December 28, 2013
Dear Terry, I've been busy today. I got up when the sun rose and barked at the deer in the yard. I helped Mom get up. She was still sleeping. I jumped on the bed and ripped the covers off and licked her face. She doesn't get excited about morning like I do! I could just tell it was a great day to go for a ride in the car and take a big walk. We got all the morning chores out of the way and Mom said "Let's GO" and I went zooming through the house barking I was so excited. We went in the woods on some trails. I barked at some squirrels. Found some deer poop. Smelled all the smells! I have a good nose. Mom and me even went off the trails. We don't usually do that but Mom knows the woods real good and she let me follow the deer tracks all through the trees. One time we found bear tracks and we followed those in the woods until Mom said "OH wait. This can only end with a bear!!!" we stopped following those tracks. I keep Mom safe in the woods. If something isn't right I tell her. If she doesn't listen to me I won't walk and I turn around. One time I had to stand up and shove her so she would listen - turkey aren't anything to mess with!! Today no problems, only good smells!
P.S. Tell my pals Janet and Steve how great the new toys are! Mom had to separate me and Mr. Bubbles because I was making him squeak so much. I sat on the mat and it squeaked under my butt and I jumped. Or as Mom said, it scared the bejeesus out of me!
Love and woofs, FredDog