath. My feet get wet!! I'm funny about my feet you know. And Dad helped! I thought he loved me best! UGHHHH! I accidentally scraped Dad on the arm real bad and he was bleeding all over the place. Even that didn't stop Mom from getting me all wet and sudsy. Boy, lots of fur came off. I got Mom back though. As soon as I was allowed out of the tub and before Dad could get a towel on me I stood right in front of Mom and shook all the water off in a big giant spray of water everywhere! Dad's job is to dry me off and he took a big towel and got me pretty dry. Then, I took off running though the upstairs and downstairs and up and down and all around. I don't know why I did that but I always do after a bath. I might have scared Penny Cat by accident. Mom put my collar back on and let me out on the deck in the sunshine to dry off. She even brushed me real good and more fur came off. Hey! My feet are white and sparkly clean again! Well that's at least one good thing about the bath today!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
P.S. It's Penny Cat. FredDog is crazy and Mom is even crazier for giving him a bath. He ran everywhere and almost fell down the steps he was running so hard afterwards. What a wacko! At least he smells clean now. I ran and hid in my old towels just to be on the safe side. He sure was nuts! I've been sleeping at the top of the steps at night and trying to get up the nerve to cuddle in with Dad when he watches TV. But then I hear Fred jingle and I get worried and hide. He sure can bark at night at things and that still scares me. I still think we might be able to be friends one day!
Meow Meow, PennyCat
Dear Terry, Mom TRICKED ME today. She had a piece of chicken in her hand and walked all through the house and into the bathroom and shut the door!! At first I was too busy eating chicken and then I realized HEY, that only happens when it's BATH TIME. Mom said, Rub-A-Dub-Dub Put the Puppy in the TUB! Oh my gosh I hate getting a bath. My feet get wet!! I'm funny about my feet you know. And Dad helped! I thought he loved me best! UGHHHH! I accidentally scraped Dad on the arm real bad and he was bleeding all over the place. Even that didn't stop Mom from getting me all wet and sudsy. Boy, lots of fur came off. I got Mom back though. As soon as I was allowed out of the tub and before Dad could get a towel on me I stood right in front of Mom and shook all the water off in a big giant spray of water everywhere! Dad's job is to dry me off and he took a big towel and got me pretty dry. Then, I took off running though the upstairs and downstairs and up and down and all around. I don't know why I did that but I always do after a bath. I might have scared Penny Cat by accident. Mom put my collar back on and let me out on the deck in the sunshine to dry off. She even brushed me real good and more fur came off. Hey! My feet are white and sparkly clean again! Well that's at least one good thing about the bath today!
Barks and Wags! FredDog
P.S. It's Penny Cat. FredDog is crazy and Mom is even crazier for giving him a bath. He ran everywhere and almost fell down the steps he was running so hard afterwards. What a wacko! At least he smells clean now. I ran and hid in my old towels just to be on the safe side. He sure was nuts! I've been sleeping at the top of the steps at night and trying to get up the nerve to cuddle in with Dad when he watches TV. But then I hear Fred jingle and I get worried and hide. He sure can bark at night at things and that still scares me. I still think we might be able to be friends one day!
Meow Meow, PennyCat
August 2, 2014
Dear Terry, What a day! This morning me and Mom walked around the yard and guess what we found?! A corn cob that was under the deck. Mom got pretty mad because she knew it was those raccoons that pulled it off the corn plants up on the deck. Mom and me ran up to the deck to see what else those raccoons did. There was a second ear of corn missing. Mom got even madder. We got Dad right away. That's what we do, we get Dad when Mom gets upset. Dad said, Oh No looks like those raccoons had a picnic! We weren't even invited! Dad said, Fred, you better wake Mom up tonight if they come on deck again! I don't know about that tonight because me and Mom are snuggled in watching baseball. I'm still scared from all the storms and fireworks tonight. Best just to stay under the covers I think.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, What a day! This morning me and Mom walked around the yard and guess what we found?! A corn cob that was under the deck. Mom got pretty mad because she knew it was those raccoons that pulled it off the corn plants up on the deck. Mom and me ran up to the deck to see what else those raccoons did. There was a second ear of corn missing. Mom got even madder. We got Dad right away. That's what we do, we get Dad when Mom gets upset. Dad said, Oh No looks like those raccoons had a picnic! We weren't even invited! Dad said, Fred, you better wake Mom up tonight if they come on deck again! I don't know about that tonight because me and Mom are snuggled in watching baseball. I'm still scared from all the storms and fireworks tonight. Best just to stay under the covers I think.
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 29, 2014
Dear Terry, what a great few days! I got to see Grammy yesterday! I talked, she listened. I had a lot to say ! She gave me good pets too. Dad and Gram went somewhere and when Dad came back, I could tell he had been at the Hot Dog Palace without me again. Hmphh. He knows how much I like them. To make it up to me, he gave me a piece of watermelon. Good grief that's good stuff! No seeds because I don't know how to spit. Oh and today me and Mom took another big walk when she got home and we even took a drive around town. When Mom drives I like to put my head on her sholder and she pets me. It's dark almost so Mom says let's watch some baseball! We sit together or with Dad and we have snacks. What a fun night!
Barks and wags, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat starting to like me again. I'm pretty good at not barking at her now. I'm still working on trying not to chase her. Mom says work harder on that Freddie!
Dear Terry, what a great few days! I got to see Grammy yesterday! I talked, she listened. I had a lot to say ! She gave me good pets too. Dad and Gram went somewhere and when Dad came back, I could tell he had been at the Hot Dog Palace without me again. Hmphh. He knows how much I like them. To make it up to me, he gave me a piece of watermelon. Good grief that's good stuff! No seeds because I don't know how to spit. Oh and today me and Mom took another big walk when she got home and we even took a drive around town. When Mom drives I like to put my head on her sholder and she pets me. It's dark almost so Mom says let's watch some baseball! We sit together or with Dad and we have snacks. What a fun night!
Barks and wags, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat starting to like me again. I'm pretty good at not barking at her now. I'm still working on trying not to chase her. Mom says work harder on that Freddie!
July 26, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had a scary this morning! Mom let me out on the deck and I heard a humming sound coming from under the glider. I couldn't figure it out. Mom came to see. She pulled the cover out from underneath and all these mad bees came out! I got stung, Mom screamed because one flew up her shirt sleeve and stung her bad. We ran back inside as fast as we could! Dad was really worried. The bees were all crazy and Dad shut the big door. I found the one that was in Mom's shirt. It was on the inside of the window! Mom smashed it silly. Dad made a salve to put on Mom's arm because it hurt her so bad. Mom and Dad made me sit down so Mom could check my face. I kept licking and scratching my mouth. It hurt. Mom thought maybe I ate one and she opened up my mouth to check. I didn't eat one but the corner of my mouth got a little puffy. Mom said the bees were yellow jackets and they are always mad and mean. Mom said she's going to get rid of them tonight so we don't get hurt again. I got a treat to help me feel better and I sat down with Dad until we fell asleep.
Here's hoping you don't ever get stung!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom had a scary this morning! Mom let me out on the deck and I heard a humming sound coming from under the glider. I couldn't figure it out. Mom came to see. She pulled the cover out from underneath and all these mad bees came out! I got stung, Mom screamed because one flew up her shirt sleeve and stung her bad. We ran back inside as fast as we could! Dad was really worried. The bees were all crazy and Dad shut the big door. I found the one that was in Mom's shirt. It was on the inside of the window! Mom smashed it silly. Dad made a salve to put on Mom's arm because it hurt her so bad. Mom and Dad made me sit down so Mom could check my face. I kept licking and scratching my mouth. It hurt. Mom thought maybe I ate one and she opened up my mouth to check. I didn't eat one but the corner of my mouth got a little puffy. Mom said the bees were yellow jackets and they are always mad and mean. Mom said she's going to get rid of them tonight so we don't get hurt again. I got a treat to help me feel better and I sat down with Dad until we fell asleep.
Here's hoping you don't ever get stung!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 26, 2014
Dear Terry, Mom's been pretty busy lately so I haven't been able to write to you! Yesterday we had some good excitement here at the house. Dad had to go to the Doctor's office and Auny Krissy came to pick him up! She came in the house and everything. Oh my gosh I couldn't stop barking and barking that's how exciting it was! It wasn't so exciting though when Dad left. Then Mom left. Me and Penny Cat had to be good by ourselves. It seemed like a long time before Dad came back but Aunt Krissy came in again with him! I couldn't take all the fun so I barked and barked some more!! Dad was feeling pretty tired so we took a nap together. Dad naps and I keep watch. That's what I do. What Dad does is SNORE. A Lot. Today looks like a good day for a walk in the park. Mom already said we are going later on this afternoon. Sometimes she surprises me and we pick a different place to go for the walk. Wonder where we might go today!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, Mom's been pretty busy lately so I haven't been able to write to you! Yesterday we had some good excitement here at the house. Dad had to go to the Doctor's office and Auny Krissy came to pick him up! She came in the house and everything. Oh my gosh I couldn't stop barking and barking that's how exciting it was! It wasn't so exciting though when Dad left. Then Mom left. Me and Penny Cat had to be good by ourselves. It seemed like a long time before Dad came back but Aunt Krissy came in again with him! I couldn't take all the fun so I barked and barked some more!! Dad was feeling pretty tired so we took a nap together. Dad naps and I keep watch. That's what I do. What Dad does is SNORE. A Lot. Today looks like a good day for a walk in the park. Mom already said we are going later on this afternoon. Sometimes she surprises me and we pick a different place to go for the walk. Wonder where we might go today!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 22, 2014
Dear Terry, This morning, I got to play outside on the deck before Mom went to work. All kindsof stuff goes on in the morning out there. I help Mom water all the plants. It was hot, so I went back inside with Dad. Me and Dad took a big nap today. But when Mom got home, I wanted to go for a walk. Mom said we had to wait a bit until it wasn't so hot. We went when it was almost dark. We were down by the water looking for frogs and toads. This little girl and boy came running over to us! They were very excited about something. OOOO they had a tadpole in a jar that they had caught and were telling me and Mom all about it. They caught it all by themselves right in the water! I barked to let them know it was a good catch! Their Mom was laughing too because she was so happy they had caught it. What a great time. I didn't know what a tadpole was but they let me see in the jar. It's almost a frog and almost a fish! I have never seen one before so this was really big excitement at the park!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, This morning, I got to play outside on the deck before Mom went to work. All kindsof stuff goes on in the morning out there. I help Mom water all the plants. It was hot, so I went back inside with Dad. Me and Dad took a big nap today. But when Mom got home, I wanted to go for a walk. Mom said we had to wait a bit until it wasn't so hot. We went when it was almost dark. We were down by the water looking for frogs and toads. This little girl and boy came running over to us! They were very excited about something. OOOO they had a tadpole in a jar that they had caught and were telling me and Mom all about it. They caught it all by themselves right in the water! I barked to let them know it was a good catch! Their Mom was laughing too because she was so happy they had caught it. What a great time. I didn't know what a tadpole was but they let me see in the jar. It's almost a frog and almost a fish! I have never seen one before so this was really big excitement at the park!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
July 19, 2014
Dear Terry, Oh my Gosh! Mom went out this morning and you won't believe who she brought back! She brought back Santa!! I didn't know what to do! She brought him right into the house! He's almost as tall as Mom! Oh my gosh SANTA! Mom said she found him in the store and thought maybe I should meet him. The only things I could think of were all the bad things I might have done so far this year! He doesn't say much. He only speaks when Mom is around. But he said, FRED NO CHASING PENNY. How did he know??? I barked a whole lot and ran around in a circle and barked at him some more!! I was trying to tell him I only chase her because she runs! That's not too bad right??? I ran downstairs to find Penny to tell her to hurry up and come see Santa. She said, Does he know I chase cats??? Oh my GOSH!! I ran back upstairs right to Santa and barked at him some more. Mom and Dad kept laughing. Mom took Santa to the basement. I bet he is going to check out the best place to come into the house at Christmastime!
Still trying to be Good,
Barks and Wags,
Dear Terry, Oh my Gosh! Mom went out this morning and you won't believe who she brought back! She brought back Santa!! I didn't know what to do! She brought him right into the house! He's almost as tall as Mom! Oh my gosh SANTA! Mom said she found him in the store and thought maybe I should meet him. The only things I could think of were all the bad things I might have done so far this year! He doesn't say much. He only speaks when Mom is around. But he said, FRED NO CHASING PENNY. How did he know??? I barked a whole lot and ran around in a circle and barked at him some more!! I was trying to tell him I only chase her because she runs! That's not too bad right??? I ran downstairs to find Penny to tell her to hurry up and come see Santa. She said, Does he know I chase cats??? Oh my GOSH!! I ran back upstairs right to Santa and barked at him some more. Mom and Dad kept laughing. Mom took Santa to the basement. I bet he is going to check out the best place to come into the house at Christmastime!
Still trying to be Good,
Barks and Wags,
July 19, 2014
Dear Terry, Today is all rainy so me and Mom didn't go for our morning walk. Rainy days can be fun days! Today, I am planning on helping Penny Cat be my friend. I've been working hard at that. I now go down the steps slowly instead of really fast so I don't scare her. I almost walk slow when I try and find her. And I have almost stopped barking in her face. That only happens because I get so excited to see her! Yesterday was great because she kept trying to come and see me upstairs. She would run up the steps and stay for a minute or two, then run back down the steps. Penny did stay up a long time the one time. I sat really quiet on the back of the sofa and she almost came in the same room as me!! It was very exciting. I didn't bark at her. Mom says I'm getting closer to being her friend. OH! almost forgot! Mom entered my picture in a contest. If she wins I get a peanut butter sandwich all of my own! We wont know for awhile if she wins or not. I sure hope I get my sandwich! Maybe Mom could put a banana on it for me like Dad does when he makes me an Elvis Sandwich. Better go! I hear Penny Cat meow meowing!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
Dear Terry, Today is all rainy so me and Mom didn't go for our morning walk. Rainy days can be fun days! Today, I am planning on helping Penny Cat be my friend. I've been working hard at that. I now go down the steps slowly instead of really fast so I don't scare her. I almost walk slow when I try and find her. And I have almost stopped barking in her face. That only happens because I get so excited to see her! Yesterday was great because she kept trying to come and see me upstairs. She would run up the steps and stay for a minute or two, then run back down the steps. Penny did stay up a long time the one time. I sat really quiet on the back of the sofa and she almost came in the same room as me!! It was very exciting. I didn't bark at her. Mom says I'm getting closer to being her friend. OH! almost forgot! Mom entered my picture in a contest. If she wins I get a peanut butter sandwich all of my own! We wont know for awhile if she wins or not. I sure hope I get my sandwich! Maybe Mom could put a banana on it for me like Dad does when he makes me an Elvis Sandwich. Better go! I hear Penny Cat meow meowing!
Love and Woofs, FredDog.
July 15, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess what I did! Mom got home and we went for a walk around the yard. I found a big pile of deer poop and rolled in it!! Mom wasn't paying attention so to me she wasn't saying No Fred....Well, after I did it she said OH FREDDDDDD. It was too much fun!! Then I rolled around in the clover. Most of the poop comes off that way. Mom called me Stink Butt. I think it is her way of complimenting me on a good poop roll! WOOF! Hope you had a roll in poop kindof a day too! What fun!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. Fred is nuts. Now he is nuts and smelly. I hope Mom gives him a Bath. I still hide from him. I have found that if I hide up high above his head, he is busy for hours trying to find me lower to the ground. I sit and watch him. I'm not coming out until he stops eating my food, drinking my water and laying on MY blanket. HUMPH. Stinky Dog.
Meow Meow, Penny Cat
Dear Terry, Guess what I did! Mom got home and we went for a walk around the yard. I found a big pile of deer poop and rolled in it!! Mom wasn't paying attention so to me she wasn't saying No Fred....Well, after I did it she said OH FREDDDDDD. It was too much fun!! Then I rolled around in the clover. Most of the poop comes off that way. Mom called me Stink Butt. I think it is her way of complimenting me on a good poop roll! WOOF! Hope you had a roll in poop kindof a day too! What fun!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. Fred is nuts. Now he is nuts and smelly. I hope Mom gives him a Bath. I still hide from him. I have found that if I hide up high above his head, he is busy for hours trying to find me lower to the ground. I sit and watch him. I'm not coming out until he stops eating my food, drinking my water and laying on MY blanket. HUMPH. Stinky Dog.
Meow Meow, Penny Cat
July 11, 2014
Dear Terry, Guess What! Me and Mom AND Dad went to the park tonight. What fun! Dad sat swinging on the swings. I don't swing on them. But it was fun to watch Dad. Then me and Mom went walking, but not too far because I don't usually let Dad out of my sight when we go places. Me and Mom walked through all the big ferns and trees by the ponds. We could hear the frogs. Lots of those! We kept on walking for awhile BUT then I stopped I couldn't see or hear Dad!!! I turned around in a panic. How could I let that happen?? I put my nose in the air. SNIFF SNIFF. Where was DAD?! What if something was wrong! Then Mom made me hold still and look at her for a minute until I could think again. And she put the leash down quietly and said WHERE'S your DAD??? and I took off running!! I knew how to find him! I used my nose! I have a good nose you know. I smelled and smelled as I ran and I found him!! He was by the ferns!! It was very good to find Dad. I got big pets from him and Mom finally caught up and gave me big pets too! Mom said she was real proud of me being able to find Dad in the woods.
Oh and then this man came with a machine in his hands and he stopped to talk to me and Mom and Dad. Guess what he did? He used the machine to blow all the green stuff off the ponds!! It was really loud but I stayed right by Dad's leg in case he was scared. Green foam was blowing all around in the pond. We walked back to the car after all that excitement!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, Guess What! Me and Mom AND Dad went to the park tonight. What fun! Dad sat swinging on the swings. I don't swing on them. But it was fun to watch Dad. Then me and Mom went walking, but not too far because I don't usually let Dad out of my sight when we go places. Me and Mom walked through all the big ferns and trees by the ponds. We could hear the frogs. Lots of those! We kept on walking for awhile BUT then I stopped I couldn't see or hear Dad!!! I turned around in a panic. How could I let that happen?? I put my nose in the air. SNIFF SNIFF. Where was DAD?! What if something was wrong! Then Mom made me hold still and look at her for a minute until I could think again. And she put the leash down quietly and said WHERE'S your DAD??? and I took off running!! I knew how to find him! I used my nose! I have a good nose you know. I smelled and smelled as I ran and I found him!! He was by the ferns!! It was very good to find Dad. I got big pets from him and Mom finally caught up and gave me big pets too! Mom said she was real proud of me being able to find Dad in the woods.
Oh and then this man came with a machine in his hands and he stopped to talk to me and Mom and Dad. Guess what he did? He used the machine to blow all the green stuff off the ponds!! It was really loud but I stayed right by Dad's leg in case he was scared. Green foam was blowing all around in the pond. We walked back to the car after all that excitement!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
July 10, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom headed to the park when she got home. Boy did we have some fun! We walked all around and through the trees and the woods. We saw a purple bird and it flew right up over my head! I must have scared it by accident. Oh and I made some fun of my own. Mom thinks I'm weird. But it's fun to play the Bathroom Game! I heard someone in the outdoor bathroom. Just so happens we were walking by and I slowed down. Mom said DON'T. I didn't listen. She tried to tug me to go another way. DON'T FRED. I didn't budge. She said DON'T. Mom knew what I was going to do. FREDDIE NO. As soon as that lady opened the door i WOO WOO'D as loud as I could! Oh that lady jumped at least 10 feet straight up!! The bathroom game is the best game ever!! Everyone always jumps and looks so surprsied! Even when I'm not close. This time I was kindof behind the bathroom so I really surprised her! My tail was wagging so hard Mom thought it would fly off and I was dancing all around on the end of the leash. Mom was laughing like I knew she would and she did try and say Sorry to the lady. I don't think that lady found it as funny as we did! The best bathrooms are the cement ones. You can stick your head in there and bark and it echoes! I do that for fun even when no one is in there.
Love and Woofs! FredDog
Dear Terry, Me and Mom headed to the park when she got home. Boy did we have some fun! We walked all around and through the trees and the woods. We saw a purple bird and it flew right up over my head! I must have scared it by accident. Oh and I made some fun of my own. Mom thinks I'm weird. But it's fun to play the Bathroom Game! I heard someone in the outdoor bathroom. Just so happens we were walking by and I slowed down. Mom said DON'T. I didn't listen. She tried to tug me to go another way. DON'T FRED. I didn't budge. She said DON'T. Mom knew what I was going to do. FREDDIE NO. As soon as that lady opened the door i WOO WOO'D as loud as I could! Oh that lady jumped at least 10 feet straight up!! The bathroom game is the best game ever!! Everyone always jumps and looks so surprsied! Even when I'm not close. This time I was kindof behind the bathroom so I really surprised her! My tail was wagging so hard Mom thought it would fly off and I was dancing all around on the end of the leash. Mom was laughing like I knew she would and she did try and say Sorry to the lady. I don't think that lady found it as funny as we did! The best bathrooms are the cement ones. You can stick your head in there and bark and it echoes! I do that for fun even when no one is in there.
Love and Woofs! FredDog
July 9, 2014
Dear Terry, Today started off kindof boring. But this afternoon things got much more exciting. Dad took out the vacuum. I tried to remember all the things Juneau Cat warned me about. It's the Dog Eliminator, it will eat me alive and spit me out as a clump of fur. He even told me once that I would get sucked in, never to be seen again. It was all too much!! I started barking and barking at Dad. He wouldn't stop, I wouldn't stop barking. Then I ran all through the house. I stopped to see Penny Cat and she told me Dad had the Dog Eliminator out because I was a bad dog for chasing her. Oh my gosh!!! I took off running and landed on the couch face first! Mom said WHAT on earth are you doing??? She sat with me for a minute, I couldn't stop barking and was all out of breath trying to tell her everything. Mom understood though and she grabbed the leash and we went outside until Dad was done. WHEW! Thank goodness Mom was there this time!!
REALLY trying to be good now,
Love FredDog
Dear Terry, Today started off kindof boring. But this afternoon things got much more exciting. Dad took out the vacuum. I tried to remember all the things Juneau Cat warned me about. It's the Dog Eliminator, it will eat me alive and spit me out as a clump of fur. He even told me once that I would get sucked in, never to be seen again. It was all too much!! I started barking and barking at Dad. He wouldn't stop, I wouldn't stop barking. Then I ran all through the house. I stopped to see Penny Cat and she told me Dad had the Dog Eliminator out because I was a bad dog for chasing her. Oh my gosh!!! I took off running and landed on the couch face first! Mom said WHAT on earth are you doing??? She sat with me for a minute, I couldn't stop barking and was all out of breath trying to tell her everything. Mom understood though and she grabbed the leash and we went outside until Dad was done. WHEW! Thank goodness Mom was there this time!!
REALLY trying to be good now,
Love FredDog
July 7, 2014
Dear Terry, Me and Mom got up and went to the Nature Park today. What a great time! We saw lots of birdies and butterflies. Tons of bull frogs there! Good breeze going with lots of smells. And what did Mom do to me??? She said HEY! Looks like the water pump might be working Fred! We went over to see and Mom made the handle go and all of a sudden WATER EVERYWHERE! I started barking and Mom started laughing. We got all wet!! It really came out fast! It felt good though since it's hot outside! Mom was busy taking pictures as we walked. She even took one of me! That's me on the bridge. I was looking at all the toads on the spillway. Hope you have a great day like me!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
Dear Terry, Me and Mom got up and went to the Nature Park today. What a great time! We saw lots of birdies and butterflies. Tons of bull frogs there! Good breeze going with lots of smells. And what did Mom do to me??? She said HEY! Looks like the water pump might be working Fred! We went over to see and Mom made the handle go and all of a sudden WATER EVERYWHERE! I started barking and Mom started laughing. We got all wet!! It really came out fast! It felt good though since it's hot outside! Mom was busy taking pictures as we walked. She even took one of me! That's me on the bridge. I was looking at all the toads on the spillway. Hope you have a great day like me!
Love and Woofs, FredDog!
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Frog Watching! |
July 6, 2014
Dear Terry, What a scary few days it's been! Just aweful. All the scary fireworks going off in the neighborhood. They scare me silly. Mom and Dad tried to help but sometimes I was too scared to even set foot out the door to do my business. I didn't have any accidents though. Mom watched the fireworks on TV without the sound because that scared me too. I had my special shirt on for days it seemed. Even Penny Cat was scared because the noise was so loud and scary. Mom tried to put cotton in my ears to help but I kindof freaked out so she took it out. I'm so glad the holiday is over. It really wasn't fun at all.
I have still been trying to play with Penny Cat. If I sit still long enough she pokes her head out. And then I mess up and go trotting over to see her right away. I bark hello but then she runs and hides from me. And I sit some more and wait. I just know one day she will come over to me on her own. I wish I could sit still forever so that she wouldn't get scared. But I have problems sitting still for very long. I keep trying though. I won't give up on her being my pal!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, What a scary few days it's been! Just aweful. All the scary fireworks going off in the neighborhood. They scare me silly. Mom and Dad tried to help but sometimes I was too scared to even set foot out the door to do my business. I didn't have any accidents though. Mom watched the fireworks on TV without the sound because that scared me too. I had my special shirt on for days it seemed. Even Penny Cat was scared because the noise was so loud and scary. Mom tried to put cotton in my ears to help but I kindof freaked out so she took it out. I'm so glad the holiday is over. It really wasn't fun at all.
I have still been trying to play with Penny Cat. If I sit still long enough she pokes her head out. And then I mess up and go trotting over to see her right away. I bark hello but then she runs and hides from me. And I sit some more and wait. I just know one day she will come over to me on her own. I wish I could sit still forever so that she wouldn't get scared. But I have problems sitting still for very long. I keep trying though. I won't give up on her being my pal!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
July 3, 2014
Dear Terry, We had a really big scary a few days ago. Dad fell really bad on the steps in the basement again. It was so loud and he was so hurt. I ran to Mom right away. Mom was already on her way to him. And Mom had to take him to the ER, which is like a fancy Vet, you know. He has a big lump on his head. But he came home! He didn't have to stay there. Mom says he was really lucky. Dad's still really sore and he isn't moving so fast. He must have gotten his feet mixed up again. Sometimes that happens. I'm so glad he came home. I've been helping him too. When he is having a hard time standing up, I give his hand a nudge to keep him trying. If he gets wobbly, I nudge his hand then too, so he has to stop to see what I want. When he lays down, I lick the bump on his head to make it go away. I'm not having much luck with that part yet but I keep trying. When he goes to sleep I lay right by his face and stare at him. I have to watch to make sure he is OK. And that way, as soon as he wakes up he knows I'm there to help some more! Oh! And I helped him make some snacks today. I like ham and cheese. Mom says I'm doing a good job too because Dad starting to feel better already!
Penny Cat is still avoiding me. But I have been trying hard to be as good as I can. One day she is not going to hide from me and I won't do things that scare her silly. Mom says she hopes that day comes soon!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
Dear Terry, We had a really big scary a few days ago. Dad fell really bad on the steps in the basement again. It was so loud and he was so hurt. I ran to Mom right away. Mom was already on her way to him. And Mom had to take him to the ER, which is like a fancy Vet, you know. He has a big lump on his head. But he came home! He didn't have to stay there. Mom says he was really lucky. Dad's still really sore and he isn't moving so fast. He must have gotten his feet mixed up again. Sometimes that happens. I'm so glad he came home. I've been helping him too. When he is having a hard time standing up, I give his hand a nudge to keep him trying. If he gets wobbly, I nudge his hand then too, so he has to stop to see what I want. When he lays down, I lick the bump on his head to make it go away. I'm not having much luck with that part yet but I keep trying. When he goes to sleep I lay right by his face and stare at him. I have to watch to make sure he is OK. And that way, as soon as he wakes up he knows I'm there to help some more! Oh! And I helped him make some snacks today. I like ham and cheese. Mom says I'm doing a good job too because Dad starting to feel better already!
Penny Cat is still avoiding me. But I have been trying hard to be as good as I can. One day she is not going to hide from me and I won't do things that scare her silly. Mom says she hopes that day comes soon!
Barks and Wags, FredDog
July 1, 2014
Dear Terry, We had quite the excitement here last night! I helped Mom put dishes in the Leftover Machine. I'm not supposed to lick anything going in there. I don't always listen to that rule. Anyway! then we went outside to walk around the yard before bedtime. When we got back in I heard a Fizzy sound! What was that! Penny doesn't Fiz. She Meows. I ran to the kitchen. BUBBLES!! EVERYWHERE!! Oh my Gosh it was too exciting! A big pile of 'em! And more was coming out of the Leftover Machine!! Mom turned it off real quick, opened up the door and even MORE bubbles came out!!!! This was too much fun!! I didn't know it doubled as a Bubble Machine! Mom did something on the front then started it back up again and MORE bubbles!! I started to bark but Mom went SHHHHHHH Don't tell your Dad!!! We had a ton of fun cleaning up all the bubbles the second time. Mom even scooped them out of the inside for me! Mom had to do that 3 or 4 times until all the bubbles went away. Mom finally did tell Dad but only because there was a pretty wet spot on the floor from all the bubbles! Dad just looked at Mom and said, So you used the wrong soap????? Mom was awfully tired last night....
Love and Woofs, FredDog
Dear Terry, We had quite the excitement here last night! I helped Mom put dishes in the Leftover Machine. I'm not supposed to lick anything going in there. I don't always listen to that rule. Anyway! then we went outside to walk around the yard before bedtime. When we got back in I heard a Fizzy sound! What was that! Penny doesn't Fiz. She Meows. I ran to the kitchen. BUBBLES!! EVERYWHERE!! Oh my Gosh it was too exciting! A big pile of 'em! And more was coming out of the Leftover Machine!! Mom turned it off real quick, opened up the door and even MORE bubbles came out!!!! This was too much fun!! I didn't know it doubled as a Bubble Machine! Mom did something on the front then started it back up again and MORE bubbles!! I started to bark but Mom went SHHHHHHH Don't tell your Dad!!! We had a ton of fun cleaning up all the bubbles the second time. Mom even scooped them out of the inside for me! Mom had to do that 3 or 4 times until all the bubbles went away. Mom finally did tell Dad but only because there was a pretty wet spot on the floor from all the bubbles! Dad just looked at Mom and said, So you used the wrong soap????? Mom was awfully tired last night....
Love and Woofs, FredDog
June 29, 2014
Dear Terry, I got in some trouble this afternoon. BIG trouble. Mom was really mad at me. Penny Cat was in the basement window watching birdies. I know because I was sitting on the floor watching her. Mom came down to see Penny and she came out to see Mom. That's where things went wrong. I was so excited I started barking and chased her and she got scared. We knocked a few things over. Mom yelled ENOUGH! Oh boy was I in trouble! I slid to a stop and sat down. Penny went into hiding. Mom made me go upstairs. She wouldn't even talk to me or look at me. I put my head down and tried to follow her around hoping she would talk to me. It was awful. Mom always talks to me. I finally laid down at her feet and whined so maybe she would at last say something. She sighed. Then she gave me a pet! Whew! I thought she would never stop being mad at me. I'm going to try really hard not to chase Penny Cat. I don't want to be in the Dog House again!!
Trying to be a good dog, FredDog.
Dear Terry, I got in some trouble this afternoon. BIG trouble. Mom was really mad at me. Penny Cat was in the basement window watching birdies. I know because I was sitting on the floor watching her. Mom came down to see Penny and she came out to see Mom. That's where things went wrong. I was so excited I started barking and chased her and she got scared. We knocked a few things over. Mom yelled ENOUGH! Oh boy was I in trouble! I slid to a stop and sat down. Penny went into hiding. Mom made me go upstairs. She wouldn't even talk to me or look at me. I put my head down and tried to follow her around hoping she would talk to me. It was awful. Mom always talks to me. I finally laid down at her feet and whined so maybe she would at last say something. She sighed. Then she gave me a pet! Whew! I thought she would never stop being mad at me. I'm going to try really hard not to chase Penny Cat. I don't want to be in the Dog House again!!
Trying to be a good dog, FredDog.
June 28, 2014
Dear Terry, Sad news. Juneau Cat isn't coming back, he was just too sick. Mom said he was your friend too. I've never seen Mom and Dad so sad before. I tried my best to cheer them up. I think they miss him a whole lot. He was old as dirt and knew all kinds of stuff. Mom, Dad and him were the best of friends. They had an idea though. Mom calls it Operation Good Dog. I didn't know what that was at first. Mom says that it means no more gate, that me and Penny Cat can be full time friends now. But for that to happen I have to be GOOD. Like better than better. Gooder than good. GOOD. Penny keeps hiding from me though. Mom says maybe that's because I'm not being good enough. I'm not allowed to chase her or bark like a wild dog. I have to be calm so she doesn't get scared. I think it is working. She keeps peeking out at me and then I lose her! She's pretty smart at outsmarting me. She must like me because she lets me eat all the leftover food in her bowl and drink her water. Mom says that has to stop. Sigh. This being GOOD is hard! I can tell Penny misses Juneau Cat because she keeps checking his bed and the sofa. Mom said that it is up to me to help her not be sad and be her friend. So I will be GOOD!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. I don't know WHAT Mom and Dad are thinking letting FredDog loose in the house. All I want is my friend Juneau Cat to come back. Instead, FredDog is running amok everywhere now. He eats all my food, drinks my water. Mom said she will fix that so he can't do it anymore. He sat on my blanket!! I wish he would calm down a bit so I can tell him we can be friends but there are some RULES he has to learn. Like I'm first in this house. But he is kindof fun to be around. And I like to tell him stuff. Maybe this isn't so bad after all. I miss Juneau.
Meow Meow, Penny Cat
Dear Terry, Sad news. Juneau Cat isn't coming back, he was just too sick. Mom said he was your friend too. I've never seen Mom and Dad so sad before. I tried my best to cheer them up. I think they miss him a whole lot. He was old as dirt and knew all kinds of stuff. Mom, Dad and him were the best of friends. They had an idea though. Mom calls it Operation Good Dog. I didn't know what that was at first. Mom says that it means no more gate, that me and Penny Cat can be full time friends now. But for that to happen I have to be GOOD. Like better than better. Gooder than good. GOOD. Penny keeps hiding from me though. Mom says maybe that's because I'm not being good enough. I'm not allowed to chase her or bark like a wild dog. I have to be calm so she doesn't get scared. I think it is working. She keeps peeking out at me and then I lose her! She's pretty smart at outsmarting me. She must like me because she lets me eat all the leftover food in her bowl and drink her water. Mom says that has to stop. Sigh. This being GOOD is hard! I can tell Penny misses Juneau Cat because she keeps checking his bed and the sofa. Mom said that it is up to me to help her not be sad and be her friend. So I will be GOOD!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
P.S. Penny Cat here. I don't know WHAT Mom and Dad are thinking letting FredDog loose in the house. All I want is my friend Juneau Cat to come back. Instead, FredDog is running amok everywhere now. He eats all my food, drinks my water. Mom said she will fix that so he can't do it anymore. He sat on my blanket!! I wish he would calm down a bit so I can tell him we can be friends but there are some RULES he has to learn. Like I'm first in this house. But he is kindof fun to be around. And I like to tell him stuff. Maybe this isn't so bad after all. I miss Juneau.
Meow Meow, Penny Cat
June 26, 2014
Dear Terry, I bet you have been wondering what Mom has been up to! SCRATCHING that's what!! Like she has fleas or something. Mom says it is poison ivy. Arms and Legs and Hands! She puts stinky stuff on it every day. Dad says the calamine lotion is her new perfume. All I know is that it smells weird. Even Juneau Cat wrinkles his nose at the smell. Last year I pooped in poison ivy and Mom didn't clean up my poop that time. So Mom is smelly and itchy!! But we still go for walks. Mom keeps an eye out for poison. I keep an eye out for critters!
Love and Woofs, FredDog
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