Me! FredDog

Me! FredDog
December 31, 2013

Terry! Look what Mom bought me! She found it last night in a store! A Santa Bandanna! I am SO ready for next Christmas! Mom says who says you can't decorate your dog for Christmas! I look spiffy Dad said!

December 30, 2013

Terry! Guess what! It's almost the new year! Mom says tomorrow we get to stay up late and eat snacks! I like snacks. Dad says Mom will never make it to see the new year but I bet I can keep her awake. We can play ball, and practice my tricks, and I can bark at the cats. Last year it got a little scary for me though because the neighbors shot guns. That scares me silly. Mom and Dad said don't worry everything will be OK. Mom says for the new year we make a list of things we want to do. I have all day tomorrow to think of things. Mom says maybe one of mine could be "being nice to Juneau Cat". I was thinking more like Eat More Peanut Butter. She said think harder...

love and woofs,

December 29, 2013

Terry, There was something in the basement. I didn't know what it was but it was scary. I heard it whistle and it was making a clickty clackty sound. I ran over to the steps and caught a glimpse of it. Something new was at the bottom of the steps! I only looked for a second though because of the noise. I barked. Penny Cat said to keep my tail on, it's only Dad's trains. He moved some to the tables at the bottom of the steps. She said, listen to the train Freddie, it's relaxing. She fell asleep!!! I kept barking. Mom told me to come here, and I usually listen, but the thing kept whistling and clickty clackting so I kept barking. I did go over to Mom and we looked down the steps together. I only peeked at first and I kept barking. Then I saw it. OH. It was a train on the table. WHEW! Not so scary when I actually saw it. I kept barking anyway until Mom said PIPE DOWN. Sometimes I can't turn off my bark! OXO Fred.

December 28, 2013

Dear Terry, I've been busy today. I got up when the sun rose and barked at the deer in the yard. I helped Mom get up. She was still sleeping. I jumped on the bed and ripped the covers off and licked her face. She doesn't get excited about morning like I do! I could just tell it was a great day to go for a ride in the car and take a big walk. We got all the morning chores out of the way and Mom said "Let's GO" and I went zooming through the house barking I was so excited. We went in the woods on some trails. I barked at some squirrels. Found some deer poop. Smelled all the smells! I have a good nose. Mom and me even went off the trails. We don't usually do that but Mom knows the woods real good and she let me follow the deer tracks all through the trees. One time we found bear tracks and we followed those in the woods until Mom said "OH wait. This can only end with a bear!!!" we stopped following those tracks. I keep Mom safe in the woods. If something isn't right I tell her. If she doesn't listen to me I won't walk and I turn around. One time I had to stand up and shove her so she would listen - turkey aren't anything to mess with!! Today no problems, only good smells!

P.S. Tell my pals Janet and Steve how great the new toys are! Mom had to separate me and Mr. Bubbles because I was making him squeak so much. I sat on the mat and it squeaked under my butt and I jumped. Or as Mom said, it scared the bejeesus out of me!

Love and woofs, FredDog
December 27, 2013

Terry! Another exciting day! Me and Mom and Dad went to Grammy and Pap's house!!! Grammy and Pap are my friends. I got to know them real good because they took care of Dad after the big scary night. Mom doesn't have a Grammy and Pap anymore. Mom says Grammy and Pap are the best ever to have. Mom's Right! When I got in their house I ran all through it and found Gram right away then I took off and found Pap! Pap gave me big pets. Then I ran around some more. Gram had the washing machine going and it was gurgling and then the sink gurgled. I've never heard such a sound before! And then I ran and found Pap again and sat right next to him so I could get more pets. Oh and we opened gifts. Mom got a breakable. Those are things I'm not allowed to touch because they break. And Mom got more sparkly things for the tree too. I like those. Mom says they are icicles. Gram had a big sparkly tree too. Only Gram's tree wasn't crooked like ours.  I bet Santa left her a good biscuit too cause she's so nice. I got bits of turkey too. Pap sure did smile when he saw me. Everyone was happy. Mom had to go to work so we had to go. Before we went, Dad snuck into the back room and got some cookies! Gram makes great cookies. It was so good to see them and Dad was smiling and having a good time.  What a great day!  love, FredDog
December 25, 2013

Terry! guess what!!!??? I got my special Santa biscuit! I got TWO of them!! As soon as it was morning I ran out to the living room but NO biscuit. I looked on my bed, I looked under the tree. NO biscuit. I was beginning to think that Santa thought I was too bad to get one. Then I smelled peanut butter. I looked in the kitchen but NO biscuit! Then I figured out HEY they were on the counter but I'm too short to see up there but I sure did smell peanut butter. I needed Mom. I ran to the bedroom and woke Mom right up. I barked and jumped and sniffed her face until she was awake. I tried to tell her that Santa forgot I was short and can't see the counter. She hurried up and put the plate on the floor for me. They had peanut butter on them and sprinkles! How great is that? Santa left smooshie food for the cats too! Mom and Dad gave me a big pig ear. My word that was good! We are going for a walk . What a great day! Merry Christmas Terry! love and woofs, Fred
December 24, 2013

Terry! Mom says it's almost CHRISTMAS! that means my special biscuit from SANTA! I can hardly wait. Mom turned the tree on so it is all sparkly and ready for Santa. I've been laying underneath it waiting. I brought Spot with me to lay under the tree. Me and Spot do almost everything together. And I brought my bone under the tree too. I already saw reindeer in the yard today too. Mom said they were deer not reindeer. But I think they were reindeer. Juneau Cat told me I was getting a lump of coal not a special biscuit. I told him he was going to get spoiled tuna for all the trouble he gets me into! I can't WAIT for Christmas to get here!
December 23 2013

Dear Terry, What an exciting few days I've had!! I got to see The Nephews and Family. Uncle Tom and Aunt Linda! There was a birthday party for Nephew Nolan. I like birthday parties. No cake though. We had pie. Well, I wasn't supposed to have pie, but at the big table everyone kept giving me secret snibbles of pie crust! And we had meatloaf too! Very tasty! OH and then the gifts were opened! and I sat on Aunt Linda's lap. I always sit there. Best lap ever! I kept checking on everyone. I don't see them very often so best to make sure everything is OK. I was so tired I kept falling asleep on the couch while everyone talked. And I slept all the way home on the long drive. So did Dad. Mom does the driving. Good thing because me and Dad were POOPED OUT! What a great time!
December 20, 2013

Dear Terry, What a great day yesterday! The Sun was out and it wasn't so cold! Me and Mom headed to the Dog Park. It was good fun. I ran with the other dogs and barked and barked just because I could. I ran until I had foam and spit on my face. Mom said I had to slow down and get a drink. I didn't want a drink so I ate snow. Not the yellow kind though!! Woof!! I was so tired when we left that I fell asleep sitting up. Mom had to wake me up when we got home. It was a Great Day! OXO Fred
December 18, 2013

Dear Terry,  We had an almost disaster today! Mom just had to add on one more ornament to the tree. When she did, the WHOLE THING tipped and almost crashed!!!! Mom caught it and I ran to get Dad! Oh my gosh I didn't think it was going to make it! If we had no tree, where would the presents go?? Santa wouldn't come with my biscuit! Christmas would be ruined!!! Mom kindof got stuck in the tree. But Dad helped out and Mom tied the tree to the wall. It's pretty crooked but I didn't want to tell her that. It's standing up and the lights are still sparkly so Santa can find us. I was sure it would be like the Grinch show where there's no Christmas trees! Mom reminded me Christmas goes on even without trees, but trees make it seem more festive that's all. I was so worried,  I kept checking the tree to make sure it wasn't going to fall over again. Oh and Mom's ok, she was only smooshed a little!  FredDog

Dear Santa,

I've been good this year, mostly. But Mom says I have to be REALLLY good in order to get my special Santa Biscuit. So I thought I better explain a few things...I didn't mean to bark so much at all the baby birdies in the nest under the deck. Mr. Robin sure did get angry about that! I tried to remain calm when a chipmunk ran under my nose and I accidentally hurt Mom's arm pulling so hard on the leash. And I didn't mean to dig inside the house twice this year. Oh and I had that accident and threw up when the fireworks went off during a thunderstorm. That was me being scared. Finally, Don't believe Juneau Cat's stories about me. He tries to get me in trouble a lot. I sure hope I get my special biscuit again this year. Maybe you could bring me a pig ear too. I love those!

Love and Woofs, FredDog

P.S. I didn't pull any drapes down this year- I think that should count for something!
Dear Terry, I was good today. Dad was having a bad day. I can always tell when his head hurts. I help him out. I lick his head right where I know it will hurt even before he knows! I can just tell the right spot. Dad and me laid down and he took a big nap. He sure does snore. That's ok I can still hear things, so I keep watch while he sleeps and gets better. He lets me under the covers too. Sometimes I pull all the covers over on me and he laughs and pulls the covers back! I like when Dad laughs because then I know he doesn't hurt so much. I do other things for Dad too. Like I help him find things he's lost. He forgets things a lot since the big scary night.  I'm not so good at finding the phone but I'm really good at finding food! Love Fred!  P.S Mom says it's gonna snow tonight! I'm already keeping watch out for the snow!! I'll wake her up once it starts!
Dear Terry, Today Dad said was a Bad Fred Day. But I have a reason. Mom left the house and Dad was messing with the tree again. I was bored. Yesterday I played and played in the snow and barked at the deer in the yard. But today, no Mom. Nothing to do. So I thought HMMMM wonder what I can do??? I tried to play with Spot but that wasn't fun. I looked for hidden treats but didn't find any. I tried to talk to Penny Cat but she was asleep. Did I mention NO MOM??? So I went into the kitchen to see what I could find to do. Sniffed the garbage. I'm not allowed in the garbage so I left that alone. The door outside was closed so no going out to the deck to play. Oh but then I saw that rip in the carpet I had made looking for a mouse a long time ago. I wondered if Mr. Mouse was back, so I started to dig. Next thing i know, Dad yelled FREDDDDD.  Wonder how long Dad was standing there??? I kindof forgot NO DIGGING in the house. I ran and got my pal Spot and laid down in my bed. Mom finally got home and Dad told her how bad I was. Mom said GEEZ I was only gone 30 minutes! I think it was much longer but I cant tell time.I didn't even get snibbles of food off the dinner plates. Guess digging was a bad idea.
Dear Terry, this morning the furnace guy came. Mom says that's the heat machine. He was in the basement. I kept barking to let Mom know HEY there's someone in the house!!!! I listened to everything. I went right to the vent where I could hear him best and barked and barked. Someone had to let him know this was OUR house! I could hear Dad talking to him. I wasn't allowed in the basement even though Dad was there. Mom said it's ok he's just giving the furnace a tune up. I don't know what that is but I kept the house safe. I ran to the window when he left to make sure he was gone. He looked nice. Guess maybe I should have wagged more and barked a little less as the saying goes. But that's what I do, I keep the house safe. The cats don't make any sounds when things go on so I have to make up for it! Love and Woofs, FredDog.

Terry !! It's really cold outside! Mom said I had to wear my coat outside but I said NO WAY let's go out! BRRRRR. My feet got stuck to the driveway. Don't worry though Mom was right there and knew how to warm my feet up so they weren't stuck. The wind was so strong it blew my ears up! I had to keep picking my feet up really high so they wouldn't stick to the driveway. I dragged Mom back inside! It was too cold! Maybe next time I will wear my coat. Mom put me right under my blanket and warmed my ears and feet up in her hands. It's the best blanket, it's red and it's mine. I keep it on my bed. I'm all warmed up now!
Dear Terry, Guess WHAT??? Today is Chili Making Day! That means lots of hamburger! I like hamburger. Dad is making a double batch. Mom says I'm not allowed to have beans again because things got awfully stinky last time. I like beans though and I bet Dad will give me some anyways when Mom isn't looking. I like when Dad makes stuff because things go all over the place and I get to clean up anything on the floor! Almost as good as snitching out of the leftover machine when Mom is putting the dishes in it. I don't know why she does that , I can clean a dish off better then anyone I know!
Dear Terry, oh my gosh I can't stand it! Dad is putting the Christmas tree up. I've been trying to help. First I ran in circles around it. Then I inspected all the branches for Dad. This is the first time I've been allowed to help with the tree. It's not the kindof tree in the woods though so no peeing on it! - even if that Juneau Cat says mom would like that. Sometimes he tries to get me in trouble. It's the inside kindof tree. The kind Santa likes with lots of sparkly lights on it. Santa leaves me a biscuit every year! How nice is that!? Last year I ate some of the treats that Santa left for the cats. Tuna not as good as my milk bone biscuit but still a tasty treat!
Terry!!!! It's SNOWING!!! what crazy good excitement that is!!! Mom says we can go out and play in it later on. Dad ran the vacuum cleaner. Juneau Cat calls it the Dog Eliminator.
I ran and ran and barked and barked. This time Juneau Cat told me it would eat me alive and all that would be left is my bark!!! He's old as dirt so I believe him. Mom always says don't believe everything the cats tell me but I think she might be wrong on this.
Dear Terry, Mom says I almost have my trick of waving bye byes down pat! I did it right last night and I got so excited and Mom got so excited, I peed a little. Good thing dad was half asleep and didn't see that part! Mom says maybe let's not get so excited when we practice again. What a fun time we had! I've been working hard to earn those bacon treats!

Dear Terry, Guess what???! Mom and me were at the nature park and I growled and howled at the deer. And I made some new friends with some ladies digging in the gardens. I'm not allowed to dig so it was fun to watch them. And they took my picture. AND they said they were going to put on the parks facebook page. Mom knows what that is. The ladies were great! I got lots of loves and kisses. They made me think of you!
This is me, FredDog! I started writing letters to my friend Terry not too long ago because she was down in the dumps. Mom said i have too much to say for a letter so she made this blog for me. She does the typing. I can't type yet. Mom and Dad got me at the shelter a few years ago. I didn't like it much there. The other dogs were all so big. I'm one foot three by the way. So when they came to visit I pretended to like cats, was calm and sat on Dad's foot. The shelter helper ladies were so excited I got adopted that they gave me a bandanna and a new leash. Mom and Dad didn't even have a leash with them! They had to pick me up and put me in the car cause i had no idea how to get in! I tell Terry and her family all kinds of things that happen around here to make them smile and laugh. I'm going to start all my letters Dear Terry but you can read them too.